A Dangerous Precedent: US Recognition of Israel’s Annexation of the Syrian Golan

A Dangerous Precedent: US Recognition of Israel’s Annexation of the Syrian Golan

Phyllis Bennis explains that Trump’s decision is a setback for peace all over the world. The US has isolated itself diplomatically in support of Netanyahu’s campaign to win the elections, but recovery will be long.

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49 thoughts on “A Dangerous Precedent: US Recognition of Israel’s Annexation of the Syrian Golan


  2. The Trump administration is inept and criminal. He is also a serial liar–shameful and pathetic. He only wants to make money for himself, he is the worst US president ever!

  3. I see what you are saying but I don't care about either of these nations.
    The middle east has been a mess for a while now with corrupt elements on all sides.
    Does the idea of fair play make sense for that region? It might be desirable (in an idealistic sense or as a decision making convenience), but after a certain line has been crossed …entirely improbable. I am not even sure what strategic calculations go into int policy there or what hidden sociological factors are at play.

  4. So that's why the Israeli lobby got Trump elected so he could give them the Golan heights. The six day war was well planed by Israel. The failed attempt to sink the USS Liberty was all part of it.

  5. Why Israel has to endure so much? It has very little land and needs the water. If water and other natural resources become more scarce in the future people will kill for them. It's illogical to follow "the Law" so strictly while other countries enjoy all the water and resources they want like if those were given by God instead of History. Canada should share its land with all the people in the 3rd world currently in a major population boom.

  6. Thank you Phyllis Bennis for making the historical facts of the Golan known. Thank you for setting the record straight about the modern view of the illegality of an occupation of a territory captured in conflict no matter the outcome of that war. The archaic "might makes right" goes with everything else Zionist and imperialist.

  7. Trump is doing special favors for the millionaire/billionaire, zionist jews in America, in exchange for funding his 2020 campaign. It's as simple as that. Trump has no 'ideology' or foreign policy strategy. Sheldon Adelson will now fund his reelection.

  8. For all the attention that the Democrats and the media put into Russia gate with Trump. They should have used that energy with Trump and Israel. I guess you cant have collusion with an ally. With someone that controls your government such as Israel does. It is a moot subject. You get what you put out. Now you have Trump doing the happy dance and Israel doing what the F they want around the world. What is the real fact is you have Israeli people acting like the children of the promise and doing everything that the Torah proclaimed. But these people are Kabballah worshippers and have no affinity to the Scriptures. They are imposters. And time and prophecy will bear witness. So all you evangelicals,. Your thinking you know the scriptures will be your doom. This is prophecy being fulfilled. Only those and Israel now and those here in America following this will be on the wrong side of history.

  9. Well here we go again, as the US defies international law in regard to the fiasco of deeming ithe Golan Heights as part of Israel which means that China will perceive that it also is not obliged to respect international law. So the red dash line will be inked in as a solid line. Thanks again, Trump is such a fool.

  10. Genie Energy Ltd. is an American energy company headquartered in Newark, New Jersey. It is a holding company comprising Genie Retail Energy, a retail energy provider in the United States, and Genie Oil and Gas, which pursued a conventional oil exploration project in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

    Genie's founder, chairman, controlling shareholder and CEO is Howard Jonas. Avi Goldin serves as the company's CFO, Michael Stein is the company's COO and Geoffrey Rochwarger serves as Vice Chairman. The president of its Israeli subsidiary is Effie Eitam. Genie Energy's Strategic advisory board is composed of: Dick Cheney (former vice president of the United States), Rupert Murdoch(media mogul and chairman of News Corp), James Woolsey (former CIA director), Larry Summers (former head of the US Treasury), Bill Richardson (former Governor of New Mexico, ex-ambassador to the United Nations and United States Energy Secretary)[2], Michael Steinhardt, Jacob Rothschild,[3][2], and Mary Landrieu, former United States Senator from Louisiana.

  11. Did Congress recognize the annexation? Did other government organizations? Does the rest of the world recognize the annexation? Trump. It's a media stunt, his favorite kind. Twitter rules!

  12. Well at least the Defense budget starts to make a lot more sense. The war-mongers are hoping to start even more conflicts, and to create more enemies to battle. So obvious!

  13. The Balfour Declaration states: "Nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine".

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