General Curtis LaMay, who directed the firebombing and nuclear attacks on Japan said, “War is killing people, when you kill enough of them, the other guy quits” –
quotes Daniel Ellsberg on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay

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By elboriyorker


23 thoughts on “A Strategy of War Crimes, Killing Civilians to Win a War – Daniel Ellsberg on RAI (10/13)”
  1. I am 1000 percent on the side of America in the war against japan. The U.S. under Roosevelt wanted to bring true self determination to everyone on the planet and stability. America in world war II were clearly the good guys. That being said…Killing civilians is just plain wrong. There is no justification for it period. I understand that sometimes civilians are casualties, its unavoidable, but targeting civilian populations to kill civilians is jus plain evil. I would not wish to be associated with such a person. Lemay is a war criminal. There is no I did what I had to do thing here. He is just plain evil. You don't attack civilians, children and elderly people. Would you attack a city if your elderly parent or child or younger sibling is there? No you wouldn't. So stop the hypocrisy! Even if you believe the ends justify the means. Those who try to justify such actions, shows me how low their moral compass is.

  2. Hypocrite your name is Ellsberg. When it's to his gain he leaks and pretends to care about the grunt in the field.But he never spent the night in a hole in the freezing rain.I bet he gets his three hots and knows where he'll be sleeping tonight.

  3. Praises to The Real News for collecting this valuable historic information from one of America's elders. I cannot even begin to express the importance of this series now and for the future.

  4. The civilized people were the native Americans not us. And the hoax's perpetuated by the Anglo-saxon/Euro Empires through the 20th century demonstrate that. Useless robotonic education became the norm while weaponry became the accepted lie for peace, and prosperity in a monopolistic capitalism.

  5. My dad was serving up "mess" in the base when the sailors returned from witnessing the first H bomb test. He recalled the lack of appetite and the dazed, depressed and horrific demeanor of the shell shocked warriors. We, as responsible tax paying citizens are complicit in everyway by association and support despite our feeble objections and pleas to a brutish and insane power elite that is hell bent on absolute control or nothing to control as the only option for life on earth. I say fuck that If not now, when, Revolution is evolution. ShakeUp

  6. All I can say is that the USA would be much much better off if the number of viewers of this 16 minute clip rose from 6625 to 150 million.. Half the battle it seems is getting TRUTH out there and THOUGHT out there. The image of LeMay and McNamara made me skin crawl a bit.

  7. Notable that the wildfires that ravished Paradise California was very similar to the WW2 Firebombing effects in Dresden et al.

  8. Not wanting to seem incongruous in the light of such horrors, these interviews with Ellsberg comprise the most wonderful series ever.
    Getting this stuff on record so clearly and unvarnished is a service to mankind.
    Thank you for that.

  9. I do not think killing civilians is a legitimate problem in war. Kill your enemies, all of them. Men, women and children. Rape and slaughter. Torture.

  10. Too bad Dan Ellsberg is full of beans. I can't believe anything from him since he published a book on Trump. We need truthtellers and he's publishing distractions.

  11. Ellsberg mentioned the asteroid that wiped out a large part of life on Earth. One thing to think about when considering the odds of intelligent life on other planets is that if the asteroid had not hit the Earth, humans would probably never have evolved to the level of gaining this much consciousness or intelligence. So, it was only a freak accident that allowed it to happen. And now we are using what intelligence we have acquired to wipe out a large part of life on Earth. It's the circle of Hell.

  12. Ellsberg is telling the truth and he's leaving out the horrific tactics which the Japanese military forced their soldiers to use against Allied forces. Beatings, starvation, torture of POW's, suicide attacks, etc., caused the Allies to plan and fight a war against fanatics. The real enemy in this theater was the Japanese right wing and their coward of an emperor, Hirohito A living god who wrote that right wing military officers were in the palace in 1945 and if anyone wanted to talk about peace they would be murdered. So, the living god kept his mouth shut while hundreds of thousands of his subjects burned to death. The living god also didn't object when his troops committed the Rape of Nanking (in which 200,000 non-combatants were murdered in the course of 2 weeks). So that was the enemy LeMay and his soldiers had to deal with.

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