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Environmentalist Tzeporah Berman says Alberta Premier Jason Kenney is a “climate change denier”

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The Real News is a viewer-supported media network bringing you the stories from the frontlines of the fight for a better world.

By elboriyorker


46 thoughts on “Alberta Government Declares War On Environmentalists”
  1. That old biddy is NOT A REAL SCIENTIST! Scientists do not hide from the facts, do not DECLARE A SCIENTIFIC CONCENSUS. Science demands criticism and their work is expected to be challenged. THAT is real science. NONE of these environmental bodies predictions of CRISIS LEVEL CLIMATE ISSUES, have come true, other than we are in an ice age, and are guaranteed to drop 8-10 degrees C into the glaciation that will follow our short interglacial warm period. This pattern has been intensifying steadily for over 3 million years, and doesn't appear to be stopping any time soon. Where are their plans for global food production, for the next 100,000 year glacial period, that we are sure is coming. That is not a prediction, that is history, and the hard truth.

  2. You all seem very disappointed in Alberta, for not doing what you want.

    Let Alberta Secede, and join the United States. We'll be happy to take that backwards culture off your hands.

  3. There are many other great problems in the world and our country than that come before an exaggerated and fear-mongering problem of global warming. Economy comes first so that we keep food on the table and the heat on. Our whole nation is in debt. Why would you waste money on the black hole of the climate fight when we still have poverty in our country?

  4. Normally when the government identifies a problem – determines a solution – then appropriates funding – what makes this whole think questionable is they do not have a plan – even Ontario lost its solar panel manufacturing company – it was moved to eastern Germany. Where are the solutions this “ tax” is supposedly funding? – answer? there is non.

  5. The dirtyest of all oils on the planet ,6 drums of clean water turned in to poison for each one drum of oil extracted, just pilling up and waiting for the dam to breake and pour in to the Arthabaska river down bellow.A real shame…

  6. 'The real news' is out to lunch on this one # might as well be mainstream news # CO2 is .5% of all greenhouse gases # ya you read that right # they are trying to make us believe .5% is responsible for global warming is plain ignorant # most who believe this shit don't even know what then number one greenhouse gas is # stop being ignorant and do your own research.

  7. I think for Alberta to move forward Kenny is not the person to lead the march because he will do as all the conservatives have done for the pass 50 years in Alberta keep the chicken today feathers tomorrow economic plan. We need to get the pipelines in place both east and west pass legislation to stop importing oil especially from those assholes in Saudi Arabia. Need to have legislation in place dictating that a percentage of the oil sales starts to build industries that replace the oil jobs in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Think if we don't make an effort to invest in clean energy we will be left behind. At this point the world is using oil and gas so if we do not supply it someone else will. The key is what do you do with the revenue to make a change. I voted NDP always have only party that helps the common person, but to say they are not just as eger to make revenue off oil and gas is not true. Yes it is true if they are elected in the east because they have no oil and gas. Look at Alberta and BC NDP governments fighting over one pipeline not on what makes sense but what gets them re-elected.
    Notley had the right ideas as far as pipeline and also upgading/refining oil in Canada instead of shipping it raw better bang for the oil. Think she would have tried to get our eggs out of the one basket and spread them out some. Can't say that for sure but was hoping. One thing not mentioned is the war room Kenny talked about is to understand how,who and why interests in the US is funneling money to different groups (including environmental groups) want to hinder Alberta from getting their oil to market for their own financial gain.

  8. Perhaps Mr Kenney is a cautionary example of what happens when one is exposed to too much tar sands waste, or the dirty dollars profiteered from fossil fuels?

  9. Alberta Premier Jason Kenney, a complete gutless coward and traitor to life. A lying propagandist. He will be personally be sued for everything he ever makes. That's the way to take these country club sociopaths down.

  10. Go Kenney go! We need less climatards and more people who understand co-opted "climate" science, the big money behind it, and the fake promises of "renewables".

  11. Very fine interview. I don't know how valid it is but have long been against the tar sands business. It's been many years and I never lived in that area of Canada. I think we can legitimately call it an environmental crime; a serious one. I've never liked the tar sands business. There's a lot about that I never liked.

  12. I live in Alberta. I DESPISE Jason Kenney! I am not an oil advocate in anyway! However, I do recognize SCHEIT and you guys are full of it! And so is Jason Kenney! I am so sick of getting one side's propaganda, then the other side's propaganda AND NEVER THE TRUTH! Kenney's War Room will be more SCHEIT! The RNN stands on NO MORAL HIGH-GROUND in this report! You Dimitri, grovel in the manure pit WITH Jason Kenney!

  13. When the planet can't sustain life, then all those rich people will go down the same root when their bunker stash runs out, they will just have a bit longer to think about the inevitable as no one will be available to top it up {:>).

  14. So this idiots war room is about disseminating propaganda and lies about Alberta’s energy industry. No real surprise coming from a conservative. And now with the coming elections in Canada we are looking at another possibility of a conservative running the country further into the hole as Stephen Harper did.

  15. I work in a mineral refinery in Montreal , with a little technology we have created almost 95% less emissions and created 500 employed jobs, not create a tax grab to burden the middle class or impoverish our senior citizens , till death , like Trudope ,does!

