Tina Oh of the Canadian Youth Delegation says COP24 failed to respect the rights of her own and subsequent generations

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By elboriyorker


15 thoughts on “After COP24, Trudeau Government Promises More Goodies For Big Oil”
  1. Still not striking at the heart of the problem. Sure the nasty oil corporations are not acceptable. And trudeau is canada's trump a bought and paid for shill of the masters. But this is not how you stop or reverse climate change.

  2. Problem, reaction, solution…. they must cherry pick data so dire that the people demand a solution right now, so they can say Agenda 21/30 is the only way to save them….we don't have any more time to plan a best way forward we can only accept their agenda that protects the wealthiest and biggest businesses by placing austerity on the people to have to build things like workable public transit by higher taxes, the young of today will pay for the rest of their lives… and they get Agenda 21/30 that was their goal all along! It works for them every time….

  3. Pure propaganda. State of art technology exists today for almost 0% emissions standards, even for coal. Problem is lack of political will to implement direct pollution reduction. Why? Because essentially investment scammers (wall street & gov't. puppets) want a big climate change (carbon) slush fund. Figure it out. Are we corrupt enough yet?

  4. Brainwashed lemmings calling for their own enslavement, the establishment must be terribly pleased their agenda is going to plan. Youth movements used to rail against the establishment but very cleverly the youth have been tricked into doing the establishments bidding. Climate Change Climate Crisis Global Warming or whatever it's being called this week is a religion, even the blind can see this. Like all religions it's a scam to control the masses, the eye in the sky god story isn't working any more. It's such a shame so much young talent is being wasted persuing a goal that even if it were true would be impossible to achieve. The planet is a self correcting system that's been around for 4.5 billion years. The industrial revolution began 200 years ago so get real you fucking idiots, you've been tricked, hoodwinked, decieved, lied to, wake the fuck up or pay the price of permanent enslavement to the on going CO2 bullshit crisis. CO2 is the consequence of warming not the cause, how the fuck do you think plants are going to grow without CO2 it's their life blood? Believe it or not but that big yellow ball in the sky we call the sun controls the tempreture and weather patterns on earth.Just by watching solar activity proper meterologist can and have predicted weather patterns far more acurately than so called climate scientist who are nothing of the sort. There's no such thing as a climate scientist it's a bullshit title activist with degree's in conected science's give themselves. This is scientism a science that's settled and can't be challenged LOL No science is ever settled how could it be? Darwins theory is still only a theory because if the truth be known we still haven't got a clue where we came from but we're so arrogant we think we're going to save the planet, ha fucking ha and good luck with that!

  5. Ah yes, let's use the youth that we have indoctrinated with the boogyman Mr. carbon in our school systems. It's too difficult to remove reason and logic from those damned adults. Got to get em while they are young, ignorant, and bullyable.

  6. Ironic how its acceptable for hundreds of people to go flying from all over the world, to go to a meeting to tell everyone to cut their carbon footprint. Then you'll have hundreds from all over the world meeting in The UN in NYC. Then there the monthly move that The EU does from Brussels to Strasbourg with hundred people and thousands of files of paperwork moved. All these people who have more of a "carbon footprint" than most people, are the ones making policies & increasing taxes on household energy & putting millions of people into fuel poverty and causing thousands of fuel poverty related deaths. Same with all these people. Do as I say, not as I do!
    They could hold conferences via Skype etc. There is no need for them to jet around the world funded by the ones they have happily put in poverty. One big farce. BTW it's the sun that controls the temperature of Earth and we are going into a solar minimum. Climate does change, but that is not because of CO2 which is a life gad, it's because it is a natural occurrence. The time to start worrying is if the climate doesn't change. What people do not understand is if CO2 levels drop to below 150ppm, that's the point where the Earth, all living species including plants will die. Under 150ppm it is impossible for the Earth to recover. So good luck with making the world zero carbon. You're signing your own death warrant as well as billions of other people at the same time and you'd be killing the Earth off once and for all.

  7. Trudeau campaigned on stopping the handouts to fossil fuel companies. So far he has purchased a pipeline and increased the handouts to the fossil fuel companies. The Conservatives, Liberals and NDP all can't be trusted. I'll be voting green for the rest of my life. Ideology means nothing under a global climate crisis. We have 12 years to stop the destruction of our atmosphere but instead our leaders are increasing the burning of fossil fuel. You have to choose between money and extinction. The time is now.

  8. In ten years youth will see how they were brain washed on global warming. They don't have common sense to look upward at heavens and its changes aren't because of man and automobile and oil! Read a bible for once the global warming you believe is a lie. As in days of Noah so it will be in last days.

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