Gov. Larry Hogan says a $15 minimum wage in Maryland could cost the state 100,000 jobs, but economists say raising low wages could benefit half a million workers
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Making minimum wage higher just makes business, let more people go and keep only a few people! Business' can't afford to hiring a lot of people anymore because of increasing minimum wage! People will regret a higher minimum wage and they will see why if they don't believe me! This leads to less people working one more thing the DEMOCRAT PARTY WANTS LESS PEOPLE WORKING AND MORE DEPENDING ON THE GOVERNMENT TO HELP THEM!!
Wish the dems would get it. Try video Minimum wage vs Honda Civic. Simple
I strongly support forcing a $15/hr minimum wage.
First off.
It'll motivate companies to finally get off their lazy collective butts and invest heavily in machine automation and artificial intelligence in the workplace. Not to mention streamlining operations and eliminating waste and inefficiency.
As machine labor ultimately contains or even reverses the cost of human labor. It'll lead to lowered prices for goods and services as hyper competition and price wars flare up between Amazon, big box chains and whatever else is left of brick and mortar retail.
It'll lead to stricter hiring standards. Especially as employers are forced to pay more on the wage chain on up. No more hiring incompetent persons on the cheap. Those days are coming to an end.
Employers will once again focus on candidates with years of stable work experience, no felonies or class A misdemeanors. Halfway decent credit. Their own transportation etc.
Problematic and unproductive employees will be purged on'masse. Only to be replaced by better trained, better quality new hires.
As a bonus, we will see the quality of service improve dramatically.
It's interesting that all these "statistics" show no impact on jobs, yet McDonalds in Southern California are now staffed by kiosks. Maybe Del Taco took those workers?
I'm neither pro or against minimum wage. Just an observation from someone who loves in Los Angeles.
Government wouldn't have to raise minimum wage if all the high wage jobs didn't leave the country.
That's right, you're not supposed to be raising a family on minimum wage…but you're also not supposed to exploit minimum wage as a way of running a business! If all you are doing is creating dead-end minimum wage jobs, then you should be forced to pay a "living wage!"
To answer your question a 15 dollar wage would not only help the poor but would also be an economic stimulus.
The main problem for USA is oligopolies. The more competition there is, the more probability of employees asking for a raise and getting it.
Asking for 15 dollars per hour without skills in demand is bad though. We see it now it the food service industry automating their jobs. The cost of employees justify the cost of automation. Having more supply of university graduates also do not help.
The way to look at it (apart from experience that higher minimum wages work) is like this.
A job that can not support a living wage is not worth doing PERIOD
"There is no point in growing cotton if I can't have slaves"
The wage should not be a variable to square the profit equation.
I'd rather see something like people who don't make $32k a year be given a 100% income tax exemption (i.e, don't pay any taxes). That increases their effective take-home-pay without hurting small business. And congress needs to quit giving tax breaks to the rich and the large corporations!
Minimum wage is for minimum skill. If people want to earn $15 an hour, society needs to put some conditions on it. Like a high school degree. Or passing some basic proficiency test. I've seen many people working at jobs where I wouldn't even hire them, much less pay them $15 an hour to do the horrible level of service they display.
Great example, the gas station attendant who can't be bothered to fill the window washing buckets because he's busy taking a smoke break, and can't even put together a full sentence or look you in the eye when you ask him about it. $15 an hour for him? Get real.
Banned lobbyists from congress and senate members ,,Banned lobbyist backdoors deal ,Outlaw lobbyists from congress.. Banned
What isn't mentioned is pushing the national minimum wage higher to say $9 an hour with raises for inflation every year. The national minimum wage currently is extremely low.
Hey conservatives, I thought you believed workers were supposed to be paid based on productivity? Why don't you just make that the law and make it illegal for businesses to commit wage theft? If businesses can afford to pay their employees $15 (which they can, as the evidence shows) then those employees were producing more than $15 an hour to begin with. Force businesses to stop stealing from their employees.
Small businesses should be TIERED! !!! Small business is different. ….it should be done slower for them….they should increase it still….but maybe to 10 or 11…..give small business a couple of years. ……
So let me get this straight. ….if worker's get an increase in pay they will stop purchasing?
If companies can't afford it they shouldn't be in business.
When people earn more they SPEND IT…..when corporations earn more…..THEY PAY OFF OUR REPRESENTATIVES TO GET WELFARE FOR THEMSELVES AND TAX BREAKS. ..
see the difference! ??????
Entry-level jobs are all that's left since boomers aren't retiring because the economy is F***ED UP.
Try this. What ever a $15 an hour wage is left after taxes, raise the minimum wage to that and raise the minimum taxable rate to that. After all, isn't it the government's job to look after the poorest amongst us.
Way to go Maryland. Your Governor is a real wiener. I was beginning to feel a little "Jealous"
We're ending the work week. Part time temp jobs for all.