Argentina’s Fracking Boom Is Creating Climate Justice Concerns

Argentina’s Fracking Boom Is Creating Climate Justice Concerns

Big Oil hopes Argentina’s shale oil and gas boom can rival the United States’. Backed by US dollar diplomacy, the boom has come at the cost of climate change, ecological damage, and encroachment on indigenous land.

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15 thoughts on “Argentina’s Fracking Boom Is Creating Climate Justice Concerns

  1. Stop with the no-existant climate change. Climate-change emergency is a hoax. There is no climate change. No sea level rise, no global temperature change. Talk about contamination of groundwater instead. If man continues to polute indiscriminately man will be long gone before the next climat change.

  2. This hardly is going to stop, both big parties are behind it, it's been made huge concessions to push this forward, Chevron has even been guaranteed money out of it, so stopping it would mean paying Chevron. After 4 year of neoliberal destruction this government (a bit more progressive but still on the business as usual side) isn't going to have any opposition from the working class to do whatever they want, on the ground Peronists usually close front and don't critic this things…

  3. Very good interview. Regarding the cause of the earthquakes, the explanation from Nick certainly rang a bell for me, for I very recently got the same explanation from or based upon a CBC report regarding the opposition by First Nations and other supporting Canadians against infringement upon unceded territory of the Wet'suwet'en tribe of B.C., who have been refusing to be imposed a LNG (gas) pipeline. That gas is from fracking and I don't know if that drilling or exploration has caused any earthquakes, but keeping very much up to date about these cross-Canada protests in support of the Wet'suwet'en lead me to do some searching about fracking, which I read enough times about being BAD for plenty of Americans, and one of the videos spoke of a huge increase of earthquakes, I believe in Oklahoma. It stated that the cause was as Nick says in this TRNN video.

  4. Who owns this fracking company because if our government isn't in on it they're about to get some freedom and democracy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  5. You left out the rise of tariff to allow for free extracción courtesy of Macri and Aranguren. They have a lot of stake in that venture, and a lot if people of this and the past administration aré Pretty conected.

  6. Also, he didn't speak about the shady contract during Cristina & how Macri covert it up. BTW, all the conections with Lewis and Rockefeller…
    Also, the Former Energy minister being a Former Shell CEO.

  7. Why don't you interview Atilio Boron ir some one with a better insight? No, go for an stupid progressive American who thinks knows More than the locals. Nothing New under the sun…

  8. Stop the insane extraction of Earth's fossil deposits. The emissions in atmosphere is killing life if Earth we can't adapt to the rapidly changing environment.the oceans are turning acidic. insects and animal species are going extinct in an unprecedented short amount of time.

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