Trump’s battle with COVID-19 has raised the stakes for the VP debate between Kamala Harris and Mike Pence.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

The Real News is a viewer-supported media network bringing you the stories from the frontlines of the fight for a better world.

By elboriyorker


20 thoughts on “2020 Vice Presidential Debate Recap”
  1. • Kamala Harris was in her weakest appearance yet no one won the debate.
    • Joe Biden will win by a large margin but the possibility of continuing as president for four years is very slim, so Kamala Harris will complete the presidential term.
    • The internal conditions of America in terms of civil unrest, economic decline and ideological clash will increase. No one can stop the accelerating collapse.

  2. That 2 million is world wide and not the United States. In this country it’s still less than 1%
    And it’s still a 98% recovery rate

  3. The debate last night was actually an ass kicking contest; Kamala supplied the ass, Pence supplied the boot…..

  4. Everybody LOVES talking about Joe Biden stumbling through words, but everyone has seem to have forgotten that Joe Biden suffered with a STUTTERING Ailments as a child!!! He was even Honor by a young man on National Television for helping the young man overcome his stuttering issues through Biden's Acknowledgement of his same ailments, and words of encouragement to the young man.
    The Media seems to LOVE to forget things they don't want the Public to remember, and remember things that they really shouldn't be harping on!!!

  5. Biden… Nooooooo
    Harris…. Nooooooo.
    Biden has a 47 year of criminal political career at my expense. Time him for NURSING HOME….

  6. Yeah "that's the voting coalition they have" but nobody is asking why. It's just hollow moralisms and liberal criticisms of individuals which is all to eschew the reality of these systems and institutions, who made them, why they exist, how they function and who they serve.

    There's no major conspiracy either, something I'm seeing way too much of lately from people ya wouldn't expect it from. It's simply classes and groups of people following their interests and using existing institutions to do so.

    The so-called US settler colony state is the product of the ownership and ruling classes and is of, by and for them and their class interests, which is to preserve their status and the existence of class society. They didn't even hide this fact when they formed it as the group that won out openly stated that a strong centralized state was necessary to maintain the wealth and property of the upper classes from the rest of us as well as being outspokenly opposed to democracy. They rightfully recognized that people wouldn't simply accept these levels of inequality and that if the masses were granted the franchise and if democracy was to flourish they'd be stripped of their excesses and privileges. So those who could vote were carefully selected to maintain a certain class character to maintain their privileges. Only straight, "white", men with property could vote in many places and much of the state structure was not elected by popular vote and were appointed. This place has literally never had a commitment to democracy, freedom or equality and when they said it they only meant for a small sliver of the population. They've used the pseudo scientific constructs of gender (and thus sexuality) and race to maintain a dividend population that has significantly more in common with one another than they do with those at the top. They fostered a culture of class collaboration, patriotism and the normalization of domination to create a favorable narrative. The list goes on.

    These things aren't some kind of natural law or literally "the way things are". They're the end results and logical conclusions of a carefully crafted set of systems, institutions, norms, culture and social relations, all of which serve power and wealth. They have that coalition cause we live under a 2 party dictatorship where the parties in question are more alike than different and the illusion of choice and classlessness substitute any real ability to express autonomy or build equality. The state and governance have been melded together to the point that there's no meaningful distinction here and their institutions have so many checks on them that attempting to change them from within is next to impossible cause they've already accounted for dissent and easily nullify or absorb it.

    Yet the spectacle dominates. And it won't stop til we stop it.


  7. Kamala was really weak, no-one (8%) cared about her in thr DNC Primaries, and here she is no stronger and is getting schooled by the sitting Vice President. Republican polls again show an Electoral College Landslide like in 2016! Yes, Mr Biden is bizzarre and bumbling, Kamala is a light-weight grumpy lady,, so who is in charge in of and leading the great Democrat party?

  8. You can thank the DNC for 4 more years of Trump. Biden did nothing as VP and there's not much he has in common with the peoples needs of the party. Bernie as VP was your only chance ….

  9. Debunked voter fraud? You guys are idiots. I guess those ballots in the project veritas video were edited in to the footage. Like when spielberg replaced the guns with walkie talkies in the E.T. remake…. you lefties are unbelievable sometimes.

  10. Trump and Pence are basically murderers … not only with their COVID-19 policy, but infant children taken away from their parents while in immigration holding cages.

  11. The Real News Network might give serious consideration to contacting attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich ("Crimes Against Humanity") for a long, long interview on the upcoming global COVID-19 class action lawsuit..

  12. Pence failed to answer many direct questions, and that means he intentionally avoided giving any straight answers whatsoever.. But of course, Pence is the man who ridiculously attempted a few months back to make Americans believe the pathetic lie that Iran was somehow connected to the 9/11 BIG LIE inside job controlled demolitions..

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