Dahr Jamail on his book “The End Of Ice” and the significance of the many studies showing glaciers and sea ice around the world are melting at an unprecedented speed

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By elboriyorker


39 thoughts on “A World Without Ice”
  1. I love this guy's perspective on doing the right thing just because it is right, and not expecting some result. I've been working hard on making myself think this way.

  2. Thank God the preparation has been given to humanity. Learn more by reading the Great Waves of Change by Marshall Vian Summers.

  3. Your data is in complete contradiction of that put out by the International Federation of Climate Scientist that say that Antarctica has more land and sea ice than at any time in recorded history. Who's telling the truth, the fear mongers or the independent scientists. In the 1920s, they claimed all the arctic ice would be gone in three years. Put in context, these melts and re-freezes are cyclical and not unique.

  4. Dahr—you have books to sell and talks to give—so scare us, but not too much—has been your MO—you are a coward. Please tell us about the aerosol effect, sometimes called global dimming.

  5. It is my guess that some of the finest scientist on this planet work for Exxon etc., they know the facts and the theory(s) flowing from the facts.  Exxon etc. is also well aware of the power of money as applied to advertising and politics.  The academics don't stand a chance against those boys from Oklahoma.  (and of course Pennsylvania where things got under way)  ((did I mention Texas?))  But really it is all of us.  We love oil.  We are not going to give up cars and cheap food.  Do you want to become a hunter gatherer?  I can assure you that you will miss your refrigerator. 

    I agree that it is only right to cry "fire" in a crowded theater when there is an exit.  However I find myself in agreement with Exxon and the rest of our energy suppliers that we should be calm and ignore the facts because the earth is a theater with no exit.

    I sleep better at night knowing that Exxon (etc)  are protecting us from all those money mad, power grabbing, lie mongering, scientist.

    God bless all those who believe in denial.  And thank God for the great defenders of Truth at Exxon and our God directed US Congress.  What would we do without them?  No, really, what would we do without them?

  6. And just imagine with all the climate change that can cause world wide catastrophe we as humans still treat each other as though the other don't exist with all with all the different racial tone going on and the mistreatment of peolpe because they short or tall fat or skin because i can't speak this language that good or that language this good or i don't like that person or i don't like this the list go's on but last time a catastrophe was 911 do you think any off those people cared about how fat or how skin the next Human Being was or the color off there skin or what language they speak because in that monent we don't know who we are going to have to help or who might have to help us we don't thats why we need treat everybody us one we never know who we gonna have to help or who might have to help as

  7. For those of you whom are truly concerned about the CLIMATE, I suggest you start to follow Tony Heller's channel.

  8. We are in a Grand Solar Minimum that means the grow zones are shifting ! It all depends where one measures because in other places the ice mass is growing.

  9. Hey Real Fake News people: NASA currently claims the ice coverage in Antarctica is at record HIGH levels. Google it. That's right! More ice than has been recorded since records were kept. Danish scientists claim in 2019 that the Greenland icepak and ice at the North Pole has been growing rapidly for the last 5 years. STOP LYING!

  10. The "worst case scenario" presented by IPCC and msm is probably closer to a best case scenario.

    All the projections for 2100, or even 2050, are mute points as life becomes increasingly disrupted and difficult in the next 15 yrs.
    Personally, I am living hedonistically w as light a footprint as possible.

  11. None of this would have happened without western civilization. You can see depictions of lions, rhinos, giraffe in african caves that date back to millenials. Now those are endangered species. Africa before colonization was lush and wild; now you have tarred roads, street lamps, cars, guns… Wild animals are in kept in reserves. The same can be said about Asia, the Caraibeans, America… Western civilization brought us the industrial revolution. Big plants, mass production for mass consumerism… Perfect crops with toxic fertilizer. Affordable plastic for the capitalistic economy. Now we have plastic in the salt, plastic plankton… Drugs in tap water and microplastic particles in bottled water. And now global warming because of multinationals.

  12. social hierarchy is what's preventing humans from thinking critically. We just keep destroying the earth solely because we are told too. We Step out of line and we are put in prison. This system of social dominating hierarchy is the root problem. It is what prevents us from taking direct action against climate change. The 1% know it. That's why they are constantly stoping the human race from moving on to actually solving the crisis. Because in the solution lies the complete removal of their economic and hierarchical positions.

  13. …The proper question is: what happens when melted-water flows into active volcano cavities? answer: atmospheric contamination and explosions caple of causing erratic plate tectonics. Fortunately, the valleys of the Earth's crust may be filled with displaced or excess waters, causing a need for new infrastructure.

  14. Fine interview, and it's welcome to learn that Dahr is still around. With that said though, this interview doesn't leave me particularly enthusiastic. It's quite deoressing, though not much fo rme perssonally, given that I'm now 62 tears of age and definitely not youth. I had initially miswritten some parts of the statement but just made some corrections. When I'm becoming sleepy, then I make mistakes.

  15. we are doomed. question is only would rest of the world incinerate US for all of that. or we will die slowly, painfully, year by year looking how world is collapsing, how our neighbors and our grandchildren dying, because of who???

  16. My hero! Geez, how few actually target geoengineering as one of the main factors in Climate Chaos! So many NGO's risk their funding if they do acknowledge or fight this insane industry's method of masking Climate symptoms or literally selling access for landgrabs, via fires, flooding or storms. I applaud your speaker and will share this with Dane Wiggington of geoengineeringwatch.org!

  17. Don't know if TRNN reads comments, but it would be nice that if TRNN cites articles to create hyperlinks in the description box to find said articles. Thanks!

  18. It does start with the individual. I am a former heroin addict. In the process of getting sober I found meditation. I have stayed consistent with it and it has changed the way I think about what life throws at me. I'm trying to let go of expectations. I'm attempting to take in what each day has to bring. In short I'm becoming more mindfull. This has changed my behaviors and what I thought was important to me which in retrospect wasn't what I thought. I know try to eat healthier and exercise. I ride a bike to a gym & I have a back pack on me. I put a pair of gloves in it and two trash bags. On my way home. I stop get off my bike and pick trash up. Not because anyone has told me or b/c I want a pat on the back but b/c I've become more connected to things that matter. One of those things is the planet. If I hadn't been a junkie I wouldn't of become a person that spends two hours picking up garbage off the side of the road. My point is humanity incentivies money, territory, war, great and power. So juxtapose me being a junkie and humanity incentivizing these things & we can progress. This all starts on an individual basis. Most speciec that have inhabited this planet are gone. We are not guaranteed to make it unless we begin to understand and be humble and deincentivize nationalism, Capitalism, racism, sexism and class structure. We collectively have to look inside the shadows of ourselves and bring what truly matters to light.

  19. We cannot respond to the climate crisis as "we". We can only respond to the climate crisis effectively as "us" ( as in the working class and oppressed people of the world who are being made to pay the costs of this catastrophe that we did not create) and "them" (as in the tiny capitalist owning class that has run rampant across the world devastating every ecosystem and natural life support system in sight with its ravenous pursuit of the profit motive). The real answer is that the working class and oppressed people of the world need to join forces and fight the real enemy. Not get depressed and turn on ourselves or each other.

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