We speak to Julian Assange’s lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, about the first extradition hearing Assange had in London, where he refused to voluntarily turn himself over to US authorities

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By elboriyorker


22 thoughts on “Assange Extradition Will Have Chilling Effect on Investigative Journalism, Free Speech”
  1. anyone who stands up gets hauled off by the Nazis! He exposed American politicians who fuck and snuff little children! They hate him like no other!

  2. If the UK keeps him in belmarsh until the changes to the Official Secrets Act have been made, then Julian will be facing up to 14 yrs in jail (probably in Belmarsh) according to the International Federation of Journalists and National Union of Journalits UK, who made a statement on their concerns about the planned changes at the time ( 2017 feb) https://www.ifex.org/united_kingdom/2017/02/14/official_secrets_act/ Note that their has been no mention of the 2014 changes to the Official Secrets Act on the Gov Page and they moved pages about the 2014 change (Public Domain Gov info is now classed as Official Sensitive with a 2 to 5 year prison sentence but is being changed to 14 yrs maybe this year) I saved a copy of the original notification that was posted on the Sellafield nuclear plant website (now moved to some where else so source link dead)] https://nuclear-news.net/2014/03/09/the-uk-follows-japan-in-determining-extent-of-nuclear-transparency-by-extending-secrecy-and-protecting-corruption/ And this; http://govtslaves.info/uk-could-prosecute-us-journalists-with-new-espionage-act/ Food for thought at any rate?

  3. The mysterious "bug" that today wiped out all of Firefox security addons, including NoScript, has nothing to do with all this persecution of investigative journalism and cyberactivism (sarcasm intended). Nobody will claim it, but it was almost certainly the NSA (CIA's e-sister), I believe.

  4. I can't speak for everyone but I am getting sick of hearing the final criminalization of journalism characterized as a "chilling effect". Behave like journalists and start using words to convey truths and realities, not euphemism and doublethink. While you're at it, everyone just stop referring to propagandists as journalists, and stop referring to "our democracy" without being able to point to any actual democratic institution having survived this plunge into open fascism in which we now find ourselves.

  5. IDIOTS!!! unless the USA sends a clear message they are protecting Assange…
    THEY are going to unleash the hornets nest.

  6. What has he done to earn all this respect besides playing the role of a rat?. On the other hand if he was playing the role of a soft rat with the intention I'm bringing resolution to this world the dysfunction of human spirit by promoting economic freedoms and sound money, which is the only way to remove the element of parasitism with an all of this world then I would have definitely jumped on the Assange bus, but right now considering I have a brain of my own that I can think for myself, and after which applying my cognitive faculties and human spirit, really people? LMAO y'all just jumped on the bus without making proper calculations, cannon fodder make poor calculations cannon fodder play judge and jury, people should not talk bad about each other unless it is done and I'm very sensitive manner of which there is an enormous moral and ethical lesson to draw from, without threats without intimidation without coercion without manipulation

  7. AS psychiatrists are mentally sick, brutal and torturers of 0animals and humanbeings, they choose this job to torture animals and humanbeings, for the sake of lust with rape and torture, sadistical cruelty and for the sake of robbery, betrayel, theft, terror and sadism to animals and humanbeings in any way possible and for the sake of the deathcareindustry to all of animals and humanbeings and for the sake of the lobby of psychiatry and therefor for the sake of tortureindustry of animals and humanbeings and for the sake of money to the enforced extinction of animals and humanbeings for all times coming and for the sake of the drugindustry, so that medicals, teachers and criminels will be sadistic brutal to animals and humanbeings for all times coming and for the sake of criminels, who torture animals and humanbeings and use rape, sadistic cruelty and animaltorture as their job, as do psychiatrists and criminels, who don't care for attacks to children, by islamists, psychiatrists and torturers, perverts, who are interested in rapeporn, cruelty and torture to animals and humanbeings alike and who beat and torture innocent animals and humanbeings for the sake of lust to do this.

  8. The real command and control is the military command and control. The CIA is an arm of that, as are British intelligence services. You see that playing out here. Assange had exposed them and was exposing the political apparatus, finances, and how much more would come.
    The head of the military in the United KINGDOM is the Crown. They also control the courts and the government is HER MAJESTY’S Government. The British people elect some representatives in parliament but they are in no way the government. They are whipped into going along with those issues the government cares about. The rest they can quibble over. The USA is the same exactly. The exact same wars will be pursued by either party, the government. Then let the elected representatives and the public create controversial distractions such as toilets.
    So, as it is the real rulers being exposed all precedent is out the window. Their, now massive and global propaganda machine, which reaches into every genre of communication, including entertainment, is turned to focus. I was shocked to see a Saturday Night Live skit perpetuating CIA lies about what he is even charged with. ALL networks are taken over.
    Obama brought in laws, not only to permit any platform to be taken and used for propaganda, but also to protect those who propagate it to be immune from future prosecution regarding lies and the consequences of those lies.

  9. Let us not convince ourselves that Jesus Words are without value – Matthew 10:26. That which is hidden shall be revealed. In part, they have been already, haven't they ?? Hold fast to your faith then. 😉

  10. Maybe not, perhaps everyone will start to use Bitmassage and stop sending all their info in plain text and crackable codes (if you own the server).

    What's the emoji for sarcasm?

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