Ending patent monopolies and prosecuting big pharma will drive prescription drug prices down, says Alex Lawson, Executive Director of Social Security Works

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By elboriyorker


29 thoughts on “44 States File Suit Against Drug Companies for Inflating Prices”
  1. Counter pharmacists have started making cheaper but yet often better medicines backed up by incurence companys and legislation against these practices now. from Europe. 😤

  2. Interesting to see that something similar is happening in the US. I have become suspicious the drug industry is carrying out a classic 'Squeeze' tactic to push up prices. In the UK the Department of Health on behalf of the NHS negotiates drug prices through a system called PPRS. A list of drugs and their prices is arrived at by negotiations with the industry body. However recently drug after drug has had to come off this list and its price rise because the industry claims a 'shortage'. It seems to me the industry is at war with the PPRS and wants to destroy it. In just eight years the NHS drug bill has risen from £9 bn to £17bn. This is not even accounting for these antics

  3. This is what happens if you believe and trust your government. We must collectively hate all politicians and always hold them accountable. And we should prosecute them and sentence them to several times the jail time of the poor.

  4. Nationalize it all, these bastards had their chance and we see what they have done, so take it away, simple!

  5. When pharmaceutical drugs passed America's biggest expense in 2017……….. even over military!
    Yeah…….. you as a person know what is up.

  6. Nail the hell out of them
    Thanks sick of big Pham. They suck. And yes their is no limit to what the do .they even killed fokes.

  7. Is anyone really surprised?  For the love of god, we live in a fascist society, our government is a big corporation, NO one will call it what it is, this is a fascist government, our Republic has been taken over by big banks and big corporations, our so called elected officials don't work for the people, they are there to do the bidding of Corporate Elites, it's in our FACE, they don't give a shit, they are all guilty of poisoning and killing us off for a profit, they create scares to get us to take their drugs, and if we refuse, they make a call to the local paid off politician to pass laws that mandate we do, look what's happening now at the airports, facial recognition machines to get on an aircraft, WHY?  this is how they force themselves on us, so if some one refuses the cops are there to beat you down, mind you, this didn't even exist two years ago, one more hoop for us to jump through. Conditioning of the masses, it's how they get us to put up with this shit.

  8. We won't get the bold policy needed to regulate these criminals until we get rid of the purchased congress criminals. Both parties.

  9. Take away all the patents and distribute them to everybody who wants to manufacture these drugs cheap and safe, or start importing from Australia

  10. I work for an organization that receives money from Gilead Sciences, Inc. and many others like them. What am I to do?

  11. It seems like Americans are easy pickings for taking their hard earned cash off them. If I was a corporation I'd do the same. America is so fixated on battling each other they let the rich corporate owners RIP them off.

  12. Free market economy no longer exists. All aspects of our economy is about market capture. That is why renewable energy is undermined, because fossil fuels have been captured and alternatives are difficult to capture.
    When timber, alcohol, and pharmaceutical captures to prevent certain natural products, like marijuana, when the other products are dangerous to the public or the environment. Greed is more important than life, like the military industrial complex.
    We are doomed for certain, unless action is taken.

  13. The director is delusional in believing probably enforced competition will help. It may decrease the price but to keep the margin quality has to be sacrificed creating whole set of different issues. If the public funds most of the research why create a profit motive when the public actually needs realise the benefits??

  14. Astonishing and despicable actions throughout US industries. Ashamed and embarrassed to be an American. You think there's massive greed in pharmaceuticals? Wait 'till we get to the weapons manufacturers.

  15. I'm not shocked at what was/is going on…
    Im surprised something is actually being done about it.
    These people need to be held accountable for this. Its disgusting.

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