If another 20 percent of the Amazon rainforest is destroyed, it could start a vicious cycle of self-destruction, unleashing enormous amounts of CO2 and massively impacting regional and global climate, says Alexander Zaitchik

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By elboriyorker


32 thoughts on “Amazon in Danger of Total Destruction Under Brazil’s Right-Wing President Bolsonaro”
  1. The rest of the world should have the concern to plant trees in their own countries. Other countries have destroyed their forests, but Brazil has not. Brazil is an example other Nations and not the opposite.

  2. Germany has caused two wars, in France there is a globalist president who, instead of criticizing the new Brazilian government, why not start afforesting his own backyard? where the continent of Europe has not even 10km of vegetation, do you ruin your own land and want to worry about foreign land? AMAZONIA IS FROM BRAZILIANS !!

  3. It is this mixing of concepts in this manner that makes segments like this an insult to genuine ecological conservation efforts.

    To begin with, this climate con nonsense has gone far enough. It has amazed me having sat down on a clear day in California and seen with my own eyes the effects of geoengineering the refusal of media to do a serious and scathing expose on international geoengineering and the Pentagon's weaponization of the weather. When you see programs like this pretending to be independent and be the voice of the people it is a joke. We require meaningful journalism exposing what is going on, not providing cover for the Pentagon's new addition to hybrid warfare.

    The climate con is too complex to explain briefly, no more than it would be to explain to the un-initiated what the false "war on terror" is all about. However one similarity between the 2 is a radical deformation of the way we live in a manner that is not in our best interest.

    To do a segment on this any justice would by necessity include the US's role in the takedown of Lula to bring Brazil back in as part of the US empire (without the fascist Bolsonaro puppet this would never have happened) and the hand of international Big Ag firms in this policy of this puppet. To insinuate that this is for beef production is B.S., beef prices keep rising not falling and it isn't due to a surge in demand for beef. Furthermore this is not happening for small ranchers or small slash-and-burn farmers, this is the international Big Ag firms.

  4. Brazil produces 20% or world's oxygen, so the world should pay for this huge useless land, because this land is totally useless to us

  5. Os próprios estrangeiros desmatam a Amazônia e depois vem botar culpa no Brasil isso se chama ganância do homem e agora vem falar do Brasil eu aposto que no país de vs não tem um 1km de floresta

  6. Can we just take a moment to appreciate Bolsonaro slamming that european whoever that was saying that the amazon is from Brazil, so they can suck up and take care of their business.
    BOLSONARO 2022 because libtards need more nights without sleeping 🙂


