“You were at the Gas Station an Abnormal Amount of Time” | Karen Cop Detains Couple 90 MINUTES! – Everything Law and Order Blog

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47 thoughts on ““You were at the Gas Station an Abnormal Amount of Time” | Karen Cop Detains Couple 90 MINUTES!”
  1. Got injured in an accident? You could be one click away from a claim worth millions. You can start your claim now with Morgan & Morgan at https://ForThePeople.com/TheCivilRightsLawyer without leaving your couch. Remember, it's free unless you win.
    DETAILS/Links: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2024/09/06/you-were-at-the-gas-station-an-abnormal-amount-of-time-karen-cop-detains-couple-90-minutes/
    Teton County IDAHO Sheriff's Office: https://www.tetoncountysheriff.com/contact_tcso/index.php
    Teton County Sheriff's Office Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/teton.sheriff
    East Idaho CopWatch: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1545439226302942

  2. Since there is no slavery in America, people do not have a perfect and absolute obligation to protect public servants without compensation. If police feel unsafe at work get another job or call for back up.

    Maybe, people could ask the nice Officer, “do you feel unsafe, would you like me to get out of my car?”

  3. Obviously the county prosecutor is a big part of the problem. You can't have a corrupt police department without a corrupt DA to back them up. The fact that the DA is moving forward with the charges is pretty clear evidence of that.

  4. I drive a Blacked out Hummer H2. Every time I drive through a certain town I get pulled over for a bogus reason. The cop last time asked…..Where are the drugs 😂! I think they want you to act a fool so they can arrest you. I say search my car I have nothing…..congratulations on wasting everyone’s time.

  5. The only profession in the world you can be wrong very day and still keep your job.
    The only profession in the world you be wrong every day and get awarded for it.
    Welcome to the world of police officers 😑..

  6. There is nothing these people can do. Are they supposed to go to the cops to file charges against the cop? This whole situation happens everywhere in America every day in some way, shape or form and it needs to stop. There needs to be a place to go to report the police for crimes committed against citizens for abuse of power. Not just go to your local politician, it’s not enough.

  7. Sometimes after getting the gas and buying a drink and snack, cleaning a couple of my windows, I've spent 45 min just relaxing taking care of my business. No rush. I didn't know there was a normal amount of time to spend and that i would speak to cops If a stayed too long. Better watch your backs out there

  8. Its time for lawsuits that r won to b taken out of these tyrant's paychecks their pension funds not from tax payers. This gross misconception of ppls rights by these cops that say i dont care, i know the law, needs to b held accountable, suspicious activity is not a crime. They need to go back to and b retrained, there r 2 supervisor cops there, a Sargent, a corporal, and how they got those titles from doing this is appalling.

  9. Haha of course….The female officer sounded like a teenager that had absolutely no clue how the justice system/laws worked in any way….but she’s detective material? Suuuuuuure. She must be a dept favorite or something along those lines, to get that position.

  10. I worked as a dispatcher in Oregon and moved to Idaho for more conservative values… EVERY Idaho cop I have witnessed DOES NOT UNDERSTAND CIVIL RIGHTS. Makes me miss Oregon for the fact they were educated on our constitutional freedoms.

  11. Can you explain the safety for the officer, thing, further?. As a Paramedic, I often have officers put psychiatric patients in my ambulance and there has been a recent trend of them NOT searching the patient or their belongings prior to putting them in my ambulance. I am NOT a mandated public safety officer, and am unarmed. More than once, now, we are getting drugs, weapons, and other things that can hurt me because the officers are not making these patients safe for me to transport. How do these officers make the patient safe? And what liability do the officers have for NOT transporting patients that have questionable safety and putting the risk on private service EMS personnel?

  12. Wow! Cop Karen and her partner Skinny Jeans are literally harassing citizens for living their life. And what is so funny???
    I will NEVER BLINDLY back the blue, they are bullies with guns.

  13. I genuinely would like to know. Are law enforcement agencies hiring officers that are this stupid on purpose? Does their training just make them dumber? Detained for being at a gas station for "too long"????? That's ridiculously arbitrary and something that I'd expect the Gestapo to act on, but not a law enforcement officer in the USA.

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