Dr. John Kotcher of George Mason University discusses a new poll about climate change and says improvements in media coverage have helped spur the public’s concern about the issue

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By elboriyorker


40 thoughts on “Americans’ Concern About Climate Change Surging to Record Levels”
  1. Too bad we have right wingers standing squarely in opposition of doing anything about the climate. They are bought by the industry they should be regulating. At least we have got them to admit there is a problem. Will they ever help? No. We need to vote them out. Too bad voting is skewed for the GOP.

  2. Public opinion doesn't matter when most of the wealth and political infuence is in the hands of a few mega corporations and super rich tycoons.

  3. Can anyone make an argument to say how shutting down efficient regulated US industry and shifting production to China, India, Mexico etc with no pollution control whatsoever reduces global pollution?

  4. Since China is by far the worlds largest polluter, both carbon emissions and methane, the real solution is to export all the climate change activists to China and help them solve their problem.

  5. MSM supports corporate interests, all MSM has to do is deliver any message(s), its sole intent and purpose is to divide and conquer the masses, with our focus on everything but the immediate and real problem ( corporations running this country ), time to wake up people, get rid of corporate america. Then we can work together, assign priorities to clean up the messes. As long as we pay attention to MSM special interests, the real problem, corporate interests continue to rack up monetary gains, write legislation, influence govt officials and we brilliant citizens walk the streets holding up signs, yelling and screaming like a bunch of idiots, while men in suits, control your govt agenda, what a bunch of buffoons, go ahead, watch and support the lastest MSM focused agendas. Its called brain washing, wake up people. You need to vote out every house and senate person NOW. Get people in there who will represent the American people not the American corporation. Then and only then can we work together and solve some issues.

  6. So everything is man-influenced! When it gets freezing cold it's humans, when it's scorching hot, again. 

    Let's pause for a while! 

    Is it possible that someone is after our money? Or alternatively, revisit the possibility that you all reside in the very left part of the IQ bell curve, then it becomes rather self-explanatory!

  7. Unfortunately, the Zionist oligarchs WANT to bring on extinction, because those weak-minded idiots think they will live forever in a fairytale world.

    Edit: Just noticed the text replace at the beginning of the post that made it “In fortunately.” I typed it without wearing my glasses, originally.

  8. La colpa è sempre dell'uomo. Togliere tutti i sistemi HAARP, smettere di disboscamento a go go, basta prosciugare i laghi e i fiumi per farne bibite, basta con la cementificazione selvaggia e ridare la natura alla natura!

  9. The data was there 10 years ago, … the self – centered, self absorbed public needs to get off their delusional, denial asses AND DO THEIR HOMEWORK. There will be no sympathy for 'them' as the situation ramps up.

  10. The single most important issue in the world today is the real yellow vest movement which targets the head of the snake, the highly criminal globalist cabal and banking elit, destroying us like cancer. They have infiltrated every aspect of our lives and they are inches away from success! This is truly the root of all evil! They are working hard with their msm media to sway people away from what it’s about. You need to cover the true movement and inform people right now. This IS THE TIME. It is now or never. Please do a video on this in depth! Humanity is begging you.

  11. For a government to become genuinely pro-active in regards to the human impact on the environment is to ask the majority of the world's great corporations to commit suicide and they are not about to do that. Most of the important governments are in the service of these corporations and not their populations so nothing will happen until these governments come down and they will not fall without a fight..In short, it is a life or death quandary.

  12. I suspect people come to your channel because they distrust MSM sources. I would think that a great number of your viewers are also skeptical about what the government tells them. The MSM has been screaming steadily, and loudly for two decades now, that carbon dioxide is going to bring about sea level rise, an ice free arctic and 'the end of snow'. This is a message largely sponsored by the federal government and the IPCC. If you don't trust the MSM and you are skeptical about what the government tells you, why would you unquestioningly believe the statement "97% of all climate scientists agree that catastrophic warming from CO2 emissions is in our future"?

