Utah woman Ruby Franke, and her alleged accomplice Jodi Hildebrandt, were both charged with six counts of felony child abuse after the YouTube mom’s 12-year-old emaciated son escaped Hildebrandt’s home with open wounds and duct tape on his wrists on August 30. The Law&Crime Network’s Angenette Levy discusses the disturbing case with Franke’s cousin, who says the child abuse case is “bigger than people know.” Franke’s cousin, who is using the alias “Sally,” asked to remain anonymous with her face blurred and voice distorted. Read more on this story: https://bit.ly/45Z008Q
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Read more on this story: https://bit.ly/45Z008Q
The tears in his voice is heart breaking.
I don't think I believe this person. It would not surprise me if this person was planted for Ruby's benefit as to blame the family tree for her behavior! This would not surprise me
Don’t be doing this to eve”s stuff anymore it’s just not the way to do things to her things anymore it’s just that she’s been upset with you for cutting her own stuffed animal beanie boo
they should make a documentary on this
Savage mom 😢
I had no doubt Ruby was abused as a child. However, this is no excuse. I was abused as a child too and vowed that I would never treat my kids the same way I was treated.
Ruby was abused by her own mother as a child . She was the maid /slave and her mother was very hard on Ruby . Ruby was so afraid of her mother ( sweet grandma Griffiths ) that she developed a bad head twitch and excessive eye blinking . Her parents and family for generations were all about mormon upbringing and withholding food and taking away a bed was very common punishments in the mormon religion. Ellie is an abuser to her boys as well , but probably very aware of her actions now after Ruby being found out . All Ruby's sisters have abusive ways with raising their kids …they are all a bit strange .
I'm sorry this relative and her siblings went through child abuse. It leaves hidden scars all of your life.
I believe Ruby Franke is a psychopath and is a threat to society. She needs to remain in prison for at least 30 years.
The women in the big house are standing in line for her arrival. KIDS ARE OFF LIMITS!
CA is an adult CHOICE.
I made a choice NOT to be the way I was raised.
FBI should look into child abuse within that church.
She should never see her children again, and Kevin, just like her, I hope the system does not fall those poor kids.
Both parents were abusive.
Angenette Levy is a HORRIBLE INTERVIEWER! Many times, she pushed Sally beyond what was comfortable for me and I am not in Sallys position or have her hurts that she has! I would have walked off the interview.
Religions promote corporal punishment. Its very primitive culture. Abusers don't need a reason, but they'll always say there's a reason. Sometimes, a surving victim could buy into primitive religious remedies toward the next generations in response to a history of abuse by parents with character disorders. Psychopaths & Narcissists won't know how to comprehend or implement matters of faith; that is, unless their faith is in a counter church through infiltration, as belongs to many in Christendom, eventually, involving Satanic ritual sacrafices of children (forcibly or through brain washng & murder) marrying them off to Satan.
Kevin and Jodie were mentally and emotionally abusing the children before Jodie. When the police asked Kevin how he disaplined the children, he refused to answer. He know how he and Ruby were abusive. So he refused to take responsibility and was a coward. He was more about money and Ruby going to jail. In the cell house phone call between Ruby and Kevin, he said he was committed to Ruby and the divorce was just to get the kids. He is a danger to the children.
Abusive,jody has her blame ,,but her own family is the source of where it all started…
So tired of people blaming it all on Jodi. Ruby was abusive before her. Two of a kind.
I want to hear from Pam and others???
I hope all gets couseling
I think the children have different temperaments, and thus experience different repercussions.
I think this is a relative of the father.
Thanks for the heads-up: I learned–Stay away from the Mormons, Stay away from the Mormon church, And Stay out of Utah!! Thanks!!!!
I wonder if it was also multi generational on Jodi's side of the family too.
Why is anyone surprised that a church founded via human trafficking of young women & girls went on to suppresses generations of women via polygamy & high-demand doctrines produces people like Jodi & Ruby?!? Women are devalued scripturally—their only “use” is to have children. As many & as quickly as possible. Of course these women are more likely to abuse their kids, duh. The Theocracy of Utah must be dismantled. Federal law enforcement is the only hope LDS young people & children have. Which is why the senators from Idaho, Utah & Arizona want to underfund, defund & delegitimize the FBI. They want local Brown Shirts, who are mostly church members, to be the only LE in the Kingdom of Zion. The Kingston Clan & the FLDS are practicing polygamy & abusing children right now. And now. And now. No one with the power to stop it cares.
They paid for that house with the channel 1000% and she like to hang this over their heads , its HE house , Her food , her things ! Just wow
The whole family is jacked up. EVIL….
Stop with this kid-gloving the Mormon Church. Hildebrandt had a steady clientele paid for by the Mormon Church. It is a high-demand cult and the abuse of children, physically, mentally and sexually goes unpunished by law enforcement.
Sadly, I think that in a case like this, because Ruby was so abusive and horrific, everything she said and did is going to be considered abusive and over the top.
Parents today are told no spanking or even time outs. Instead, the emphasis for a long time was natural consequences. It seems like now the emphasis is on talking everything out now.
One of my children went through a brief cutting phase at 3-4 years old. We obviously tried to hide the scissors but with older siblings who liked to do arts and crafts, they’d find a way to snag a pair when they found them. We finally took a stuffy that they didn’t care as much about and cut it up and threw it away to make a point, and it worked. Seeing it seemed to sink in more than talking about why cutting stuff up was bad.
Her parental rights need to be stripped from her. I thought people from the normans were strick with there children but ruby is on a different level, she tortured the two youngest children
Why would YouTube allow Ruby Frankes channel to be part of the YouTube line up it's insane this women was being paid to abuse her children.
Glad both fruitloops are locked up.