The debate allowed candidates to show how support for Medicare for All and humanity at the U.S. border are key issues in 2020. With guests Kimberly Moffit and Jeet Heer, hosted by Marc Steiner
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I like what Marianne said but yes the US is not ready for healing or recovery. There could be an influence on the platform
Yea Kimberly Moffit for your correct id of Marrianne Williamson. Yea Real News panel for recognizing MW's role in the campaign.
Bernie will make America great
Funny you left out the rest of the argument about how workers can't get appropriate pay increases even in unions bc the cost of healthcare absorbed that leverage. More disengenous arguments from pundits that have no expertise in the feilds discussed.
Our only concern should be the poor children of the world we know are suffering as we complain for our own self interest.
The disconnect of the public is unbelievable. These people are war criminals, mass murdering scum bags above all else….including Tulsi and Bernie. These debates are a total farce.
To ignore the horrors inflicted by our governments on other human beings just like us, signifies the loss of our humanity, and the psychopaths have won and will wipe us out.
Stand for nothing and you will fall for anything.
As someone who has NO love for DJT, Mark Steiner makes me want to vote for DJT, only because he never holds Obama or the Dems responsible for 8 years of incompetence. People voted for Trump because of Obama… Yet they talk about "underlying issues".
It's Sanders and Warren, Gabbard and Yang, with Buttigieg trailing. Hickenlooper, Klobuchar, De Blasio and Inslee
are 2nd tier. Gabbard stole the show on 31 July, when they finally afforded her a chance to say something. Yang
acquitted himself well. Castro, Harris, and Booker all played the race card, projecting racism onto Trump and other
amorphous targets. That spiel does not play well across the collective.
Medicare for all and open borders. Even a fool can see how bad that would be. The whole world would come to American to be treated for diseases and we'd let all those diseases into our country. Great idea. How about all the countries of the world emptying their prisons into America, just pack them up and send them over. Another great idea right?
I'm 💯 behind healthcare for all but I don't have much faith in that happening in today's political paradigm. Just look at Obama care. Before it was put into effect, it went through the hands of an army of unelected buerocrats that added over 700 pages of BS to the plan that completely destroyed it. Why should I expect anything different with anything these politicians try to create? I predict we'll just get more of the same. Empty and unfulfilled promises.
Tulsi Gabbard you have my vote…Tulsi 2020!
Moffitt seems to be justifying the ACA which is a blank check given to private insurance companies, no Obama didn't come up with it, it was a republic plan introduced by Bob Dole in the early 90's, so if you want to give credit to Obama you should reflect that is where your political view is with denying coverage to 30,000 million with a horrible republican idea. It wasn't compromise since Obama never presented any other option. This really defines anyone who uses that as validation for Obama republican light policies. Shame on you Obama apologetic views and for tying to make his policies more palatable.
Drop out Delany you idiotic moron!
Obama Care was our stepping stone to universal healthcare. Now is the time to go for it or we’ll never have another chance. The economy would flourish if people didn’t have the worry nor ability to keep themselves healthy. The healthier the citizenry the healthier the economy in more ways than one. More money to spend on goods and services and the ability to start their own businesses and work in their desired fields, no longer stuck in a rut because of healthcare!
I’m going all in and voting for Bernie no matter what!
4:21 Whatever is done to get to M4A, the insurance industry must be kept out of the process! To get to true universal healthcare and away from the ACA and all other insurance based forms of "universal" care, the terms must be dictated to the industry! With the three year phase-in of Sanders plan, there should be ample time for adjustment to the new and improved way. If the for profit industry is allowed a seat at the table, it will sabotage the works.
Great reporting RealNews!
you should partner with TYT or something, you need more views.