America 101: Criminalizing Dissent

America 101: Criminalizing Dissent

Stir Crazy! Episode 91: Today we are joined by journalist Justine Barron, sociologist Taure Brown, and Baltimore based activist and recording artist Eze Jackson. Hosted by Kim Brown.

Follow all of our panelists on twitter. Kim Brown: @kimbrownlive, Taure brown: @sankofabrown, Justine Barron: @jewstein3000, Eze Jackson: @ezewriter

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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20 thoughts on “America 101: Criminalizing Dissent

  1. You sound like A spoiled brat who gets her news from Oprah and Whoopie. I used to watch and respect you. You will be another who will STEAL the country with fraud. You can do better.

  2. Taure Brown is right, Just like the US military goes around the world to terrorize and kill the local populace of other countries for the purpose of stealing their resources for bankers. The same way the US policing purpose is also to rob, hurt, rape, and terrorize the US people. It works well for our criminal government to serve their masters.

  3. The powerful win what they can the weak suffer what they must.any rich think it’s better to have Trump for the market…others preference Biden better face on presidential office…but are fine with trump of Bernie who batted the left to stop a third party and fire up the left…!!!

  4. Not the police, the institution itself, is a wrong approach to solve criminality, the players within and those who rule are the problem. Maybe in a scenario where all institutions break down, you have to install a similar force to serve and preserve a healthy society. Anarchistic approaches to solve the problems within the police by installing a vigilante group under the current political and economic system is not practicable, nor is it feasible as a isolated solution (town, district, state) or intended as a solution for the whole country. Police as a oppressing element of the powerful can only be transformed by the society by abolishing the whole system of oppression, means capitalism. The US as a state with less and less democracy and democratic work/control mechanisms is not reformable in the way the people want it for the police and other institutions. Because these opposite powers, the people and the current rulers, want diametral solutions and are dependent on their implementation. There will be not really a acceptable consensus between both interest groups as long as those who hold power dictating the rules.

  5. Taking into account that in a capitalist system everything is for sale, including our elected officials, this for the purchase of the government by anyone who has the money to pay for it. I am sick of Trump too but the system of Capitalism is the problem and its not being addressed allowing the systemic problems to persist .

  6. If the ruling elites and their property needs protecting then why not get rid of the system that creates this condition. You must address Capitalism or nothing changes!

  7. As I listened to host Kim Brown and the panelists one thought that crept into my mind was what would a new society look like. The host and all the panelists all appear discontented with the status quo. They said a lot about the flaws of the presidential candidates from the US's two major political parties.

    Perhaps more needs to be said about what a new reality will look like. What can and should we do to make that new reality become real? When will be do more than simply describe the status quo? When will we endeavor to truly create something new?

  8. Nothing will change until we address CAPITALISM!! Nothing! People are not getting there needs meet due to the structural flaws of Capitalism. Removing this Capitalist obstacle will also eliminate the need for policing. Any argument that does not include change the flawed Capitalist system is a waste of time.

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