Amazon Workers Hold Nationwide Strikes As COVID-19 Sweeps Warehouses – Everything Law and Order Blog

Fired Amazon employee Chris Smalls says workers will protest until they feel protected, while Amazon-owned Whole Foods is ranking stores where employees are most likely to unionize.

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Visual Producer: Andrew Corkery

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By phillyfinest369


20 thoughts on “Amazon Workers Hold Nationwide Strikes As COVID-19 Sweeps Warehouses”
  1. Jeff basil looks like a robot ,is he even human ,he looks like that lady robot except he's a guy and if he is a robot he's doesn't have feelings, so it's not going to matter how much you complain and cry he doesn't have feelings.🤔

  2. I wish these workers great success in or with this battle, which consumers could help them with by boycotting Amazon until the necessary corrections are made, not limited to but nonetheless including financial compensation. The fed. govt can surely help with the latter need, but maybe with all of this as well. BUT, Amazon should be legally made to pay PLENTY. And it seems that Whole Foods management is deserving of very serious court action against it or its management chiefs.

  3. Socialism is as American as Apple Pie —
    William H. Sylvis (1828–1869) was born in 1828 in the borough of Armagh, Pennsylvania. He became a pioneer American trade union leader. Sylvis is best remembered as a founder of the Iron Molders' International Union and the National Labor Union, the latter being one of the first American union federations attempting to unite workers of various crafts into a single national organization.

    John Siney (1831-1880) was born in Ireland. After working as a miner in Lancashire he emigrated to America. He settled in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania where he found work in one of the local anthracite coal-mines. In 1868 Siney formed the Workingmen's Benevolent Association (WBA) with the objective of improving pay and working conditions.

    Uriah Smith Stephens (August 3, 1821 – February 13, 1882) was an American labor leader. He was most notable for his leadership of nine Philadelphia garment workers in founding the Knights of Labor in 1869, a successful early American labor union.

  4. Workers unite, it is time to fight, get out on the streets, you need a living wage, healthcare, family leave, and education. The basics a business must provide the workers. We need to move to a system where the workers who build and make a company run receive part of the benefits. All workers receiving less than 15 dollars an hour, you must unite to get a fair wage. The rules are stacked against you. Read history, some will give their lives so the rest can survive.

  5. Maybe Chris should learn this virus is no more dangerous than the the seasonal flu. Maybe criss should quit looking for attention and do some research.

  6. Yes, striking is all very newsworthy, but why aren't they *forming a labor union*? Now is they perfect time to unionize.

  7. He is why Bezos hates unions and complainers. Smalls thinks about the welfare of workers and he has actual plans for improving the workplace and as a corollary society. For Bezos it means a tiny cut in his profits – for a Plutocratic there is no such thing as tiny cuts! But also a tiny decrease in absolute power over his corporate holdings – power is everything after profit.
    Plutocrats have one fear: Worker rights, which is why they swoon over automation.

  8. After seeing this report, I tried to send a NastyGram to Amazon. But can you believe that I couldn't find an email address for Amazon on their website ? I might be wrong but I looked and looked and came up empty. It looks to me like Amazon doesn't care about feedback from us customers. The bastards just want us to send them our money and then Shut Up.

  9. You know, Amazon, and Walmart, for that matter, wouldn't exist if it weren't for the globalization of manufacturing and the resulting devaluation of labor. Likewise, global pandemics wouldn't be as much of a threat.

    That said, the entire economy is now globalized, and some rando warehouse employee doesn't get to decide what business is and isn't essential. Manufacturing isn't local, so ordering things is the only way to acquire them. Saying that certain products are nonessential is the same argument people use when trying to justify economic inequality and lack of access to opportunity by pointing out that the working poor still have things like refrigerators and smartphones. This isn't the middle-ages. We live in a modern, technology based society. Most, if not all, business is essential.

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