Year in Review: The Civil Rights Lawyer in 2020 – FIS Live No. 37 – Everything Law and Order Blog

#CivilRightsLawyer #PoliceVideos #YouTubeLawyer 2020 just happened to be my first year on Youtube as The Civil Rights Lawyer. What did we learn? What didn’t we learn?


41 thoughts on “Year in Review: The Civil Rights Lawyer in 2020 – FIS Live No. 37”
    IF, Infractions Identified, Complaints Reported, Accused and Found Guilty

  2. Two years later and things have only gotton worst, were do we start and go from here. We are losing our freedom right before our eyes and we as a whole American citizens regardless if race and save Our America.

  3. Thank you for lawyers like you that help protect citizen’s rights. Wish you the best in 2021. We the people have allowed the media and boots lickers created and brainwashed American people to feared a semi-automatic riffle because the way it look as “assault riffles”. “Assault” is an action and yet you labeled an object that it assault someone by the way it looks. I don’t own an AR. But I will not be so self centered and arrogant to take millions of AR from law abiding citizens to protect themselves or hunt because I’m afraid to step out my door.

  4. trump didn't tell anyone about COVID until 2020. It was out since 2019. This one man should be voted out. Tell those people to protest the one Man. I am spanish and I have been called a spic by blacks and whites and my own kind because I married out of my race. Racism is all over amongst all races. It's all over the place. Their are people who are in power and will take advantage of their position and impose their own morals on the people.

  5. I remember when I was a kid and I heard that the government was telling farmers they could only grow but so much because of the big corportation was to make a living too. I think that is horrible. They have made some horrible laws and took those poor farmers livelyhood and cut it in half or more. Nah it was for those big corportation that are doing those canned veggies and selling their meats from some company that's killing cows by the minute and can have machines to cut the meats. This country is really made it hard for the poor farmers. Farmers need to protest. We should be able to have farmers. We in Washington still have farmers markets.

  6. YouTube is censoring now. The day after the insurrection my account was suspended, I sent an email requesting why and I got another email not in response to mine but I think it is a standard letter stating they made an error and I can go back to youtube. I say a lot but I try to be cordial and mind my manners but some of this is so outrageous it's hard to hold in my anger.

  7. I think a landlord has to send a notice to the apartment renter several days notice to pay and after that several days notice to vacate but that has nothing to do with DEA. That is b.s. This has got to be stopped they are totally invading people privacty and those doing it claim all sorts of secrecy and privacy. How would they like it if someone whistle blowed on all their invasions of people's civil right. That would be equivalent to what they are doing to the innocent citizens. No better than a thief in the night.

  8. When a person is affecting his first amendment to take videos of a policeman in the process of stopping and checking a driver ,he is allowed a certain number of feet ,example 10 to 20 I think feet that is. Now if the Cop body forces him backwards and the person refuses to move ,and the cop pushes him backwards does the person ,the videographer ,have any rights to sue the cop in civil court? Or can he defend himself?

  9. "COPINAL":
    Cop+criminal: "A cop pretending to follow the law", "A bent cop", "A cop who
    thinks he is above the law: "One law for them another for the public".
    "A criminally minded police officer who is hounding, bothering, pestering,
    criminalizing, bullying, accusing, abusing and such the innocent, law abiding
    public and the other police officers (Hyenas) who back him up and are complicit
    in his copinaling (say nothing and do nothing to stop it)".
    "Hounding law abiding people like a gang of bully boys".
    "A police officer engaged in unlawful activity against the innocent public".

