German police say anti-Semitic crime rose by 20% between 2017 and 2018. Many Jews in Germany no longer feel safe. And many must struggle with the question of whether to wear their traditional skullcaps in public. DW met a Jewish man living in Berlin who lives these questions every day

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By elboriyorker


41 thoughts on “Anti-Semitism in Germany”
  1. Jesus, these comments. I see that Israel is an apartheid state, but some of these people commenting blame it all on that, as if there's no history when it comes to Germany and jews.

  2. Jews need to distance themselves from Israel and its crimes against humanity
    The Zionists are doing you disfavour and disobeying the commandments of your God

  3. Odd that the Jewish men recounts Arabs being antisemtic but the official only mentions German examples of rightwingers like Pegida. Also, I would ask what sort of Kippa that is wearing, because that one is clearly not orthodox and such “colorful” ones can have quite radical meanings.

  4. Soon, Germany is imposed to pay this jewish louse some $ billion dollars compensation, because this little kosher louse doesn't feel so secure in Germany. First they took Plasestain, then USA and now they want to take over Germany! Not too late, they may find verses in Talmud proving that Germany belongs to jews as well!

  5. Little to do with Israel or the "far-right," AKA semi-socialistic environmental nationalism, more to do with the Muslim right and the uncontrolled Islamization of Western Europe AKA cultural though no longer necessarily religious Christendom. Judaism and the West are compatible. Orthodox Islam, as opposed to voices like Irshad Manji, and the West are not.

  6. Regularly, there are campaigns against antisemitism in German media particularly when Israel has a public relations problem because of atrocities in Gaza or the West Bank. Sure, a certain percentage of Germans has antisemitic attitudes. But it is doubtful that antisemitism is virulent and rising as is frequently alleged. If one looks at the incidents reported one realizes how easy it is to manipulate the antisemitism statistics on the reporting level. In the interview of DW, the AfD is mentioned which, however, is strongly islamophobic but hardly against Jews and markedly pro-Israel. It is only recently (2018), that the traditional scullcaps have become an issue. Someone walks on the street with it and someone else behaves verbally aggressive. One can be suspicious with respect to those incidents. But even though they may be manipulated by our very strong Israel-Lobby, I imagine that they will nevertheless make Jews in Germany afraid. I don't know whether this effect is intended.

  7. One has to wonder who at TRN is responsible (or irresponsible) for featuring this egregiously superficial and contradictory crappy hodgepodge taken from Merkel-propaganda-tinted Deutsche Welle. Obviously the Jewish person interviewed stated that he was attacked by Muslims. Suddenly Pegida comes in, and the usual dire warnings of neoliberal functionaries who have made "antisemitism" the catchword for ruling in the comfort of perpetual moral superiority. Jewish person should also ask himself why he asks for living in all of the best worlds: have Germany's unconditional support for the Israeli war state, and be left totally unscathed by escalating blowback.

  8. Interesting this video isn’t even branded with TRNN upfront intro…..I guess they’re ashamed of this ridiculous journalism. Not even a named individual behind the on-air voice. Must have come directly from the ministry of propaganda at the highest levels of the Israeli/American governments. What happened to the TRNN is the question. maybe same as Democracy Now. Beginning to see why they are losing such great young talent.

  9. 1:00 "The overwhelming majority are attributed to far-right perpetrators."

    It seems like an influx of Muslims would have more of an effect on the climate of anti-semitism than the native Germans (who for the most part, famously, suffer a collective sense of guilt for World War II).

    I doubt AfD has much love for the Jews … but it just seems strange to insinuate that they're the root cause of the newly increased antisemitic environment.

    (Perhaps I've misunderstood the video.)

  10. When you have war criminals like Bibi Netanyahu and the rogue state of Israel claiming they are acting in the name of Jews everywhere…… don't be surprised if some people believe them.
    The Zionists need all the antisemites they can get.

  11. So we are now to suspect ANY man wearing a cap or a hat… of hiding a yarmulke under it!!!

    Shame on the Real News for this embarked Zionist fear-mongering ad, not even crudely attempting at journalism!! Where is the journalistic comment?

