WV State Police VIDEO leads to Indictment, then… – Everything Law and Order Blog

WV State Police VIDEO of an arrest following a high speed chase leads to a Federal Indictment of a state trooper, then the case goes to trial, and this happens…..



36 thoughts on “WV State Police VIDEO leads to Indictment, then…”
  1. I was broke down on Rt 50 headed East around the year 2002 in the median no less. I got passed by 10 State, County and Clarksburg police cars! Finally a County car pulled up and ask Me if I needed help. It was a Berkley County Deputy going to a Court appearance I think He said. I sent the Berkley County Sheriff a letter stating what a good man He was! They are All not bad, but that 25% of them that are should be held accountable! Great Video as always!

  2. Protect and serve, not extract and beat. This teen was just in a car accident and u rip him outta the car and beat him like he was a escaped felon, he is still a kid, u wv police sicken me and im willing to bet all the people that watch these videos

  3. With this ruling by this idiot judge if extended to a Amber alert and the dissemination of information to the public and from making "extra-judicial" statements that will have a very large likelihood of heightening public condemnation of he accused…"? How does that work? Doesn't the public and the press have the constitutional right to know of criminal behavior in their neighborhood, and if known, who it is that is doing it? Like I said, if extended to, lets say, a known man abducts a 8 year old female and disappears with this minor who is not a relative (like that makes a difference)? Not allowed to make statements that would help in the recovery of said minor? Is the judge to say the accused right of anonymity is higher then the minor's right to not be abducted? To be found, hopefully unharmed? This Judge sure has a warped sense of who's right is of higher concern? When a person commits a criminal act his "rights" should be balanced with the concern that his continued behavior and anonymity only furthers his abilities to continue his criminal behavior to this minor. The judge made a faulty decision based on inept reasoning of only one person, and not the victim, both present and possible future victims, of that said person.

  4. The impression I get from this is that the court basicall gives the police the right to assault or use excessive force aginst anyone. Does this also give them a license to kill?

  5. in terms of law, why would attorneys' and or judges refer to defendant`s intent, and or form opinions to other people's intent, When neither a opinion or intention is "actual fact", in this case a fact is being covered by a perceived intention, by someone who weren't even precent during this interaction, how can the perceived intention, (non-fact), be used to cover a fact? a judge is a statute of the law, in other words the actual writing on the papers, and if not, as it appears to be the case here, they should be reported, investigated and removed from the bench, as they are becoming as false as a criminal they protect.

  6. I can tell from watching the old videos of yours you have started getting more outraged about the tyrants and are focusing more attention on what is right when thinking about common sense I’m discussed by what this country has become

  7. I have to totally disagree with you on this John. That video shows that young man being brutalized by four cops. I don’t care if anybody came out ahead of time and poisoned the well, so to speak. Do you know who really poisoned the well? The cops who beat the crap out of that young man. That judge is a disgrace. She saw the video. She should not be on the bench, she is completely biased.

  8. So sickening to hear a not guilty it just leads me to have even less faith in our country, system of Justice, and those with power against those without it. Dark day in terms of Justice.

  9. The thin blue line is definitely drawn with a thick crayon. Disgusting Judicial behavior. She does not belong on the bench. Sorry- this decision is based on the police officer defendant. Had it been anyone else it would be doubtful this same NG verdict would happen.

  10. If the cops release video and try their case before the media and prejudice a jury pool that will be publics right to know. If it's a cop in trouble keep that video under lock and key as long as possible.

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