Wrongly Accused of Child Molestation, Tonya Craft Speaks Out – Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

Wrongly Accused of Child Molestation, Tonya Craft Speaks Out – Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

Indicted on 22 counts of child molestation and put on trial. Now exonerated, Tonya Craft speaks out.

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41 thoughts on “Wrongly Accused of Child Molestation, Tonya Craft Speaks Out – Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

  1. Those who made the false accusations should go to jail for the same terms their victims would have gotten. There needs to be harsher punishment for people who make false allegations. Looks at you, Amber Turd!

  2. 6:11 … Retard prosecutor asked her to confirm she wears thong underwear. That’s a total cheap shot and a character defamation attempt for a jury. Thongs were in style at the time.

  3. So anyone can just accuse anyone of molestation, then make up a list of crimes and the accused must just suck it up ??? The law needs to punish accusers who tell blatant lies – mandatory life sentence. That would make them think twice!

  4. The prosecutor is so irritating. The weird way he phrased questions comes off like he thought he was being clever and like he really thought he’d trip her up 🙄

  5. Poor girl, this happens to men by multi millions and theres no coverage like this when its a man wrongfully accused!!!! Men have had enough of this crap!!!.

  6. A guy got caught cheating on his wife with his own brother's very young wife, since before she married at 17 years old.

    The guy didn't care that he got caught, he only wanted to know who told his wife he was cheating.
    The woman lied and said I was the one who told her he was cheating.
    He and his girlfriend / sister-in-law made up a very false story (in revenge against me, a sheriff's detective told me) that I had done something to her boys.

    For some reason, she started to believe their unbelievable story that was entirely made up out of nothing.
    I found out about their slander against me and I immediately went to an attorney to sue all 3 of them for defamation.

    The lawyer led me to believe I had hired her and they told me to send her an email regarding the case.
    So I did.

    They broke into my email account and deleted that email and other emails I had sent to friends about their defamation against me. They even broke into my friend's email accounts and deleted those emails to them.

    I did not know that the lawyer I contacted, her assistant was the wife of an attorney who ripped me off of $500 (in a workman's comp case! He was not supposed to get any money from me!) and he disappeared, not intending to do anything else on my case.

    He was made by the state bar to pay me back. He list his license for a year and he was made to successfully complete a drug rehab program before he could get his license back.

    At that time, his wife had called me on the phone and blocked her number, then she threatened to kill me and get revenge. The phone number of her attorney husband showed up as the phone number used to make that call, when I received my phone bill.

    Six years later, they had their chance for revenge so now there were six people trying to destroy my life.
    I ditched the suit and even left the area because of death threats they caused.

    The accuser (soon after) then attempted to murder her husband for cheating on her with his own sister-in-law and with crack whores they had brought into their home to try to help them…

    She falsely accused her father-in-law of raping her 4 year old middle son just to get revenge for him trying to get her 3 boys from her after she tried to murder his son… And she had the same group of asshole lawyers who she tried to get to murder me to go and murder my dad when he went there (from 4 states away from his home) to investigate her lies against me and their death threats against me.

    She got kicked out of her church for telling the cops when they arrived the night that she tried to murder her husband that she was being held captive in a "repressive cult" in order to escape charges of battery and assault against her husband.

    Her mom showed up after hearing the boys screaming from across the street from her house and she was the one who called the police on her own daughter. She told me, "There was a lot of blood and it was all his."

    Her former pastor kicked her and her husband out of their church for telling that horrible lie to the police to evade punishment.

    She took off, homeless, with her 3 boys, and was taken in by a black personal trainer and bodybuilder in Springfield, Ohio. She used her computer to stalk her former pastor who had kicked her out of his church.

    She got revenge against her former pastor by having him named "The Most Racist Pastor In America."

    The bodybuilder personal trainer realized what a psychonut he had in his house, and he put her and her boys into his car as kindly as he could and moved her as far away from his house as possible… north of Austin Texas to be with her internet atheist buddies.

    Who, they all got in a white car and stalked me at my last government contract before I retired, 100 miles away from Austin. I immediately called my brother (her uncle) and said "If I see her one more time out here, she's going to prison."

    He passed the message on to her dad, and her dad told her to move away from me as quickly as possible before she ended up in prison.

    The atheists said she didn't fit in with them anyway, because she hated God. They just didn't believe that God existed. So, they confirmed that it was time for her to go.

    So she moved all the way to Suffolk Virginia to move in with a Charles Manson Lookalike, who, you can't make this up, fronts a satanist grunge noise screaming non-music group called "Dark Psychotica."

    She immediately made up a story about employees of the dollar store she got a job at, accusing them of trying to rape her 300 pound body… To try to get a lawsuit started. It backfired.

    She boohooed to the wrong psychologist who immediately locked her up in a rubber room for a week or two when she cried "suicide."

    How do I know about much of this? My family. And I also have to be in contact with law enforcement and look online to be certain she is not coming my way to stalk me again.

    This nut got two different certificates at the YWCA, a 2 day "Life Coach" cert and a 2 day "Health Coach" cert, and claimed on the internet that she "had 2 degrees and was working on a third."

    The third degree turned out to be a little baking certificate that she lied and told a reporter it was an actual degree from an actual university, and without checking the story they were fed by her, they printed the fabricated story.

    As long as she stays on that side of the world I don't give two sh!ts. If she ever comes my way, there will be some phone calls to family and law enforcement andy current lawyers.

    Their lies against me certainly did causee big problems and they still do, 10 years later. Life will never be the same for me and my wife. So if anybody thinks that lies against you in revenge for something you didn't do are just a little bump in the road that will pass with little consequence, think again.

    I was almost murdered. My dad, a retired engineer for the federal government, who retired out of Washington DC, he WAS murdered. That group shot him in the head and nobody is in prison.

    The last thing my dad told my sister before that trip was "if something happens to me, remember, it is absolutely not suicide."

    I literally had to retire outside of the United States to stop the harassment. And my niece and her husband still harass me even here where I live.

    There's nothing like satan spawn to keep your life interesting.

  7. Seriously what kind of underwear this lady wears should have never been asked. I'm glad the prosecution showed their ignorance by asking it. All that matters is her conduct in the classroom and with children.

  8. Can you EVEN begin to process the pure evil in that absolute trash Sandra's heart to deliberately put these girls through something like this because of her uncontrollable emotions and her vindictive, spiteful and unbelievably hateful heart. My God what a wretched bitch!

  9. Never give up hope and stay cool headed lads and lasses most "case's" like all share a common problem zero fucking evidence it's he said she said shit get a lawyer and think as hard as you can about every detail, lying ass fuckers hate having to keep their story straight, wait for them to fuck up they're own story it's inevitable.

  10. With all the advances in dealing with children witnesses, how do these dummies…police, psychologists continue to fuck up by suggesting and encouraging the kids to saY what the adults want to hear?

  11. Glad to see Tonya became a lawyer, her success is shared by so many that feel her abuse at the hands of authorities. I would like to hear Nancy Grace's take on this. Steve Griffin and his older brother by a year Keith who I knew from the 5th grade and died during her relationship who was the fastest in school led to her being an Attorney. Our lives all cross for a reason.

  12. What an awful position to put that mother and those three children in… The false accusers, and any others who held a position with a shred of power, have scarred those children beyond belief and all ought to be ashamed of themselves.

  13. Sandra Lamb, if you look at her body language and eye movement, is saying things that never happened and even making stuff up while in the courtroom, how did they just let random people give evidence that is obviously made-up story.

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