Across America Thousands March To Support Trump’s Impeachment

Across America Thousands March To Support Trump’s Impeachment

People turned out in over 600 communities all over the United States calling for President Donald Trump’s impeachment. David Siever of MoveOn talks about what this means and what happens next.

Director/Video Editor: Adam Coley
Audio Engineer: Bababtunde Ogunfolaju
Visual Producer: Andrew Corkery
Chase Producer: Genevieve Montinar

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48 thoughts on “Across America Thousands March To Support Trump’s Impeachment

  1. Nancy Pelosi purposely didn't bring forth all of the impeachable offenses. They wanted to create chaos.
    Had the Epstein issues been included the sex scandals would engulf all areas of society from politicians, sports owners, actors, singers, priest, heads if state etc.
    Nancy Pelosi has thrown this impeachment as if to sweep the biggest issues under the rug. To bring them up again would appear as double jeopardy.
    They all need to go. They are all nearly 90 with mental issues and values of their times.

  2. I don't think enough people knew about the protests in time or more people would have shown up. I would have appreciated knowing. I think more people are in support of impeaching trump.

  3. The turn out was low because its not even worth it. Waste of time. Instead you should be gathering to help the homeless who dont have heat for the holidays and a roof for their families. People need to open their eyes and realize what is more important. This whole impeachment will only help trump to win the re-election.

  4. The act of impeachment is just going to be trivialized. Imagine the opposing party always trying to impeach the president every four years.

  5. Christ Jesus loves President Donald Trump as a Black American rev Eugene Michael Larry Jr the second I love my President and you all are lieing on are president will always definitely be there for My President God bless you God bless you President Trump This black African American love you rev Eugene Michael Larry Jr the second.

  6. Whatever you think about Trump, he did make "America Great Again", but not in the way he thinks….. by making people more active to get out and fight for the policies they believe in. Progressives can't do much in a coffee shop, but in the streets, they can make a difference. The problem is the way Trump is turning to those extreme rightwing ethnocentric elements the president is empowering that have always been there but never dealt with until now.

  7. Warning the poeple s majority voice is the senat and the overwelming rich minority voice is the congress , so I mean no wonder that who laughs best is the one who votes late unfortunately

  8. If Trump gets impeached what makes anyone think Democrats or even Bernie will do Jack Shit to stop the endless wars, the corporate industrial devastation of the planet, and the nauseating economic disparity that plagues the USA? It is not just Trump. It's the entire Democratic system that needs to be impeached. Oh and by the way while everyone focuses on the impeachment clown act the vast majority of Democrats approved Trumps genocidal 2020 military budget. thanks Democrats for being warmongering corporate owned MONEY WHORES!!!!


  10. Bad time of year for protests! I am handicap and could not go outside to protest in the cold weather. Besides, it was quite obvious that he was going to be impeach by the House. Conviction by Senate is where we need the protests and hopefully that won't come until weather warms up and I can get outside.

  11. Thousands march, hmm… we are a country of 329.45 million. Odds are against you and those numbers are from Aug 2019.

    Edited may I remind people the political climate of this nation goes back decades before the Great Depression from local all the way up to federal regarding BOTH parties. Separate, Divide and Create….Babylon is falling hard and with it taking Zionism with it.

  12. All of them old lifetime politicians NEED TO GO !!!!

  13. Why Doesn't the Whole of America See the Clear & Present Danger of Trump , the Politicians that Protect Him & the Looting of America …?? .. “Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people.” … … “A government of laws, and not of men.”

    – John Adams … …

    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

    Edmund Burke

  14. Trump is inept and criminal. He has no governing experience and knows only how to make money for himself, as he has been a businessman all his life. He only cares about himself and making money for himself–that all he knows. He does not care about anyone else, just look at the policies he has enacted. He is the worst US president ever!

  15. From what I can see, here's what happened: 1) first Joe Biden bragged about corrupting the Ukraine govt by withholding one billion dollars from USA; then 2) Trump asked Ukrainian pres if he could look into that; 3) then Democrats claimed that Trump was withholding funds based on that ask, even tho there was no evidence whatsoever; 4) News media persistently and passionately lied about that, calling for impeachment; 5) Move organized thousands of Americans bamboozled by the media and Democrat party lies.
    It's really quite bizarre.

  16. And they couldn't impeach Bush for war crimes and letting a murderer walk free?? This is absolutely hypocritical and Democrats stand for NOTHING, they already voted for all the ndaa military budget spending and oppose him on NOTHING… vicious cycle wake up people!!

  17. It's like a circus act. After all, Bush and Obama committed crimes as Presidents that were more than enough for them to be impeached, but this evidently was deliberately disregarded, ignored. Trump should be, but these other two also should've been. ANYWAY, this TRNN report seems odd to me, for it indicates that the House of Rep's didn't yet impeach Trump and I listened to some videos published yesterday that spoke of Trump having been impeached as of yesterday or maybe the day before. " Trump impeached: The votes, the reaction and what’s next " (6:50), CBC News: The National, Dec. 18, 2019, Quote: " Donald Trump became the third U.S. president to be impeached. The National breaks down what happened, how a divided nation reacted and what happens next. " The other video is, " Was Trump's impeachment fair? " (3:25), CBC News, Dec. 18, 2019, NOTE that the latter title is of past tense, saying that Trump was impeached, rather than it not yet being the case. They do recognize that the US Senate has the last say about this, but the two videos nonetheless say that Trump is impeached.

  18. impeached. called it. but so what. removal from office? yeah right.

    what a stupid distraction from Epstein, Assange, Manning, bolivia, israel, saudi arabia, yemen, palestine, syria, oil, pollution, 911, 5g, and kids in fucking cages!!! the entire nation is on pills and believes all the bullshit propaganda the media spews.

    what a fucking joke.

    i hate trump.

    but this whole thing is just a sham.

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