Sharmini Peries hosts a wide ranging conversation about the US backed attempted coup in Venezuela

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By elboriyorker


38 thoughts on “Attempted Coup in Venezuela with Abby Martin, Greg Wilpert, Paul Jay”
  1. Having elections every year does not translate into a democratic system. Yes, Venezuela has election every now and then and yes those elections are unsupervised and obscure. Using the existence of elections as an argument for the legitimacy of the government without taking into account how unconstitutional those election are performed is the same as saying that the North Korea regime is democratic

  2. What is happening in Venezuela now? I know that crime is still terrible, but other than that I don’t hear any other news on the main stream anymore. Does this mean the country is back to normal in 2023?

  3. REALLY —- wht about Venezuela's relationship with China?? Can you see how USA sees this as a threat? Maduro just like Chavez before him are not these people that love the POOR — that is bullshit. They are just the flip side of the coin. Just like Mao or Stalin was –

  4. I am new to making claim to international diplomacy expertise, however what I've been reading and seeing in news reports and doing my own research the situation is clear, people are dying ! Unless the United Nations gets involved and convenes the two sides together without foreign intervention but open hearings to all and that means no Venezuelan military or special interest. only professional world leading economists with both capitalistic and socialistic expertise to lock themselves in and to reach a joint resolution that begins with immediate aid accepted to feed and heal the masses of people who need it. People are dying!!!

  5. 20 mins+ Abby explains gaslighting strategy against Maduro, me in deja vu back to 1975 C.I.A. Queenie Windsor coup d'etat against our legitimate (Australian) Whitlam government; lesson taken by ALP NEVER CROSS DEEP STATE CORPORATE OLIGARCHY

  6. Meduro might not last, but that is besides the point. Guaido is violenty bypassing the democratic process of his country. That is the issue. These open and honest conversations will have to wait until the terrorist, Guaido is dealt with and the sanctions have been lifted. Paul Jay is correct up to a point, but I think he has things in the wrong order.

  7. America is the parasite of the world ,satan controls america and the Vatican.When america brings its freedom and liberty to your country ask Libya ,Iraq,Syria,Afghanistan how it worked for them.The federal reserve death dollar and Wall Street is the virus to the destruction around the world,Bring back gold and silver,honest freedom currency.

  8. At the minute 23 the guy is spot on what happened in Brazil. Shame of Latin America puppet people who let consent manufacturers shape up their minds.

  9. [ What Is Economy ]
    You all should understand that your so called Economy is a diabolical total nonsensical fraud. If you think it is not, then you should be able to explain what are the concepts named as money, investment, interest, profit, insurance, business, income or tax? CAN YOU DESCRIBE THOSE CONCEPTS IN THE WAY, MAKE A WHOLESOME REALISTIC SENSE, AS "ONE PLUS ONE IS TWO, STARTING FROM THE ISSUANCE OF THE MONEY"? If you are the ones speak those names in pubic you should at least be able to do so? But, if you could not do that then what are you? Could you consider yourselves anything to do with of intelligent, or responsible person?

    The God's Chosen One could not consider you intelligent, but totally illiterate and irresponsible. Yet being able to speak and behave like you do in public, as if you are the intelligent ones who understand what yourselves are talking about, but the massive majority of the people remain silent is not, is the obvious sign of the self conceited delusional state of yourselves? Your Lord God has, no wonder why all of you are destine to die out of the World of the God's Reality.

    Why do you not examine about your so called "… running a business, and paying taxes so that contributing to the good of the society,… story" about what it really is. If it is selling something to correct money, and a part of the taking goes as tax, then you need to define from where the toking of the sale comes from. It must have come from someone bought the something. Then, where the money the buyer paid to the seller come from. It has to come from the issuer of the money. But the money has issued without the reference to anything real value to represent? What is the Value the money suppose to represent?

    If the business was not a complete fraud, selling fake values from the beginning, It bought things and put the things together to come up with the something and put the thing called "profit" on the top of the cost of the production. But where the profit come from? it needs to come from the issuer of the money, because no one is allowed to produce the money. If the thing to be sold is consumed, then the thing is to be no more to exist, then the amount of the money issued to cover the profit shall have nothing to represent? Mind you that the cost of the business to produce the something to sell include the business man's taking also.

