Young mother of 2 vanishes after filing restraining order against boyfriend – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of Crime Watch Daily Updates: Christine Mustafa was a doting mother of two who never missed a day of work. So when she failed to show up to her job one day and didn’t answer any calls, friends and family immediately grew concerned.

Christine lived in Arizona and had a tumultuous relationship with Robert Interval, her boyfriend, and the father of her youngest daughter. Before she went missing, Christine had plans to break up with Robert and obtain a protective order against him.

But she would never be able to do that.

Christine disappeared May 11, 2017, and suspicion immediately turned to Robert. He started selling some of Christine’s personal belongings — including her car — and police found blood evidence in her home. He also bought several mattress covers and was reportedly seen near a trash facility around the time she vanished.

Investigators searched a local landfill for 12 weeks but came up empty-handed. Her body still has not been found.

Police arrested and charged Robert in June 2017 after finding what appeared to be evidence of foul play inside their Phoenix residence. In April 2019, a jury convicted him of second-degree murder, but acquitted him of first-degree murder. In June 2019, a judge sentenced him to 25 years in prison.

Let’s look back at the sad story of a loving mother whose disappearance and presumed death still is in need of answers.


34 thoughts on “Young mother of 2 vanishes after filing restraining order against boyfriend”
  1. And as for walking to work-I walked 7 miles to work and 7 miles home again everyday. My kids suffered because I had to work and support them. I get so tired of people saying that they lived too far away to work. I believe like Lka'ird-quit telling people you are going to leave or want a divorce.

  2. Indicating you are leaving your abuser is like putting out fire with Gasoline. Just leave in Secret and tell no one where you are living except close family and your attorney. Get a gun and learn how to use it..

  3. Women ain't WOMEN anymore. Women like our great grandparents generation is gone friends. Todays women ain't cut from that cloth. Yes there's AMAZING women out there but after u look through 20 nasty slutty disgusting despicable let down worthless ect ect…..

  4. There is cause to arrest him if he's selling her things. Why wasn't he arrested???! He's in HER house, he's not on any papers giving him a right to be there, right?? Police dragged their feet…..doesn't matter no body, yet. Cause for an arrest, get him out of the house, and do forensics…..wth. If you are a single mother with a child, use birth control, and do NOT let another male in your home. What are you thinking??!! Same with the piece of crap "boyfriend", these men need to use condoms, the idiots. You are messing with children you're bringing into the world.

  5. definitely sus when a mother disappears and leaves her kids behind, except my brother's ex girlfriend. She leaves all her 4 kids between the age of 6 and 13 alone all the time, even overnight, to go party with friends and whatever boyfriend she has that week. If she went missing no one could ever say "she would never leave her kids behind".

  6. When he murdered the children's mother while the kids were present as he's been convicted of. The Social Childrens Services took one of the children before he the killer was sentenced as the child was in unsafe conditions. He lost rights to the child when he murdered the mother, she didn't abandon the children, he made that decision. He should not be permitted to decide where the child goes. Why traumatize them further by separating them. They need to be kept together as siblings. The twin sister of the woman murdered should be given custody of them. How did he consider their welfare?

  7. This is just saddening,my mom was with a guy when i was 9 he was a big guy to like 340 pounds my mom being maybe 110 soak and wet and he used to abuse her all the time my mom would have him put in jail every time he hit her,1 day we came home from school and my grandmother was there to pick us up and the police was there and i thought he had killed her i was screaming and yelling omg omg he killed her didn't he and my grandmother said no no no shes just missing and he had kidnapped her and handcuffed her up at were ever he had her at and 1 day he left to go make money and my mom escaped and ran to the nearest phone and called the cops then called my grandmother my mom was gone for 6mnths they found her BF at the time and he was put in prison for life.

  8. How can a narcissist be given custody over his children knowing he murdered his wife but just can’t prove… So where is common sense in our laws? Have they been changed so much now, so politically correct now that human monsters can now roam free as well as be allowed to bring up children in his mindset, in his narcissist views.
    Where are the peoples morals, values and better judgement rules for prevention and better outcomes for the children of our future ??

  9. I pray her twin sister gets custody of her baby niece. She's already raising her teenage niece; the court should take that into consideration and keep the girls together. But instead the law is on his side? He murdered the baby's mother? He shouldn't have any rights whatsoever! This tragedy really got me! I can't stand to look at his ugly face – a prior model? Please ladies never go on Craigslist. May she RestInParadise

  10. I dont like this guys looks..I've met a couple of guys that has his same look..these guys were men that friends of mine one friends bf of 3 yrs and a kid later we found out he was a monster..another of my friends brought a guy around that had that same look they coulda been twins identical or I had told her I did not like his looks..[sorry] but I said I wanna smack him as soon as to look at him..yuk..very soon she said she didnt like signs he was showing so she just let him be..they dated like 2 weeks and he DID NOT LIKE THE IDEA..he stalked her..he kept calling her..finally she called cops and he did stay away..but even tho he didnt make contact with her..she would ryn into him frequently at places he knew she would go..gro store..spin class..alot just at corner store where she bought her ecigs..soda..bread and such..finally the store owner forbid him to come there..eventually he faded away..but only 2 weeks of dating..and like 3 months of stalking shew..gone..there was 1 more but I think u get the idea..but all 3 had this same look..these are men that ONLY A MOTHER COULD LOVE!!! lol..I hope this guy fries..

  11. I dont understand why he has rights over their child when he is the one charged with her murder and why wouldnt a judge put the baby with her family as her other daughter is there and both siblings should be together as they should be, even his family should want whats best for the baby and not seperate her from her sister who she was always with, so sad for these children without a mother because of this monster, he has already caused so much heartache for these children so just put them together and do not give him any rights over that

  12. Parents need to raise children to know that they don't own anyone. If someone says No, no matter how much you care about them, you have to accept that. The person who is right for you won't say No. Also, if you want to be loved and respected, you must care about and respect others.

  13. If they suspect the father of committing this horrendous crime, then why are they keeping that baby in protective custody? If the father is behind bars serving 25 years? Who are they protecting the baby from then? So why is a baby in protective custody still

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