There has been an explosion of incarceration in rural communities across America. PAR explores the profit motive that has stimulated this rapid increase in our carceral complex with guest Otto the Watchdog, a first amendment auditor.

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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By elboriyorker


20 thoughts on “Are Police Targeting Rural America for Mass Incarceration?”
  1. EVERY time I take a political survey I check the box marked "OTHER" & I write in: "End Qualified Immunity for police officers." Maybe if everyone starts doing that, it will come to pass?

  2. I prefer to live in anarchy than in this American Police State.
    It would be a safer place to live and our rights and freedoms would then exist.
    That'll never happen because they make money off us while keeping us subjugated.
    We're their canon fodder in war and their slaves to do whatever they want to do to us.

  3. There are only two classes of people in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA – Those who derive BENEFITS AND PRIVILEGE from the statutory process, and THOSE WHO DON'T. That's the fundamental societal divide.

  4. Looking back at this i think it's more a case of mission creep from urban to rural areas as opposed to support for profit seeking. This is the broken windows police policy, and these officers and admins likely came from the same urban departments that provoked our last summer of riots.

  5. The real problem with america is that u guys are refusing to accept that u are residing in a police state.
    The behaviour of police in America is nothing short of shocking to us Europeans.
    There is only one country where the cops are thugs and that's Russia ( I've been there several times and found them to be extremely intimidating to be near) but I'm sorry to say America is in a far far worse situation.
    The cops in ur country are completely out of control.

  6. The law rarely comes into play. Its does the lawyer and judge get along and how bad they want to leave you screwed, the lawyers barely pay attention to their own clients details much less the law involved.

  7. Where find who your cops are and form a network to police them. Police have to be policed. Where spousal abuse, child abuse. Working other jobs while on the clock. You'd be surprised everything you find.

  8. We see who the criminals really are. Where our military has to fight fascists here domestically. Too many laws where Congress hob knobs with sheriff's and chiefs, Dea and everything else, where congress wants to know why these things are going on and their consultants officials, they lie, make up excuses, where Congress makes laws that intrude upon our rights. Where if cops get off their rears, do their jobs, they could stop drugs but it would mean they might have to put their life on the line, but that's why they're paid so good.

  9. Cops work very hard to maintain THEIR cops rights, but for the people they serve and the job they wanted to do for us and the oath they took are all forgotten once the badge gets applied.
    I'm 100% ok with their direct physical removal from society.
    They swore to protect us and failed knowingly the entire time and didn't stop, for that I believe the harshest of penalties should be applied.
    It's anti-American, anti-constitution and against the law but these lawbreakers gets unfair treatment and the opportunity to let law enforcement not enforce law.
    We don't get that protection against being dumb or idiotic, we just get punished!

  10. The Hatred of Coloured People in Florida shows how The Civil War is never forgotten by Southern Republican Hate. Doo-Santey Sanctimonious Ron still plays Confederate War ideology –Texas threatens to Secede from the Union, but Floridians are facing a Genocidal War on WOKE and Coloured people. This is reversion back to Slavery of Negroes as it was in 1865. These Republicans are psychopathic and Choose the Naxi Paradox

  11. Not only his point he made … but cops actually study the law and can say I didn’t know that was illegal and get immunity. But someone who studied literature can say I didn’t know that was illegal… to bad you should’ve educated yourself lmao what a joke

  12. I have a major problem with "stings" which I consider "manufactured crime". It seems cops, some in smaller towns, set up stings in the form of online activity (catching so-called internet predators), setting up "bait cars" and similar types of stings. To me, it looks like cops are creating crimes so they have crimes that can be easily solved, thus raising their arrest numbers, and increasing the amount of money they claim they need to "fight crime". It's a BS way to make it look like they're doing more than they actually are!
    In the area where I live, I've noticed that every time a crime is on the local news, the story always ends with "and if you know anything that can help police solve this crime, call the Crime Line at…". Police don't know how to solve crime unless they pay off snitches to do it for them. Just watch video of the next major crime in your city. You'll see small groups of cops standing around, talking to each other. Doesn't look to me like they're "investigating" when the cops are standing around talking with their hands in their pockets.
    Policing in America needs serious reform!
    Thanks for the great videos!

  13. The permit is out of greed and the same with these cops on tickets thay expect you to just alow them to abuse u and your rights and u stand up for those rights thay target you for standing up to them the power our government given to them is out of hand now Thsy can do enything Thsy want to u and there given amunaty for there crimes and Thsy hate auditers the audeters can catch them and filming them causes them to be held acountabl Thsy need to do away qualified amunaty so thay pay for there crimes as the people are thay say police are held to hier standards but in fact there no standred these crimanls are held to there Scott free to kill useing the badge as a sheld to there crimes why is this possible why it only makes them know there crimes are done out of no fear of there crimes if Thsy get aqused of one them there investagaters are internal ones that never find wrong doing because there as guilty as the ones cought

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