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As Trump’s “reopening” endangers lives, Democrats must advance policy that gives working people something to fight for, argues In These Times’ Sarah Lazare.

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By elboriyorker


20 thoughts on “A Just Reopening Prioritizes People Over Profits”
  1. sad how brainwashed and decieved people are by this fake pandemic. watch israeli news live youtube channel, if you want to wake up from the lies and propaganda of trump, government and mainstream media.

  2. it's a fake pandemic, a false flag attack on the world to destroy the world's economies and bring about the luciferian antichrist new world order that will enslave every man woman and child, a communist dictatorship of complete control, they are taking away everyone's rights and freedom. it's all staged by trump, government, zionist elites, israel. they use the mainstream media on tv to brainwash everyone with lies , propaganda , fear porn, and push the same zionist new world order agenda for their zionist masters. trump is a luciferian zionist supremacist working for israel and helping them police the world and bring an authoritarian bolchevik communist brutal police state worldwide and here in the usa, take away everyone's rights and freedom, and force masks, and vaccines. nobody is dying from a pandemic killer virus, it's a normal cold virus that goes away in a couple days. but the luciferian government are cooking the death numbers, making them up, most people are purposely being killed, by putting them on ventilators which is a death sentence. most deaths are elderly people already dying with a few months to live, then they catch a cold or a flu, and they die because they have very weak immune systems and are already dying from many other illness like cancer. it's a big scam on the world. hospitals get paid extra $10,000 for every person that tests positive for covid. and $38,000 for putting them on ventilators to drive up the death numbers. if you had the flu last year, more than likely you still have covid antibodies in your system and you'll test positive even though you are healthy and not sick. it's all a scam, a false flag pandemic to destroy the world's economies, destroying around 100 million jobs in the usa alone, take away people's rights and freedom, keep people locked down in their homes like prisoners, force vaccines that will destroy your immune system and make you sick, makes you more susceptible to illness, makes you sterile so you can't produce babies, and can also injure and kill you, it's designed that way on purpose for depopulation of the world. bill Gates has murdered millions of black men women and children in Africa, and sterilized the women so they can't produce babies. many countries government are taking bill Gates to court. but nothing will happen because bill Gates is part of the zionist luciferian elites of usa and Israel that want depopulation by the billions ! he's protected by the luciferian zionist elites that run our country and Israel. don't fall for their psyop. don't believe anything from the mainstream media, it's all lies and propaganda to brainwash and program you how they want. dont take their vaccines, it's not to keep you safe, but to kill you slowly, as to not make it so obvious that they want to kill you. our government doesnt care about the people, they only care about the government, zionist elites, the Super rich and Israel. they want to enslave every man woman and child with a luciferian zionist new world order, a one world authoritarian bolchevik communist government with israel being the headquarters. that's their agenda. it's pure evil. they want to reduce the population to half a billion according to the Georgia guidestones. watch "Israeli news live " to hear the news the mainstream media won't tell you. it's an isreali couple that exposes the planned fake pandemic trump, government, military, police, Israel, and their evil new world order plans, they interview doctors that expose the fake pandemic. they're independent news source giving people the real news that's happening. Israeli news live is their youtube channel. go watch them and wake up to the hard truth.

  3. Comon you've got to give it to
    our President. Trump has forcefully and powerfully answered one important question
    that he posed to us. The thing is many seniors aren't alive to gain wisdom from the answer to:
    "What do you have to lose?"

  4. The longer we isolate, the bigger the spike. There will be a spike regardless. Rip off the bandaid and get back out there. The majority of people can practice common sense. Waiting for a miracle vaccine is THE MOST DANGEROUS, intellectualy lazy approach to take. Especially when there are laws passed to absolve vaccine manufacturers from any liability for negative side effects. I got the Gardisil vaccine and immediately started having reproductive issues. I have struggled with infertility, have autoimmune issues and after not being able to get a D&C after a miscarriage got violently ill. That triggered my immune issues into full blown fibromyalgia. I keep looking back on 2006 and wonder how vastly different my life would have been had I not opted into that stupid vaccine. They're forcing it on children now of both sexes. We're allowing people like Bill Gates decide who lives and who dies.

  5. If you're afraid, sheltering in place should be your prerogative but to force everyone to hide from an invisible enemy indefinitely is fascist. There's no definitive data being released to support the sky is falling narrative. There's huge financial incentives to diagnose a patient with COVID- 13K and 39K if they're intubated.

    The reason the black and brown people are wxpierencing a spike is the biology produces less vitamin d than others. We NEED sunshine, fresh air and exposure for our immune systems to build a resistance. The food is less nutritious, sprayed to the hilt with Monsanto brand chemicals. Vaccines cause immune system suppression and vitamin deficiencies.

    Lockheed Martin employees are no martyrs NOR are they underpaid. They are free agensts and can choose to persue employment elsewhere.

    I'm all for taking the black budget contracts away from contractors and investing those funds into America. I'd love to see each and every troop come HOME and defend our HOMELAND. I am an OIF veteran that naively bought into the 9/11 propaganda. Being in that environment does a number on you spiritually. I have health issues and piss poor government provided healthcare. I wish y'all could experience the frustration of the complete control that allowing your government to provide your basic means like housing, healthcare and mmineal financial means ACTUALLY results in. Veterans a a very small percentage of the population and they spend billions on ineffective healthcare. There's no actual incentives to improve the quality of life for their patients. They don't have to fear losing their jobs and it appears there's incentives to keep people unwell and under their thumb. Yes, it souns fantastic in principle, but it's a very dystopian slippery slope.

  6. Wow are people really listening to this garbage. That woman is dumper than a box of rocks. I thought cnn was bad 😂

  7. It’s amazing that white people that are not effected by illegal immigrants are the first to speak up for illegal immigrants. But stay silent about black lives. Well soon those white people are going to find themselves out of work and asking for government benefits all awhile illegals will be getting jobs. Here in Cali immigrants are everywhere they have ALL the jobs. California homelessness is out of control while illegals immigrant and immigrants are looking for my tax money to come in the mail. Immigrants are in position in HR in company which hire immigrants over Americans. So I say just wait September October is going to be a different look for America. And when your out of work I’ll being waiting to hear you

  8. It’s not just the Republicans! The Democratic Establishment is also working against us as well. The bailouts have benefited corporations voted on by republicans and democrats. This is why we need a progressive party in our country to run against the corporation parties the democrats and republicans.

  9. Tweaked data admitted by the cdc – everyone dying with covid is formally said to have died from it.
    The data reportedly coming out of Norway and Sweden the former having instated shutdown the latter skipping it, is basically the same. Not seeing exactly a sound basis for sending the world economy, into a nosedive – particularly the real economy…

  10. Their strategy unfortunately is working with minority groups. I see it on my FB. People that want to open up the economy, but don't understand the virus or how its affecting the world globally. These greedy right wingers just want people to die so they can make money.

  11. Garbage. This lady is an idiot. Majority of Americans want to work – not live off Govt, but there are those lazy “something for nothings” out there

  12. Sixty year old working class guy here. The problem I have with tax cuts for the rich is that it REDUCES their motivation to work because their take home pay increases when you tax them less. In fact they may decide to NOT WORK if their taxes are reduced enough. IMO the taxes on the rich should be dramatically increased so they aren't tempted to sit around doing nothing. It just hit me that dramatically increasing taxes on the rich would also help protect them from committing two of the seven deadly sins- gluttony and greed.

  13. Please tell this entitled valley girl that somebody has to produce the goods that she expects to go on consuming while she sits at home.

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