2020 First Presidential Debate Recap – Everything Law and Order Blog

After Donald Trump and Joe Biden square off for the first presidential debate, the Working Family Party’s Maurice Mitchell and TRNN’s Steve Horn join Jaisal Noor to discuss.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

The Real News is a viewer-supported media network bringing you the stories from the frontlines of the fight for a better world.

By phillyfinest369


20 thoughts on “2020 First Presidential Debate Recap”
  1. If some one call me clone I would have a problem with that ,the hold debate was very disturbing, white supremacists question should be for doth candidates to respond to ,If Biden win how he intended to deal this problem , I haven't see any US President solve racism. Number one you vote and policy thing that are in your interest and will benefit you and your Community, not just vote.

  2. This is a quote from an unknown source:
    3rd party votes represent dissent in the popular vote.
    They let congress, the parties, the media and the people know that there are voters, who WILL VOTE, that do not approve of the candidates that were selected by the main parties.
    In addition to this, they can help the party attain the 5% needed to qualify for public funding in the next election.
    The more dissenting votes the greater the impact.
    So, no matter what the establishment partisans tell you,"3RD PARTY VOTES DO COUNT'.

  3. No need for lies. I just saw a video compilation of Trump denouncing white supremacists 20 TIMES, so are these people really that ignorant or is it deception? I can't stand Trump by the way but Biden is even more creepy and I can't find a single issue where he differs from Trump. They did the perfect job on climate change for their owners and that is nothing. 
    Neither will give you healthcare, bring troops home, stop wars and bombing, reform justice and policing, give a living wage or any other single thing and nobody's even asking Biden for this in exchange for a vote.
    Biden PROMISES to continue fracking and veto any bill that offers health to the masses. They are 2 sides of the same coin and the government will remain in power regardless of who wins the election. They are 2 legs of one body and it's impossible for them to go different directions. I assume Biden will continue to put children in the cages he and Obama built and used at the border, a practice which is ongoing.
    Deportation? It was Clinton who deported me after 26 years for a marijuana offence, leaving my 12 and 15 year old children, in high school at the time, fatherless. After a couple of months in immigration detention and I was being taken to the airport, there was line of guys waiting to hug me who were mostly Iraqi, Iranian and Mexican. I'm English. Yes, that's right, Iraqis and Iranians were not Trumps target but were being targeted by the permanent government long before him becoming president. I almost said , before he came to power but that'll never happen.
    You want to maintain status quo then either of these guys is your man.

  4. Another BS channel that deletes comments from people who happen to have a different opinion than the guy running this channel. Even when done in a respectful manner. It's really sad. That's how you guys operate tho so I wouldn't expect anything less.

  5. This is NOT about BLM or climate change or climate justice and other high-minded schemes, this is about POWER. Both the Left and the Right. Battle lines are being drawn to quote a phrase from a song from my generation. Either side wins and it's a free for all power fest. I do not trust the left, nor the right, and beware of wolves in sheep's clothes. These Millennials and Antifa got a taste of power and now they want the whole banquet. I'm a child of the 60s, I saw the worst of the worst FROM BOTH SIDES (I lived in Fascist Spain before Franco died) and it scare me to death that these fine young radicals are blowing their own dog whistles and no good will come out of this election regardless of who wins.

  6. Your lies about the multi-ethnic group called the Proud Boys is disgusting. They are a Nationalist group, not a white-nationalist group, and your deliberate obfuscation is repulsive.

  7. Barely made it through five minutes of your biased coverage, talking about Trump’s “desperation”. Hello, he knows that he had to hammer Biden on all the things the media WILL NOT ask him about- The schisms between his policy and the radical left, Antifa (just an “idea” that is burning looting and murdering all across America), Hunter being a complete failure discharged dishonorably for cocaine (didn’t even mention how Hunter banged Beau’s widow or wont pay child support to a stripper he impregnates), Burisma, 3.5M to Hunter from the wife of Moscow Mayor, Obama Administration surveilling candidate Trump by abusing the FISA Court during Crossfire Hurricane, etc. Just because you want to put your fingers in your ears and say Orange Man Bad, doesn’t mean that the rest of America wants to perpetually give Biden a free pass on every issue under the sun.

    Also, Kyle Rittenhouse is not a white supremacist, nor are the Proud Boys. Both arguments are demonstrably false. He has already condemned all white supremacist groups over and over and over yet Chris Wallace phrases the question as if he never has (he condemned them by name directly in the very same speech about the “Good People” hoax that Biden claims is the impetus for his whole campaign, a lie just like he is.

    Can’t tell if you discuss Biden lying about being ON VIDEO calling the troops “Stupid Bastards” in a flippant way, threatening to withhold 1B from Ukraine aide unless the prosecutor looking into Hunter/Burisma was fired (what a joke, the people who defend this video but supported impeaching Trump for much less), and Antifa being an idea. Do you people have brains, can you not agree that Joe Biden lying about video coverage you can see with your own lying eyes is not a good strategy.

    Your biased normie coverage completely misses the mark and is why Trump will be elected again.

  8. I literally Hate Trump… that said, my love for Biden Doesn't Exist! These are the Freakin Choices???
    Incidentally, only 538 privileged individuals (called the Electoral College) are allowed to actually 'Vote' for any President/Vice President in america! This 'Real News' continues to be unreported and ignored

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