    Anyway, how about the fact that people actually produced the something to sell, only received a little wages which is counted in the cost of the production? How about the existence of employers and employees? How does it come to exist? Could it be with any justifiable reasons? Any justification possible for the ones claim the ownership of the Land to start with? Obviously NOT?

    You also need to think about the huge amount of money given to the people who produce nothing, nor engaged with no true need of the society. How could their money be able to buy things that with the income of the people who produced or built things, or offering the efforts for the true needs of the society everyday cannot even dream to buy? Should you still rather go on coveting to the killer thieves (kissing axx of the devils) for their acceptance and allowance, not of the acceptance and allowance of the God, Whose Loving Efforts Keeps you Exist and Functioning?

    Mind you the fact that you have been the collaborators of the killer thieves making the hell of the World of the God's Reality for the humble and honest people of the God, destine to be dusted away. The words of the salvation have been offered to you with the offer of the Mercy by the Lord God, hoping you might well repent and change the way of your being to serve the people of the God, to be able to deserve the Mercy to be kept into the Civilised World to Become.

    😇☀ The essential reading for everyone on Earth: [Tenpage😉net]
    <☀Truth>"You do not have to die. But There are reasons why one dies", the words of salvation. It is Free.<☀> 😇* ​Godby *😇

  10. [ How one may become illiterate ]
    One should have attended the Reality without descriptions, as the any bit of the Reality is infinite and forever changing, beyond of anyone's observation or any descriptions compiled of static words and pictures. Even the filmed reality accompanied with the recorded sounds is framed minute part of the infinite past reality that no longer exists. The reality of the events is also beyond of any descriptions compiled with static words and pictures with their inherent extreme limitations. The description of the Reality may be made only for the true need or the good for the everyone or the innocent fun plays. But it should not be done to deceive or to miss guide anyone, if one does not want to be dusted away from the World of God Reality.

    In the world of the criminal ruling, filled with the massive volume of words and voices of their bribed servants, the ones with the common sense of the God, know the situation "in complete without a word". Their knowing or understanding of the happening in their reality or about the World of God Reality, is complete with the obvious experienced facts, but not with any descriptions compiled of words nor the imagined or dreamed visions. They never confuse themselves with such things and the World of the Reality.

    They remain silent as there is no point in describing or complaining about the situation because the common sensed ones are the massive majority who knows that all are being as it is beyond of what their personal life can do as the matter of the fact. While the ones on the criminal ruling side are armed with every kind of violence(dirty hands), runs treasonous unfair unreasonable none sense fraudulent financial system, with many of the bribed affluent proud servants who want to think of themselves above, the silent majority who uses words only for the true need of their domestic life.

    The ones who wanted to be something special above others often choose the easiest way, which is to do whatever the most of the natural ones with the common sense of the God, would not do. Reading so much or to try to describe things without any true need for it, and want to evaluate it as they spend so much time for such things, rather than to mix with and play with others to be with others as an equal. Some even choose to evaluate the imagined or dreamed visions and make predictions. Or even worse to covet and flatter at criminals for the bribes.

    The ones who have evaluated the descriptions, the imagined or dreamed visions, over the reality, as if such things could represent the factual reality, easily have fallen into the delusional world of the descriptions in their head. That is how one may become illiterate. They could be called talking heads, or walking dead. They are no longer the attendants of the World of the God Reality. Although, only if they humble themselves just to be honest as equal to the massive majority of others, they could easily redeem their life's chance. But if they have looked down on or treated unfairly any other person they need to repent for the forgiveness of the God to be pardoned from their death bounds. (tenpage😇net)

  11. [ One must be honest ]
    To lighten up the hellish dark chaos of miseries and hardships created by the lies, deceptions and pretence of the criminals, everyone should understand what the MONEY IS, and what IS the WEALTH.

