TRNN revisits the the apocalyptic extreme weather, dire reports, and resistance to climate inaction we saw in 2018. Help us make real climate news in 2019

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By elboriyorker


18 thoughts on “2018: A Year of Climate Devastation and Resistance”
  1. Nice ytd wrap though you forgot AOC, Pelosi, Lee and Khanns didn't attend a roundtable with NASA/Stanford scientists and the current GreenNewDeal is too slow to dodge extinction. An ice free arctic in 2019/2020 changes everything.

  2. The governments are controlled by the elite and so is the weather. Weather modification is not new. They control it.

    Democracies are a lie! We are all living under a communist criminal government led by the banking elite Rothschild. We are awake and know this now. We will form an anarchy to achieve a true people’s democracy. The current yellow vest movement will spread globally and strengthen while we stop paying tax and stop obeying the current government which will inevitably crumble their system. 7 billion humans against a few elite families. Once the police and military finally wake up and notice they are the people protecting this scam, we will take back control of the planet.

  3. And really, thank you all very much for being an indispensable drop of fresh water in the arid space of news which, for real, is at the service of the things "we" are trying to fight and change, David and Goliath kind of dispute. Good festivities to all. Sampa/SP (São Paulo/SP), Brasil (Brazil), 25/12/2018 – 15:58

  4. I don't mean to complain….I tried my best to refrain….But, my soul, it's in pain….And it's infected my brain….I'll do my best to explain….It's just the world, it's insane….It's this hideous culture of mass destruction….Slaves and masters of relentless production….Might makes right, in this orgy of consumption….Take a knee, and turn your head, from the corruption….You'll play the game, or face annihilation….Now just go shopping, don't you mind the devastation….Don't concern yourself, we'll handle the narration….It's all good, now back to your workstation….You can't always expect to see live animals on vacation….Now have some liquid fat, for your crustation….If you don't look, you can hardly notice the damnation….It's far too late, for windmills, solar panels, salvation….Three superstorms, two bloody wars, and the great stagnation….Empty shelves, dead oceans,massive fires, starvation….I understand, you can't recognize, my summation….Propaganda, the culture, indoctrination….This might explain, the pain, in my brain….It's the end of the reign, for champaign, and cocaine….Now I must traverse some terrain, so I may obtain, my sweet, MaryJane….MaryJane, she helps with the pain in my brain…..Happy Holidays…..

  5. You don't mention the one thing that makes climate change an existential threat, which is as temperature goes up, crop yields go down.And crop yields are going down much faster than anticipated, in Europe this year crops yields dropped 30% and globally about 20%, which is twice the rate expected for a 1 degree rise in global average temperature. Enjoy your Christmas dinner folks because we'll be lucky if we see 10 more of them

  6. Wake up people, That's The Lie they tell you. Cabal makes these disasters so they can blame it's to many people on earth and they get government funds for the disasters. CIimate Change is depopulating the people all around the world especially people of color. Thank Kissinger, he lives for this, he should be behind bars years ago, surprise he is still alive.

  7. This is the world this Is humanity where evil nastiness n corruption rules, Most people will Never accept the truth even if the truth hits them on the head they will find millions of excuses to justify their own logic their own agendas to deny the truth, to me humans are like Animals a good Human is better than the best animal on earth, Very Very scares a nasty evil human is far worse than Any animal can be not the majority but many more than the really good ones the rest are in between but many leaning towards nastiness Justice on earth? from Humans NEVER EVER IN A BILLION YEARS, FROM ABOVE is our Only hope, anything else is just empty promises, Merry Xmas everyone

  8. = Nature knows best – earth needs to purge all abusers of her organic body – Boomerang is activated in real time – WARS- POLLUTION – OVER EXPLOITATION OF MANY KINDS… LACK OF LOVE AND CARE ALL AFFECTS LIFE !the very RICH should pay for any extended expenditures en regard du changement de climat– le soleil, les volcans… ne cesseront pas d'exister…

  9. Not being able to afford to heat my home I look forward to warmer temps. The wildfires in California weren't caused by climate change, they were caused by the misfunding and employment practices of our fire departments and utility companies. Let's not be misguided into blaming Mother Nature for our shortcomings.

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