From the moment Russian troops invaded Ukraine the entire corporate media apparatus in the US moved to 24-7 coverage, filling airwaves with talking heads relentlessly beating the drums of war. Combined with Big Tech’s sophisticated means for silencing and punishing dissenting voices, the increasingly hostile and propaganda-filled discourse that is taking shape today is eerily reminiscent of the “Russiagate” fervor and the cultural hysteria that permeated the post-9/11 years. TRNN Editor-in-Chief Maximillian Alvarez speaks with longtime journalist and activist Abby Martin about how the media’s manufactured “bloodlust” for war makes us all less safe and how we must use independent media to advance the cause of peace.

Abby Martin is an American journalist, show presenter, activist, and artist. She helped found the citizen journalism website Media Roots and is the host of the investigative documentary and interview series The Empire Files. Martin has been involved in numerous film projects, including producing the recent feature documentaries Gaza Fights for Freedom, and she is currently producing another feature entitled Earth’s Greatest Enemy.

Read the transcript of this interview:

Pre-Production: Maximillian Alvarez
Studio/Post-Production: Cameron Granadino

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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By elboriyorker


36 thoughts on “Abby Martin: How the media manufactures ‘bloodlust’ for war”
  1. Not long after the Ukraine war began, a news story broke worldwide in the mainstream television & print media about a "Ukrainian Super Model" who sacrificed her privileged life of leisure in California to travel to Ukraine to "JOIN HER BROTHERS & SISTERS IN ARMED RESISTANCE AGAINST THE RUSSIAN INVADERS!"…. or some absurd headline of that nature…. Accompanied by a couple of large "glamour" shots of the Lady in sexy pose clad in "designer" Camouflage Military Wear, clutching an AK-47 Assault Rifle. According to the story, the photos were taken of the "BRAVE young Supermodel" at some Ukrainian location I don't recall, near the Front of the war against the "Russian Barbarians" yada, yada, blah, blah. All very inspiring full of patriotic fervor & imagery, with a bit of titillation thrown in. The story was presented as absolute truth and headline news for two days, everywhere.
    Except it was all BS.
    Days later after Tucker Carlson and others did follow up investigations it was revealed that "YES", the attractive girl WAS of Ukrainian descent. HOWEVER…. She was born & raised in the U.S., had NEVER even been to Ukraine, and those photos allegedly taken on "The Front Lines Against Russia", were ACTUALLY taken at a Firing Range in California as part of a modelling shoot a year or so earlier. The ENTIRE story from start to finish was a gigantic fabrication of lies & deceit. And the vast majority bought it completely. Some refused to believe it was lies, even after it was proved to be.
    Here's a quote from Former CIA Director Wiliam Casey….
    "When everything Americans believe is false then we will know we have succeeded".
    This is how they think. And what they think of YOU.

  2. A bigger problem OR opportunity is that I see masses of people simply checking out of media completely, and so they know absolutely nothing. Like I said, thats both good and bad.

  3. Abby Martin is a total 'pistol' – a role model for women, girls (and men!) of all ethnicities, cultures, and nationalities. My admiration for her just grows and grows.

  4. Abby Martin
    You 101 Palestinian if your in United States you need leave. We stand for Israeli and HOMAS will be destroyed and Palestinians support HOMAS IM a army Ranger
    I know how sick you that supports terrorists have no place in America. Theres plenty of Americans that now know your HOMAS supporter were gonna watch you closer then your mirror or shadow. dont play innocent.
    Hell will have many of you terrorists

  5. Yes that is the one and only Abby Martin; brilliant and immensely talented. It is terrifying that I can turn on mainstream media right now and hear the drum beats of war and the mindless propaganda. The only hope is in the congress that funds this Ukraine madness. This a faint hope since there seems to be none not one glimmer of reason from anyone there. The pathetic democrats cravenly follow Biden around like they are some sort of a lost love child and the republicans…hopeless. We have only two parties that are nothing more than hopeless and useless. 911 was the result of driving people in other countries to do extreme things but the US government has never admitted they caused that disaster. Now it is deja vu all over again with the US government causing Putin to do extreme things except this time it will make 911 look like a picnic. It's ok though. The world could use a doover.