    ☀) Money is not the Wealth, but only an "instrument of convenience" to represent the "Wealth".
    ☀) The "Wealth" is "what the God's Nature Provides" for All with the Productivity of the Earth, And the "Efforts of the People" to bring them available to everyone in all kinds of shape and forms.
    ☀) The Wealth Belong to the God's Nature and the humble and honest People of the God as a whole. The money should be issued, with the consent of the people, to represent the Wealth of the nations which is to be shared by all equally fairly.
    ☀) The production of the paper or metal money does not produce any "Wealth". The people have no reason to pay anything, to money issuing banks, other than the "cost of the production of the money(instrument)". The Wealth never been the belonging of the producers of the instrument.
    ☀) The money issuing banks has been lending it, as if it is the wealth, to charge interest on it. It is a diabolical fraud.
    ☀) The shifting around numbers in their fraudulent financial system never produce any Wealth neither.
    ☀) The fact is that the people do not owe anything to money issuing banks. But they owe the everything they have defrauded from the God and the people of the God. They are the selfish and dishonest criminals by the fact. The gold or silver is just a metal of the character also the part of the God's Nature, only could belong to the God and the People whose efforts brought them available for use.

    ☀) If you could understand these words you should spread the truth as widely as possible to lighten up this earthly world.

    Whosoever believes, say, write or claim whatsoever, it never can change the Fact of the God's Reality in Where Everything is the Eternal Bodily Existence of the God, belonging to the God and humble and honest people of the God who have built all the things and have been making the efforts of love and care to provide everything of the needs of everyone's living to be available to all every day, despite of being forced into the poverty by the affluent criminal liars.

    Mind you that your life awareness is gifted with the God's Wish you to be a good for everyone, existing and functioning with the Loving Efforts of the God every Now. Of course, if you make yourself unfair to others you shall be dusted away from this Eternal World of the God's Reality. The Eternal World of the God has no beginning nor ending. It Existing FOREVER as NOW. The beginning and ending are only of your gifted life awareness.

    If you like to find out what the Enlightenment neans by the fact, visit (tenpage😉net) and look at the page named "clarion".

  12. [ The Life Line ]
    The Teaching, to save your eternal life's chance, offered free to everyone on earth by the *God's appointed Lord God of this Planet Earth:

    1) The Everything Exists Forever as the Miracle as the World of the Reality, Is the Eternal Bodily Existence of the God.
    2) The Every Minutest Bit of It Exists with the Awareness of the God. The God Exist Forever Only as Now. It has no Beginning nor Ending.
    3) The body with the miraculous senses, you occupy and use is a Bit of the God's Property.
    4) You are an "awareness", generated and gifted by the body, you occupy, exists and functioning every now by the Loving Efforts of the God.
    5) The awareness as you as a person of your own making, is the only thing belong to you. Also, it is the only thing you can lose.
    6) Your gifted awareness was accompanied by the Common Sense of the God, which Is the Law for your life or death. With it, you are not expected to lose your chance of the eternal life.
    7) It Define the crime is to force unfair to others. If you chose to ignore It and walk or stay in the criminal way of being, you shall meet the end of own existence. You are supposed to be a precious intelligent person, at least not to be grossly unfair to others.
    8) The gifted awareness has no duty other than to behave yourself *within the acceptance of the Common Sense of the God.
    9) The body shall cease functioning to terminate your awareness when you have failed to deserve the Efforts of the God to keep the awareness. The body returns back to the constituent molecules. It is not the body dies, but the failed awareness. It Is the Economy of the Loving Efforts of the God.
    10) Yet, only if you appreciate the gift and the Efforts of the God to keep you exist and functioning, and care for each other, be easy and honest, playful and joyous in fairness to everyone, you could deserve to be kept eternally with the Forever Existing World of God's Reality.

    One may be selfish within everyone's Right, the acceptance of the Common Sense of the God. The healthy appetite is not the greed, but to want to have more than others is. The ones who want to be more important or special above others are the ones have failed to establish the self respect, who could not be happy with being an equal to everyone else, the fact of the God's gifted life awareness.

    *God's appointed Lord God of this Planet Earth: The God has appointed Him as the Representative of the God with the Enlightenment. You can find what is the Enlightenment on the page "clarion" at (tenpage☀net).

  13. 14:11~
    Paul, I’m a big fan of yours, but I totally disagree to your analysis#2.(14:11~), which sounds as if the current predicament in Venezuela was attributed to Chavez to Maduro economic policies, even if partially. That analysis of yours is just incongruous to any reality in Venezuela. Venezuela crisis is due to the huge scale of war against people in Venezuela by 100 %, that has been committed by US government and its allies, several billionaire and big landlord families that still dominate huge segments of economy in Venezuela, harsh sanctions, imprudent funding to anti-government terrorist organizations, and anti-government media. I don’t say Chavez to Maduro polices are flawless, but I’m pretty sure that has nothing to do with Venezuela’s current crisis at all. The Chavez to Maduro policies that represent the majority of Venezuela have been doing pretty well in allocation of wealth for public welfare, albeit those sanctions. So, I don’t understand why you did that at this very moment of time.