    "COPINAL": Cop+criminal=
    ("SECUNALS" for ´security guards´)
    A ´Copinal´ (cop+criminal: ´a bent cop´) is:
    1. ´A bent cop who makes up his own laws and rules and is prone
    to violence when you, the LAW ABIDING CIVILIAN shows resistance
    to his unlawful and unreasonable commands and unlawful demands´.
    A ´Copinal´ is:
    2. ´A criminal police officer with a badge and a gun and no honour´
    (A liar and an oath-breaker is not honourable, police are allowed to lie).
    A ´Copinal´ is:
    3. ´A bent police officer, not only bent but one who is also uppity, in
    other words a lousy servant, a tyrant.
    A ´Copinal´ is:
    4. ´A police officer who is ready to do you the LAW ABIDING CIVILIAN
    violence ´just because he feels like it´.
    A ´Copinal´ is:
    5. A police officer who meddles in YOUR LAWFUL BUSINESS AND
    LAWFUL DAILY ACTIVITIES (a ´Copinal´ busy-body).
    A ´Copinal´ is:
    6. ´A wive beater who takes his frustration and anger out on the public.
    He knows there are limits to how many times he can assault and
    batter his own wive and his kids in a week´s time, so he
    takes his sadism out on the innocent public to get "relief"´.
    A ´Copinal´ is:
    7. ´A cowardly weasel/hyena who hides behind a badge a gun and
    his buddies and has learned just enough self-defense tactics in the
    police academy to do harm to the innocent public which he loathes
    and which he blames for his own cowardliness and lack of manhood´.

    "COPINAL" can mean ´PSYCHO´ (cop), ´UPPITY´ (cop), ´TYRANT´,
    ´CROOKED´, ´SADIST´, ´GASLIGHTER´, ´LIAR´ and much more.

  10. The work you do is extremely important but sharing your insights and teaching us what you spent years learning to help the “ cause “ is above and beyond and that’s Great you’re Awesome ! 🙏🏼🇺🇸

  11. ..The thin blue balls are a violent criminal organization that do not work for the citizens but do indeed work for Satans Asshole "Government and Big Corporations" They are allowed to rape take and murder anyone they choose all for revenue and to fill up private prisons. Again for money. There's no such thing as a good blue ball…

  12. Trump loves his cops and the cops love him. Trump supports red flag laws and publicly said, “ take the guns first and deal with due process later. I voted for the Libertarian for president this past election.
    Kids are being turned into socialists by the public school system which is ran by liberals. Trump has done nothing to address this problem.
    I voted for Trump in 2016 because I thought people would go to jail but, we did not see the justice served against tyrannical politicians. Too many have made Trump out to be a hero. He was good for the economy and total crap at everything else.

  13. As far as these tyrant governors attack on bars,restaurants, and hair cuts in general is there any proof of these businesses spreading the scamdemic ? NO and confirmed cases, lmao , how exactly are they confirmed when they don't even have a test to detect this Corona 🤔 deadly 🤣 a quarter percent is all it takes to shut down the world, wtf !

  14. I have a couple questions that I need answered.

    1. Is there any scenario in which a police chief or County Attorney have the authority to violate a citizens Federally protected right to enjoy their private property by denying the property owner a trespass against a neighbor who is intentionally invading and causing the property owner serious injury?

    2. Is there any scenario in which a US Attorney can use attorney discretion not to prosecute corrupt State and local officials "no matter what the evidence proves" is in violation of a citizens Federally protected rights?

    Here is the evidence presented in an unprofessionally assembled slide show format. I recognize this is not visible to read on a phone. You must have a laptop or a desktop computer. I am an upholsterer by trade

     I have no computer program skills. I have hard copy documented evidence that all Government authorities have refused to review.

    Here is my attempt to present my case in a legal written format.

    This has been a brutal, malicious, intentional assault against my person and my property. When I was forced to flee to escape the chemical attack, in an attempt to dave my life I was blind and homeless the following 4 years. I will need medical treatment the rest of my life

     According to my Dr. because I was exposed for such an extended period if time.

     I can find no case similar to the intentional abuse I suffered at the hands of my government. I find many cases in which the courts order non conforming structures to be removed and the lot returned to the existing status.

  15. Sometimes, if the system fails to discipline a bad Nazi Gestapo cop then actions by the people to remove him from the area must be taken. It is not that hard to make it so uncomfortable to live and work in that community he will quit on his own.

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