After White Supremacist Terror, Trump Doubles Down from Birthright to the Border

After White Supremacist Terror, Trump Doubles Down from Birthright to the Border

In the aftermath of a spate of white supremacist violence from Florida to Kentucky to Pittsburgh, President Trump is ramping up nativism and xenophobia. The U.S. is deploying up to 14,000 troops to the U.S.-Mexico border, purportedly in response to a caravan of Central American asylum seekers. Trump also says he might revoke birthright citizenship for the babies of non-citizens. We are joined by historian Gerald Horne of the University of Houston

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36 thoughts on “After White Supremacist Terror, Trump Doubles Down from Birthright to the Border

  1. It is fairly obvious that this "caravan" has been stoked by outside forces. most likely the CIA. This has been staged in order to increase the chaos right at the time of the midterm elections.

  2. Trump could require women to prove they are not pregnant to obtain a visa. He could also require that pregnant women be deported unless they have proof of citizenship.

  3. Is Professor Horne unaware that it was the current President's predecessor who suspended Habeas Corpus, or is he just exhibiting a selective memory on the subject? Every right-wing act Obama committed greased Trump's way. Yet another way in which the Democrats are responsible for him.

  4. This professor doesn't mention how birthright citizen ship originated. It was passed after the civil war to keep blacks born here citizens of the USA. Why keep a loophole in the immigration laws open for illegals to take advantage of?

  5. When the shooter was named I found a link to his GAB page posted on line. He didn’t seem to be a “white supremacist”.He seems to be anti-semitic and a nationalist.

  6. I don't get why you would ever want to give citizenship to a child of foreigners parents just because the child was born in the US. Can someone clarify why anyone other than the parents of the child would want this?

  7. The whole world is under a elite depopulation mode chemtrails targeting innocent citizens Satanism artificial intelligence mind control end time prophecy happening now. Stock your shelves prepare for Christ Jesus return.

  8. I am very disappointed because I love your show. 1. You did not talk about birth tourism. 2. Your speaker is completely bias and deflected into la la land levels. Any one follow anything he said? Never once about the constitution and legalities. And you constantly asserting that they are victims of violence and persecution… how do you know that? How do you know they are not just trying to skip the legal requirements to enter the US and better their lives economically. So why didn't they take the offer to stay in Mexico? You lost me today.

  9. The xenophobic right winger Rachel Maddow holds much blame for whipping up fear which has lead to thousands of dissenting voices to be silenced! We have to call that out..

  10. 'Ramping up…'? 'Anti Immigrant..'? Really, really!? How many Invaders are you taking in…? The Troops are being deployed on invaders on American soil. Please apply some critical thinking unless you're planning on bailing out of the USA.

  11. So we're calling any violent crime committed by a white person an act of "White Supremacist Terror" now, I guess?

    Last year in Canada six people were killed at a mosque by a white guy in Quebec city. So that means Justin Trudeau must be a Nazi, clearly there's no other explanation.

  12. Not the Nazi parallel AGAIN! lol. I remember subscribing to this channel when it just started up like 10 years ago, but I unsubscribed after a few years as it was too biased, but I forgot about all that. Now I remember, but will stay subscribed a while, just for the lolz.

  13. What white supremacists ???, they are done with that. The last leader who uses that is Adolf Hitler and still it is the white people that put a stop to his army.
    Internet was not available in those days, therefore don't expect your mom and dad to know, which is why most of you in the media still do not know.
    All you think is to please your boss and hope for a pay rise.

  14. So sad , countries are destabilized by WHITE SUPREMACY Greed, and now these countries in ruins, and 50% everyday Americans can't even afford a $1000 emergency.
    Black Americans descendants of enslavement are a permanent ECONOMIC UNDERCLASS BECAUSE OF HISTORICAL RACIST PUBLIC POLICIES, and people devastated by destabilization will get some of the crumbs that black Americans descendants of slavery be getting to survive. .
    The Amerikkka dream .

  15. ©™ TMALX Transnational 🌏 Militant 💥 Armed 🔫Liberation⛓ Xecutive🕶 Observation ✍ ✍

    Just more goofy ideas from Trump moronic meglomaniacal goofball President unhinged paranoid delusional behavior lies as easily as he breaths and just as often.

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