  16. This woman lives in her own un-realistic bubble!Thinking a tax grab is going too fix pollution problem that's existed since the industrial revolution of the 1900's,to late ,honey Lib.Nothing , but wishful thinking.We were doomed by mother nature since this planet's existence.

  17. Good, production vs prediction,we have to produce & sell our natural resources .Pollution doesn't have borders,The U.S. sends it's pollution up here to interact with ours,there's no wall that can stop pollution,Dingbat!She doesn't realize that there are over 500 million people living South of us , including Mexico,hell even farms create pollution with Methane from cow shit.

  18. When it comes to climate change reporting, there is no better example of a confidence scam. They have the look and feel of good reporting, but your just a bunch of sold out narcissistic renegades and totally compromised. When you put Dr. Mann on your show, but failed to bring in Dr. Timothy Ball as a balanced discussion was the nail in your coffins. You're pure entertainment and i would prosecute your entire branch and brass for your licenses under the threat and force of a grand jury; on your limited commercial and unlimited civil liability capacity. Im confident none of you will survive the repercussions for lying to the people for as long as you have.

  19. The 99% need to start executing politicians like Kenny who don't represent our needs and the planets needs. French Revolution style.

  20. I don't understand… If renewable energy is plausible, why haven't markets reacted somewhere? I live in America and I'd gladly pay a little more for renewable alternatives but they aren't even accessible. Why wouldnt the demand push it into the market? There's no way it's just oil monopolies flexing, people really want to make money. Why isn't this happening?

  21. The problem with Canada, its environmental policies and its economy? An antiquated, and deliberately disfunctional democracy and a colosally misinformed and stupid voting population. We all need to stop pretending this is a free and open democracy. It is never going to improve without direct action and no one is willing to take that action.

  22. Where are the Canadian environmentalists on the discussion of 5G roll-out throughout the country? On the internationally researched long-term negative environmental effects of EMFs on animals, vegetation, and human beings? On how rolling out 5G is a huge giveaway to big tech and monolithic communication companies, the ones who will benefit, while turning Canada's population into experimental lab rats exposed to grotesque levels of EMF radiation? All so they can run smart meters, smart homes, smart grids, and smart towns which utilize huge amounts of energy and are supported and endorsed by environmentalists. The inconsistency and the hypocrisy of contemporary environmentalism makes it a joke.

  23. This, in a nutshell, is the dilemma facing voters in Western democracies. We are trapped between troglodytes like Kenney/Ford/Trump/Johnson and those, like Trudeau/Clinton/Macron, who adopt a progressive veneer while in reality defending the status quo. Where do we go from here?

  24. STOP voting in criminals.

    It doesn't matter what party they are from, they are ALL psychopath criminals, & if you can't see this, you have no clue what's going on out there.

    Gov't is controlled by the EVILS of the world & those evils purposely put puppets in power.

    So even if the majority want people who care about our planet voted in someone who "claims" (they ALL lie) they are for our environment, it won't matter, the ones bought & paid for who don't care will be put into power.

    The gov't doesn't care about you as it's a corporation. It is ONLY there to protect the elite & evils of the world.

    I used to think this was only the case in the US until I finally got to the point of learning this is a GLOBAL issue, not just an American one.

    As for climate change, research geo-engineering. The weather catastrophes are done on purpose by the people with the power.

    There are HAARP like machines placed in strategic places all over the world that can manipulate weather.

    Even JFK was cited for talking about weather being used as a weapon & if you think they are using it against some so called "terrorist" country, think again. They are using it against US!

    I hope you will be open minded & smart enough to at least research what I'm saying instead of writing it off as me being crazy.

  25. Science is science to place politics and economics ahead of what science explains is happening to our climate and ecosystem is an unethical madness it’s not a PC thing nor is it being irresponsible to listen to our worlds scientists and seek to make the changes necessary what is irresponsible is remain belligerent to the Changes required. If there is a contrary science disproving what’s happening to our climate it would on its merit , assuming it had such, it would be the scientific consensus as science is a rigorous peer reviewed process. There is no tenable contrary science what there is is a dubious intent by vested interests that cannot consider beyond the next quarterly profits…
    This is an existential crisis and it requires humanities full attention as the window of opportunity to mitigate our climate crisis is very narrow a decade of years maybe even less and to impede these necessary changes is a crime against humanity …of corporations taking precedence over people and a right to a future should not be a political issue’s a matter of scientific consensus and that we must act now

  26. Alberta will be an enormous cesspool , what a horrible shame ! FIGHT BACK , ENVIRONMENTALISTS YOU ARE FIGHTING FOR THE LIFE OF THE PLANET ! NEVER GIVE UP !

  27. I don't think people realize the ramifications of voting with their asses. They already cut taxes for the rich, they wanna cut as much as possible from everyone else and now this.

  28. Kennedy is putting all his eggs in one basket. The oil industry is a subset industry and he’s putting the knife to Alberta’s throat. While Alberta has some time to diversifying their economy, they are wasting it on this dead future. This provinces economy is guaranteed to collapse in the next 5 to 10 years.

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