Climate scientist Alan Robock outlines the most recent research in the area of nuclear winter and how Trump’s withdrawal from the INF treaty dramatically increases the risk of a devastating nuclear winter that could wipe out practically all life on earth
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See we can fix our global warming problem with a nuclear winter solution. Problem solved.
Vote GREEN party & start passing out those "CryptoCurrencies"!!!
The "Electric Theory" was just accepted by NASA in Dec., of 2017. How about you???
Solar Cycle 25 is HERE!!! The Galactic plane was just crossed, Earth's magnetic poles are STILL shifting & our STAR/SUN is now
Entering this "Grand Solar Minimum". This is "Climate Change". Humans Pollute/waste & spread cancer.
Study this case suggested by a nuclear generating station engineer; an ice free arctic in 2019/2020 guarantees scorching temps, accelerating methane emissions, immediate global crop failure, 3B-7B dead in a blink, then extinction when just 5% or 80 out of 1,600 nuclear facilities catastrophically fail amd burn when skilled labor stops maintaining them, spewing radioactive ionizing gas around the globe sterilizing Earth in a slightly slower blink
Nuclear Winter. Maybe that's how to reduce population and fight climate change at the same time. Says a Republican. Just ask Bolton, he's all for it. The world has elected mentally insane people to run it. I see things getting REALLY BAD from every direction. We have soiled our bed and there isn't another one to lie on. I'm almost 60 and thinking about how to die when the time comes that I'm starving or being attacked or nuked when the shit hits the fan. I'm not doing a bunker to barely survive with assholes.
I'm starting to believe that the human animal is so dumb it's just going to plain kill itself!
Mainstream media won't cover this..
I think the Doomsday Clock scientists have fallen asleep at the wheel.
Dimitri: How many million tons of smoke are worldwide wildfires caused by global warming putting into the atmosphere, and how much of that is reaching the stratosphere?
Oh look a bot(Trump Comment), And Seriously we are facing some serious risky times with the lack of care for the threat of nuclear weapons.