How many times have we heard an inmate say they’re innocent, that they’ve got the wrong guy? In the case of Norman McIntosh, he said that for nearly 15 years, until finally finding himself in an agonizing race against time to prove his innocence before his ailing father died.
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So sad noone can give u bk tht time
In tht yrs u could HV had a career going …
He still missed out on 10 years with his dad and watching his son grow up!!!
Amazing! He right…he dad held on until his son was set free.
The judicial system is infuriating!!!
I’m just so confused. It’s so much more work to convict the wrong person. Then you’ve got that on your conscience AND have to worry about the goddamn truth coming out. Why. Why lie lmfao. It’s too much work to be that stupid.
When will the people who ruined Mr. McIntosh's life be made to pay?
I hope the cops the falsely accused this man get prosecuted
So happy Norman was exonerated !!
These so called proprietor's of justice whether it be cops investigators or the state employees get it wrong all the time. It's not about truth to them it's about making someone pay whether they are guilty or innocent, it's about winning to them. Even years later in some cases the refuse to admit they are wrong it's all about ego with these people!
it's stories like this that make me wonder how many other people are sitting in prison right now for crimes they didn't commit. just sad
Good story. Now give us some Hansen Vs Predator !
Lock those corrupt cops up for life: don't they realise they are committing virtual murder with these coerced convictions?
Whoever coerced witnesses should now be charged and thrown into prison. Justice hasn't been served yet. Whoever fixed that case stole 10 years from that man. It should be reciprocated.
Im triggered i hope he lives 10 years longer than most people
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hell yeah first comment ! but anyway. i feel so bad for that dude i hope they got time to catch up