  14. What kinda policy is that? United States keep sanction nation to be die and after to blame the government that on power an other to overthrown them by sending they own opposition dictatorship to power

  15. If you United States war stupid criminal support an opposition who Declared himself a president " that's show you that United States failed, second United States is the one who send Guiedo to trouble Venezuela that they can steal the oil in Venezuela

  16. Again, at the end, even GP was wrong; He keeps repeating something that is 100% true that the US does not want the Bolivarian Constitution so the US corporation and the European as we cannot get the hands on Venezuelan wealth because is forbidden! That is the reason they did not participate, Maduro got them ready to sign an agreement, they follow US order not to sign, and therefore they sabotage the elections that does not mean the elections are not valid since the old traditional parties of Venezuela did participate. Maduro won by a percentage even higher than Trump and he was no second to one as Trump did, strange democracy, the second most voted get elected???

  17. What is Paul J talking about? Why don't he ask to stop complete US interference in Venezuela economy and politics and then we can see if the system will work or not! Fe seems to me as an opposition leader repeating the same BS as the interested in the Coup are? It sound very strange!

  18. It is not the USA which is trying to take over Venezuela, it is Maduro and his rich cronies who have already done it illegally and unconstitutionally. Maduro imposed yet another 'golpe de estado' last year in the May elections 2018 by rigging the event wholesale, e.g. stuffing ballot boxes, banning politicians from the race and delaying the release of the count. Such is the nature of socialist democracy. Maduro held onto power thanks to his military junta and his thuggish Communist/Socialist/extreme left allies. It may have escaped your attention, but Venezuela is no longer a state which has any control over its borders, assets or institutions or government. To speak of a government in fact is a category mistake since Maduro has handed the government over to the Venezuela military, after bankrupting the country, in order to rape and loot what remaining assets and gold he can from the state before he moves to Panama.The country's list of close allies reads like a pack of baying jackals, a veritable Axis of Evil, starting with China and its strategic policy of stealing critical infrastructure such as ports, oil assets and real estate in exchange for loans (10-20 billion dollars aprox). Then we have Russia, the once mighty superpower now struggling to regain its advantages and global assets in Crimea and Syria and involved deeply in Venezuela, once again allowed to fly in nuclear missiles and warheads, just like 1962 into Cuba. Russia has loaned Maduro aprox 65 billion dollars all told to beef up his armed forces, shipped thousands of missiles to be stored on Venezuela territory and invested in critical infrastructure too, which it will not hesitate to defend. But the biggest infiltrator in the bloated stockpile of supplies is once again the pitiful gulag Cuba, which exchanges human resources for oil and gold and huge amounts of cocaine from Colombia to supply its vast narco business in the Caribbean and Latin America. Needless to say, Maduro has sold out Venezuela to rapacious and hostile globalist powers who seek to dominate their self-appointed 'back yards' using Venezuela as a platform and client state. How many Cuban military advisers, police and para military units, special forces (AVISPAS NEGRAS), colectivos etc are working on 'street and mass crowd management' in Venezuela?. No one seems to know or is not saying. Also, Cuba seems to run and own a great deal of the Venezuelan oil state without the people ever having had a say on this treacherous and suicidal loss of national assets and sovereignty. Let us hope the coming change of government and the installation of interim President Guaido is peaceful and successful for the Venezuelan people, but also let us hope that one day Maduro, his junta, his rigged elections, his vast numbers of paid cronies, his stolen assets and all those who betrayed and ruined the country are brought to justice for the rest of their lives in Gitmo.

  19. I think Madura seek the help of Russia and China before it too late, they only come in if Madura ask for them. Otherwise it may be difficult.

  20. When youre really ready for the revolution sharpens guillotine "WHERES MY YELLOW VEST AND SMOKE BOMBS"

    I support my comrade Maduro, hopefully he is able to survive this obvious act of war against his country. Viva la revolución.

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