  6. Ella se está haciendo notar como una periodista potente a pesar de la tremenda máquina de la hipocresia y los privilegios mundiales. Saludos cordiales desde Chile 💓❗️

  7. Every officer on the brady list need to be immediately fired and publicly shamed. I knew before clicking on this video exactly what the outcome was. Our 'justice' system is a fuckin joke.

  8. We love you Abby
    You're a human HERO
    You're a real human being
    You're an angel send by God
    All the support

  9. Dear Abby
    Are you doing any video clips on YouTube because YouTube does not share your clips if any on my YouTube page
    Pleade Abby what's going on?

  10. I have been watching (Ms Abby Martin) on (RT AMERICA) and she is extremely talented and she tells us the real story about the government and the warhawks in (D.C.)!

  11. RT america gave a window into the malfeasance of the corporate oligarchy. But the narrative of RT was intended to undermine faith in the american system. The talking points of RT are completely controlled by Putin, and his empire aspirations cannot be appeased. He is a modern day Hitler or Stalin, with a napoleon complex. Putin needs to be stopped, and his voice overseas needs to be silenced until his war machine is crushed.

  12. The irony is that the US had so much potential to liberate and promote humilty and offer freedom from consumerism and greed. It is ironic that dissent in the West is called propaganda from the East (Russia). You want a war and your media reflects a propaganda that accuses Russia and China of of breaking democracy rules in the very way you yourselves are practising on a global level. Total military disarmament is necessary and the media should be prosecuted for dissemination of fake information and downright lies. As Abby says you can't have democracy if you won't allow the voice of Russia in a fair and respectful manner. Any attempt to kill the leaders of the East shall initiate and unleash a war greater than any other. Putin is a good man and his legacy will be the symbol of the war on enslavement to Capitalism which is alien to 2 thirds of the world's population.

  13. Looking at this video a year or so later when so much has been revealed about how the US engineered the coup d'état in Ukraine that ushered in a nationalist, right-wing regime, with a heavy neo-Nazi influence, that immediately turned its Russian-ethnic citizens into stigmatized sub-humans and launched a war on the heavily Russian ethnic Donbass region, killing some 14000 before Russia finally said enough, would Real News and Abby be so quick to condemn Russia now? We also now know that the US had set up scores of bio-Labs in Ukraine, heavily armed and trained the Ukrainian military, was promoting Ukraine membership in NATO, and had refused all attempts by Putin to discuss Russia's obvious security concerns. With our Monroe Doctrine, we would not hesitate to go to war with a neighbor who was mirroring what Ukraine was implementing near the Russian border, yet we claim that Russia should not be allowed to defend its own key security interests.

  14. There is less and less place for independant and progressive voices in this world; as intellectuals, educated people, by universities or self taught, we are not children, we can form our own opinions, but the medias are controled, depending on the system, by some billionnaires or by states. Our voices please none of them, and our publications are more and more supressed. We have seen the follow up of 9/11, & the pretended "war on terror" against Saudi Arabia? Pakistan? No, Iraq !!! The role of TV replacing newspapers, and more and more shows tranforming the masses into spectators of other uninteresting lives around fashion, laves, romances and making a show from the news. Everywere even the bourgeois democracy is replaced by authoritarism and pure propaganda; workers voices are systematically suppressed as well as their rights since the neolib counter-democratic takeover 40 years ago. We have to unite to find means of explanation, information on what the big medias dont say, our lives, our wishes, our hopes and our actions and struggles for our rights and true democracy, stop the mining and drilling of fossils and change our ways of lives to cooperations, not confrontations. It's a long way to go, a very long and steep way.

  15. Abby Martin has nothing o do in this neocon military industrial complex propaganda news, an antirussian and antichinese (anticommunist and McCarthysm 2.0) program, hiding USA NATO provocations into Russia's nose, as well as two CIA coups in Ukraine with neonazis and Victoria Nuland. Anyone who seeks truth is called 'a russian assett', or any intimidating bullshit.

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