    I'd like to hear Shir Hever, for instance, about this. Or then again Bibi Netanyahu Himself (is it necessary to remind one that his party is in really good terms with every, as anti-Semitic as pro-Zionist, far-right faction in Europe and the world?) explaining with another of his indisputable diagrams how grave things are for the Jews in Germany: time has come for them to pack and move to Israel, … so they'll be the ones bashing "the Arabs" at last, we can only suppose? And he really did so in France after the "Charlie Hebdo" affair.

    Who should attack a Jew wearing his kippah in Germany but … "three Arabs"… !! So gross a cliché it could have been written by the promoters of the "White Helmets" in Syria, though we miss the little girl to offer her testimony of how things have become intolerable for Jews in Germany.

    No link whatsoever with the fact Germany just passed a law criminalizing the support of BDS (!!), … talking about freedom of expression in a supposedly "great European democratic nation"!!

    Are the Real News going PBS?! Are we to go and find our "real news" on another channel?

    I remember a very pertinent subject on the Real News last year where an American Jewish professor, named Yitzhak Melamed, was attacked, wearing his kippah, in Bonn, Germany… by German policemen!! In which subject we also very interestingly learned that there is no independent body to supervise the German police!! In the country of the Gestapo!!
    But in the ("Real News"?!) embarked ad above, they satisfy themselves with reproducing the racist Zionist concept of "three arabs" attacking a poor guy wearing a religious headcap: Germans are ok, Arabs are bad.
    Here is the link to the Real News subject last year in which it is also very clear what "German police say" about anti-Semitism: German Police Attack a Jewish Professor, and Blame it on “a Palestinian”, Real News, Aug 15, 2018:

  12. pure bullcrap ! The rise in "anti-semitism" is a direct product of (the same cabal who created the anti-BDS law) REDEFINING the term to include anything that cabal doesn't like, such as criticism of their overt racism, theft, murders, etc.

  13. Prejudice against jews just because they are jews has over time become the accepted meaning of 'anti semitism', even though 'semites' are not a people but a group of arabic (semetic) languages. There is only one reason that so called anti semetic crimes have increased 20% over the given period and that is because of the new crazy International Holocaust Memorial Alliance's revised definition. Which now outlaws criticising Israel or zionism in un-approved language. So now if you want to say Israel's new nation state law is aparthied, or zionism is very similar to nazism, in Germany that's against the law LOL whatever next!

  14. Shame on TRN for reporting this. A rise in antisemitism can easily be fabricated by Israeli intelligence an supporters of the Jewish state in the west. How do you know these report are true. I don't trust that guy. How do you know he's not lying? The timing is very suspicious because Israel has a major PR problem in the west. People are waking up so the Israelis wants to pass laws supposedly to fight antisemitism but you can bet you ass they will try to include criticism of Israel as anti-Semitic. Israel attacked Syria again yesterday btw. Now that's a real issue. Antisemitism is the least of our worries. The nuclear bum that is Israel in the ME should concern you a lot more.

  15. It say very clearly by the Jewish men that it was Arab men who do it, not white men, not Asian men, however it is Arab men. Get your fact straight.

  16. Is it ALWAYS antisemitism, or sometimes is it legitimate concern over one of the three branches of the Abrahamic blood cults, and their massive, violent, and inhumane apartheid-like overreach? Not that the Islamist extremists are any better, or the American Christian fundamentalists and their almost daily mass murders, but we can't just continue to give indoctrinated bigotry, hatred, and mysogeny an unquestioning pass.

  17. Anti Semites aren't born, they're made.
    Who makes them?
    Isra-hell makes so-called "anti Semites" out of anyone who speaks out against the atrocities that Israel commits on a daily basis.
    You can label me an anti Semite all you want, I'll wear it as a badge of honor, knowing it's because I'm speaking in defense of Palestine.

  18. Israeli behavior is what’s driving a rise in anti-semitism, and its only going to get worse! Germany has sunk to a new low by having non-Jews wear the skull cap. Pity.

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