    Instead of wringing your hands and fretting about how driving your car is going bring about the end to the polar ice caps, why don't you use the device you are reading this on to listen to the 'deniers' science. Listen to some lectures, use your brain, judge what they have to say. What's the worst that could happen? You might learn something.


  13. All theses ‘concerned’ people who themselves still drive cars, fly planes, etc while expressing moral outrage & virtue signaling.

  14. Are you sure you are in the North Pole area, and for imaginary Sake I'm in your previous territory. Unfortunately that took lives, thats not a cool way to end it that way.

  15. The greatest crime in the climate change debate is that someone invented the term global warming.
    The difference ?
    With climate change you are as likely to freeze to death, as cook to death.
    You are as likely to suffer with drought. as with flooding.
    You are as likely to have a very long winter, as a very long summer.
    The sad fact that the danger has been advertised as one extreme, but not the other, has lead detractors to justify their denial.

  16. Basic fact: you lose the habitat, you lose the animal. They evolved together. You lose one species, you lose the one that depends on it for food and the one that depends on it. You mess with the pH of the oceans you could lose the whole food chain. It doesn't all have to happen, but the words 'sudden climate change' are packed with dangerous meaning.

  17. I regret to fault the climate scientists and activists, in spite of their sincerity and good work, because they have not told the public what must be done by our government and our people. For example, the consequences of climate change are more severe for the entire human race and for higher forms of life on earth than was WWII. Measures that must be taken and are unspoken include many that were taken after Pearl Harbor: gasoline rationing, curbing unnecessary use of fossil fuels for all purposes, ending military exercises and the generation of greenhouse gases they produce, creation of a War Production Board – as in WWII – to decide what should be produced and how resources should be allocated. This is not just the challenge of a rapacious aggressor, such as was Germany and Japan. This is a universal threat to life as we know it on the face of the earth.

  18. To me… The Earth is "ripening for judgment" but no one pays attention… Just as in the days of Noah, or Lott

  19. there not a person on this planet in any government that going to do any thang but expand growth of resources exstration. the world is not capable of showing capashion for life .holding a sign on main street in a protest will get you teargas and rubber bullets .exstinction won't be much longer revolution is not a fix but more destruction of the environment

  20. How about a non-aligned non-partisan commenting on the hoax that is the IPCC. Notice the extreme cold temperatures now hitting the US is being blamed on polar "warming".

  21. I love how it seems conservatives and science-deniers are always the first to comment anywhere on videos about climate change, despite being the minorty among the human population in general. They've become a close-knit community over their nonbelief and it's p interesting(and kinda annoying :p)

  22. There is nothing man can do about climate change ( therefore stop thinking you can make a quick buck out of it ).
    How ever there is something, the government can do about the aftermath of the climate change especially concerning mass migration of illegal migrants – which will bring tremendous chaos into the country.
    Build the Wall to protect the American people for the country sake.

  23. Has anyone in this comment section looked at any data? Studies have been made on the orbital patterns of the Earth which say it should actually be cooling right now. But it's not. The Earth's temperature has spiked since the Industrial Revolution.

  24. During Ice Ages, the climate doesn't change much. During inter-glacial periods, the weather warms continuously until the next Ice Age. The warming climate drives weather extremes. Mankind is sloppy, but quite powerless with regards to celestial mechanics.

  25. More bs, who ever said the climate WASN'T SUPPOSED TOO CHANGE? Since before the days of Noah, the climate HAS ALWAYS been changing drastically. Not man's call. Since in the beginning mere HUMANS never heard control over the weather, climates OR it changing. More man made up foolishness. If your mind is on remedying the climate from changing, your mind is on nothing. You should in fact seek mental health care.

  26. Climate Change Communication

    Meaning accept the conclusion and find the "evidence".

    Temperature rise, ice melt, sea level rise that corresponds to the increase in CO2 is only supported by manipulated and bogus data.

    What is bogus and baseless is the hysteria claim that "human-caused climate change" makes so many weather events worse.

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