The first part of the second democratic debate showed a non-rancorous divide on how to beat Trump and fresh discussions first-use of nuclear weapons and for getting out of Afghanistan

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By elboriyorker


49 thoughts on “2nd Democratic Debate, Pt. 1: The Moderate/Progressive Divide Came Through (1/3)”
  1. HEALTHCARE PERFECTION:  President Tulsi Gabbard should start by offering free healthcare to only those with a blood test showing that they have a healthy 10% fat diet and no addictions.  Than, with health insurance prices increasing by 700%, over 80% of doctors would go bankrupt due to lack of patients.

  2. Beto states we should bring our military home… but I'm sure his big war industry and fossil fuel donors would beg to disagree.

  3. Liz needs to go one step further and announce that she would never launch a nuke in retaliation to someone else's first strike (as Corbyn has promised).. Once we get to that point, we can begin to seriously talk about making the world nuke-free.

  4. Hey I remember this host from the Russiagate thing. He pushed for that real hard. I'm sure this will be a honest discussion.

  5. Oh come on! Obama loaded his cabinet with Wall-Street plutocrats. So the idea that those whores would be against our aggressive wars that they take to the bank is absurd at best and deeply disingenuous. Obama was a corporatist neocon. And why we can't settle for the status quo of the normal Democrats that have been lap dogs of the corporate state.

  6. Where'd you see a poll that says Sanders is polling second in the black community. That's a damned lie.

  7. The Governor – as with so many Americans – needs to learn that there is only one "u" in "nuclear." (That he also doesn't seem to know it's not still 1954 is self-evident.)

  8. Warren says at 15:0015:03 Iran seeking a nuclear weapon. Seriously.! Nuclear deterrence good for others but not Iran. If they did which they said there not and in compliance with IAEA they would be justified Considering what the US has done in Iran and others around the world specifically the Coup d’état orchestrated by KermitRoosevelt in 1953 against Mohamed mussaddegh. CIA and MI6.

  9. Thanks to The Real News Network for your coverage; however, regarding the nuclear first strike issue, I am quite taken aback that neither Mr. Steiner nor your commentators so fit to correct Warren when she said that "Iran is now working on its nuclear weapon". This is patently false. There is no evidence that Iran is working on a nuclear weapon and it is the Real News Network's hosts that are ultimately responsible for ensuring the truth and falsity around such cardinal issues raised in these debates. Thank you.

  10. "We satisfied our reasons for going to war with Afghanistan."

    You mean the reasons for going to war with Iraq? What were those reasons again? I hope you're not referring to the SAUDI led terrorist attack of 9/11. Unless he considers selling them 600 billion dollars in weapons an adequate punishment. Fuck politics, I'm so done with bullshit. Vote for anarchy in 2020

  11. What ever happened to individual sovereignty (aka – self-ownership), which does exists in a republic? What is the difference between a democratic form of government, and the format of a republic? Might have to look for a while to see clearly what a republic truly entails. Did we not all PLEDGE OUR ALLEGIANCE to the REPUBLIC for which it stands? Our forefathers knew, and heavily guarded against through engravings on paper, the idea a human is ever a subject to a king or government unless they knowingly volunteer their participation in such a system. An enlightened and informed public knows that no one has moral authority over them, and would never knowingly yield or sacrifice their inherent rights (which a sovereign posseses), not government given rights. The Bill of Rights was created to limit the actions of government. Congress SHALL NOT, SHALL NOT, SHALL NOT… does the preamble of the Constitution not say that WE the PEOPLE do ordain and establish this Constitution and the agencies that serve it? .. so how does the master become the slave…When you register to vote you are asking someone to make your life's decisions for you. Fact: DEMO-cracy is mob rule. You must be the flesh and blood human being, and not the "legal corporation" they have you voluntarily participating under. The United States code clearly states that a "person" is a corporation, and the "United States" is a federal corporation. Don't believe me – Judiciary Definitions [USC Tile 28; 3002, 15(a)]. They don't teach that in any public institutions I assure you. No politician, or representative truly cares about your well-being; if they did they would share with you the traps of language which have been fictitiously conveyed in order that you voluntarily yield them to your elected "authority." Most people do not know legal definitions, and so they languish within this system. This system is brought to you by, and promulgated by the initiates of the esoteric, and those of which who are easily compromised through family and "carrot dangling." If you want to wake up you will, but first loose that which blinds you from reality – ego makes you prideful, and pride in your understanding leads to cognitive dissonance.
    This land is our land, and was made for you and me.
    Be well. Be you. Be free.

  12. I gotta say that Marianne Williamson shined in this debate. And where she was able to get her point out which is reparations in a good way. Im a fan of her.

  13. All I know is that any candidate taking money from superpacs and corporations will never do anything progressive, will promise the world, but will deliver new liberal “reforms” – read Obama care style half-measures. Leaving 30 million american out of health care, what a joke!

  14. Klobuchar was being extremely subversive. Rich kids generally go to PRIVATE institutions (which won't be covered)

  15. CNN did more than just slant the debate inside the building. They told police outside to keep Bernie supporters from gathering. Their cameras covered outside supporters of every candidate… except Bernie. I doubt they have personal animas toward Bernie (well…) but it's clear the corporate agenda is at work manufacturing consent.

  16. HELP TRUMP END WAR NOW. By making TRUMP ENDS WAR a campaign promise.
    Help Trump get the US free of the Deep State, Military Industrial
    Complex and Beast System by ENDING WAR . Sing it, shout it, pray it NO

  17. HELP TRUMP END WAR NOW. By making TRUMP ENDS WAR a campaign promise.
    Help Trump get the US free of the Deep State, Military Industrial
    Complex and Beast System by ENDING WAR . Sing it, shout it, pray it NO

  18. The invisible presence at this debate was Tulsi Gabbard, who has earned the Presidency by forcing the zombie Dems out of their long death march towards TOTAL irrelevance.

  19. Free Medicare for all, by preventing anyone from being enriched upon the misery of the sick, from day one it would reduce sickness and healthcare costs by at least 50%. The referral fee of 40% that all doctors receive from all surgeons and specialists, the kickback that doctors receive by not giving you a simple cure, eliminating that alone would reduce healthcare costs by a third.

  20. The US are the terrorist around the world. Call it what it is. 800 military bases around the world. We are in 7 Wars, including the genocide in Yemen that the US is responsible for. Weapons are the only things that gives us the GDP. NATO was started to create perpetual Wars.

  21. The trade war isnt about keeping jobs here by fucking with import/export trade– the trade war is about china's MASSIVELY INFLATED currency and the real estate sham of a system they use to balloon it to ridiculous proportions. They were lending credit for people to invest in bogus boiler room type bullcrap but that is completely apart from using F tier building materials to create The Worst Structures since Trump himself and then using that fraudulent "equity" to purchase real assets such as LAND IN OTHER COUNTRIES. The "improve" some land in their country, promise it's legit, use it as collateral and then actually purchase well made land in other territories.

    That's the fight that ZERO PEOPLE except expats and real travelers will talk about.
    edit: the true value of their money compared to our debt share, if you did all the math, is peanuts. their money shrinks down like a raisin in the sun if you take any light to it at all

  22. I think the sister is right regarding how the "Democrats" have no identity, but progressives like Bernie have great identity because he has created that identity over 25 years! A corporatist democrat will not beat Trump!

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