  8. NASA shows that on average between 20 and 30% of the territory of each country is destined the agricultural crop. Reaching out to extrapolate in many cases. In the European Union, between 45 and 65% of the local territory is destined to agriculture. In Denmark, the cultivated area corresponds to 76.8% of its territory. In the UK, 63.9%. In Germany, 56.9%.
      In India, the. We united, 18.3% of the territory. In China it is 17%, 7%.
      In Brazil, it is only 7.6% of the national territory with agricultural cultivation.
     data irrefutable raised by the embrapa territorial, led by the competent prof. evaristo of miranda, and confirmed by the nasa of the united states, indicating that not there are in the planet country with the dimension territorial of the brazil that more protects your vegetation native. the area intended to the preservation and protection of the vegetation native of the brazil corresponds the 66,3% of the our territory. the brazil is recognized as power worldwide in the area agricultural and agroindustrial, but occupies only 9% of the your territory with all the crops and forests planted. the vegetation native preserved in the real estate rural private, without any compensation economical, occupies 20,5% of the territory, the vegetation native in the units of conservation others 13,1%, in the lands indigenous more 13,8%, and in lands vacant and not indexed others 18,9%. [in the european union the history is completely reverse. the vegetation native occupies irrisóriosu 0,3% of the territory of the block, and until even the famous black forest of the germany that not is native, by if deal with vegetation homogeneous presents almost or no biodiversity. the brazil is the country that of form more effective has contributed for mitigation of the global warming, not only to the preserve the heritage of vegetation native and of biodiversity, that moreover is exclusively your and about the which has absolute sovereignty, but also by the your matrix of energy clean, and by policies environmental that has promoted in fuels and energy in general. our matrix energetics is 44% renewable, having the cane-of-sugar as monday bigger source of energy, with 17,0% of the offer of energy elementary, below only of the oil and their derivatives. in the area of fuels net, in the first quarter of 2019, the ethanol used in mix with the gasoline in the proportion of 27%, and used pure by the fleet flex, that represents more of 80% of the fleet total of vehicles, replaced 45,6% of all the gasoline consumed in the country. since 1976, the ethanol already replaced 3 billion of barrels of gasoline in the brazil, with a economy of more of 506 billion of dollars. this not is little, for a country that has reservations of oil and condensed of 12,6 billion of barrels, and reservations international of 383 billion of dollars. not there are country in all the world that has reached that degree of substitution, with huge benefits environmental and to the health, places and global, beyond those of order economical and of security energetics. this if should to the a resilient industry sucroenergética, ally the a engineering automotive place of the what the brazil if proud, that developed powertrains for use biofuels of form increasingly efficient. in the brazil, the ethanol has substituted brilliantly the aromatic carcinogens contained in the gasoline gifts in others countries, reducing also the emissions of material particulado, and others compounds harmful to the health as the monoxide of carbon, formaldeídos, and the compounds organic volatile generators of smog fotoquímico. we are also replacing 10% of all the diesel fossil with biodiesel, and that already we approve a schedule for authorize that the biodiesel replace 15% of the diesel fossil until 2023, and can go beyond. is basically by account of the ethanol and of the biodiesel that our big cities not has the same pollution of the air that metropolises as beijing and city of the mexico. the congress brazilian approved in 2017, by overwhelming majority parliamentarian, the law of the renovabio, the plan national of the biofuels that, without subsidies or a new tax about carbon, created a mechanism of certification that will go encourage increases additional of efficiency energetics-environmental, that has as result turn the biofuels more cheap to the consumer, and that will the a system of precificação of the carbon by the market, and not by the pen of a bureaucrat of government. in 2017, the total of emissions antrópicas associated to the matrix energetics brazilian reached 435,8 millions of tons of co2 equivalent. the goals of descarbonização of the renovabio should take the a reduction accumulated of emission of 686 millions of tons of co2e until 2029, what corresponds the more of a year of emissions totals of the france. the brazil has a option technological of mobility very superior to the that the germany and others countries europeans are chasing. the environmental policy of merkel has if summarized the fix goals of substitution of the motors of combustion internal by cars electric the battery, in a false illusion of that of this way will generating emission zero. the environmental policy german that currently uses energy electric generated by the burn of coal and natural gas, for move the your fleet of cars electric allegedly clean, using batteries produced with metals rare extracted via of rule of form not-sustainable. the car the battery not issues co2, but the generation of the energy that will be stored in the battery, and the issued for produce and discard the battery, yes. when taken in account the evaluation of the cycle of life closed (well-the-wheel), that should guide the evaluations of politics public in this area, the cars electric the battery europeans are emitting today 92 gco2e / km, and perhaps with all the advances provided, are emitting yet 74 gco2e / km in 2032. this without count the environmental costs of the assembly and discard of the batteries, and the high investments and environmental costs for create a new infrastructure of reload. by account of the footprint of carbon almost neutral of the ethanol, of the biodiesel and of the biometano, the emissions of gases of the greenhouse effect of the current vehicles equipped with motors of combustion internal using ethanol are of only 58 grams of co2 equivalent by km, and new technologies the be shortly implanted as result of the law rota2030, approved in the brazil in 2018, we are going in the direction of 47 gco2 / km. the new hybrid flex the ethanol that enters in the market brazilian in october issues only 39 grams, and is the car more clean of the planet, and the cell the fuel the ethanol or biometano, that already has prototype ready, when is running in the streets had issued only 27 grams. is by those reasons that leaders of automakers european has alerted merkel and the president french makron of that the current cars moved the diesel are in reality more clean than the option technological of mobility that both has encouraged with huge subsidies, but that little interest has captured together to the consumers. by table the others leaders global, that in reality the brazil has in its hands the solution for resolve a of the gravest problems that the europe faces currently, that is the crisis of the refugees, and that by table can be extended to the immigration illegal in the americas. the option technological of mobility that the brazil adopted and that comes chasing of form successful, if applied in the continent african or latin-american may have numerous benefits. may increase the production of food and energy, reduce the dependency energetics by energy fossil, fix the man in the field, reduce the deforestation related to the collection of wood for cocção, generate income and employment for encourage the trade inter-regional, with sustainability. the party of the false environmentalists are ending in Brazil.

  9. Burn it to the ground.
    Then corporations can sell us food and water. 
    Wont be able to grow your own, or drink water from your own well very soon.

  10. The Oligarchs and Corporatist are extractors. They extract from politicians by feeding their campaigns. They extract the natural resources of the country for profit and greed. They extract from the citizens keeping you and me in debt. Time to put limits on Capitalism before they destroy it all.

  11. People>Animals everyday. Either people starve and you keep the forest or you let humans actually thrive by expanding agricultural grounds.

  12. The Amazon is ESSENTIAL for our planet! They are the life source of the earth 🌍 This is not only of concern to Brazil 🇧🇷 but the whole world!

  13. I am getting to the point with these people that are chasing money they should be 'allowed' to destroy the Amazon and then we 'see what happens.'
    Big money elites are now not constrained. We shall see just how long things are able to go on.

  14. FAKE NEWS, We had leftist government in the last 20 years never done anything. now 6 months of right-wing government is being the problem ??????

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