Hours after this segment was recorded, the Saudi government confirmed the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. But there is ongoing silence over the US-backed Saudi war on Yemen, which has killed tens of thousands and is threatening a historic famine. We speak to Dr. Martha Mundy of the London School of Economics, author of a new report that accuses of Saudi of a deliberate campaign “to destroy food production and distribution” in Yemen.

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By elboriyorker


22 thoughts on “As Saudi Confirms Khashoggi’s Murder, Will We Stop Its Murder in Yemen?”
  1. "Do you think we should be ashamed?" Possibly the stupidest possible question to ask following that information. The most narcissistic at any rate.

  2. so this is a religious war. islam the religion of peace right.the west is not to blame for islamic wars or terrorist yemen . covert and find peace.with this said we the west has a moral responsibility to supply food aid. if the e.u. and china and india stop buying saudi oil it would change everything.

  3. currently only aproximately 2/8 Billion people can spend money. with the "BlockChain" in place, "CryptoCurrencies" allows for ALL 8 BILLION people to SPEND!!!

  4. CIVIL RIGHTS issues will not be ignored by the GREENs. Lets start regulating the public financial sector & place some incentives for upgrades & setting a higher quality standard for living. Get all the INFO/DATA & input it all into the "BlockChain"!! Automation of our reality on earth is inevitable as is an increase in unemployment. Initiate a Universal Basic Income in "CryptoCurrencies"!

  5. the Green Party is perfect because they plan on cutting the military's budget by at least 50%!!! coupled with the fact that the whole world is NOW trying to integrate the "BlockChain" into our financial infrastructure means its time for a BRAND NEW World Wide Financial Economy that is COMPLETELY DIGITAL. This means "CryptoCurrencies" for ANYONE/EVERYONE who has a cell phone!!

  6. We discuss a lot of world news topics @Texas News Studio hope to see fresh thoughts there as we see this world unfold before us 🙌💪💯

  7. We wil not stop killing or supporting murderers, period. It's been our foreign policy for the last half century or more and stays that way no matter democrat or republican is elected. It is embedden in our ADN as a nation, we killed the indians, we killed the brits, we killed each other, then we went fighting the world, a dismembered journalist wouldn't change our tradition

  8. We are just as bad for participating in this. Says much of everyone involved. Are people capable of doing this just for money really fit to lead countries? I think not. They’re doing the same thing to Americans in a way. Water supply across the entire country is poisoned in the United States. Over 3,000 American cities have poisoned water. When is the last time you’ve seen that on the news?

  9. Hundreds are dying in Southern Cameroon and no one is batting an eye. Just one journalist killed by rouges and nobody will rest. Poverty really is a disease.

  10. Just infuriate me with this whole BS in your face hypocrisy of the US and our allies. We've no right to call out any country for breaking humane laws after Iraq but there we go bashing Assad and ignore Saudi Arabia.

  11. USA must divest from WAR by bringing in the GREEN Party with Jill Stein!! its UNACCEPTABLE for the PENTAGON to literally "Lose track" of 21 + TRILLION dollars!! Bring on the COMPLETELY DIGITAL INFRASTRUCTURE with the "BlockChain" (Updated Ledger System) and "CryptoCurrencies"!

  12. I watch all these mainstream.The  "news" show from the US, where all thee talking heads bemoan the sad time for America at the moment. I am old enough to remember the same kind of thing about Vietnam, how hard it was for the USA, the same for Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. In Vietnam there was no count of the civilian deaths, just wildly inaccurate reports on the numbers of "Charlie" killed. Equally no count of the tens of thousands Iraqis, Afghans, or Somalis via drone etc. There was never a chance they would be bothered by one of their proxy wars, carried out by whichever deranged Dictator they are using that year. The miniscule number of views for the vital information you provide on this vid show what a difficult task you face but I thank you for making such heroic efforts to get the truth out there. I am a Brit and I am deeply ashamed for my own countrys despicable participation in the Iraqi and Afghan invasions and its continued supply of weapons to Saudi in order to help them slaughter children

  13. We must accept that USA is a facist country and Saudi Arabia is another islamo facist country
    Off course they are together on everything they are 2 faces of the same coin I never expect any thing from this facist countries nothing .

  14. Yemen is situated at the most narrow passage of the red sea.
    China has its feet at Eritrea
    So it's about oil and nothing else.
    Same shame as always.
    The money is guilty.
    If you are in the wrong place at the wrong time you are f….d!!!

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