Baghdadi’s Death Will Not Kill the Islamic State

Baghdadi’s Death Will Not Kill the Islamic State

The U.S. war in Iraq created ISIS. It thrives on destabilized states, so killing the Osamas and Baghdadis of the world will not end the terror, says The Independent’s Patrick Cockburn.

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21 thoughts on “Baghdadi’s Death Will Not Kill the Islamic State

  1. Can we ask what the reaction would be if a callous criminal responsible for countless deaths (an accurate description to some degree of any president) living in the US had been hunted down and killed by foreign forces?

  2. If the Syrian government had been toppled, there would be a black and white flag now fluttering over Damascus.
    But that is exactly what the United States and its allies wanted.

  3. ISIS won’t be dismantled until the dems are all hanging ..
    taliban .. trained funded weaponised by C_A
    Al quieda trained funded weaponised by C_A
    iSis .. guess what . .. trained funded weaponised by c_A .. money laundering people trafficking networks for the dirty left .. Trump is cutting off the money supply to the swamp .. he promised to stop endless needles wars .. why run him down for doing so ..?new leaders were put into place by likes of Biden and butox babe polosi .. with them gone no money then no point to isis they will all go and get proper jobs ..

  4. ISIS won’t be dismantled until the dems are all hanging ..
    taliban .. trained funded weaponised by C_A
    Al quieda trained funded weaponised by C_A
    iSis .. guess what . .. trained funded weaponised by c_A .. money laundering people trafficking networks for the dirty left .. Trump is cutting off the money supply to the swamp .. he promised to stop endless needles wars .. why run him down for doing so ..?new leaders were put into place by likes of Biden and butox babe polosi .. with them gone no money then no point to isis they will all go and get proper jobs ..

  5. His inability to work with Zawahiri is the entire reason that Al-Qaeda and IS were on the outs. Without Baghdadi in the picture, if he's actually dead this time, there's a possibility of seeing them work together again.

  6. Isis is regrouping, people forget they are in a war for the long term, there are sleeper cells all over the world and they are already making online threats against the West. Frightening!

  7. Worse than that. What Trump has done is give ISIS cheap and easy propaganda to play to their audience. ISIS is a social media organization as much as it is a terrorist organization. By going into graphic detail Trump has played into their hands.

    On top of that ISIS is now on the rebound as US forces start to pull back on the battlefield. The US can never pull out of these countries. The point of a guerrilla war is to exhaust the enemy not to capture territory. The US army has been recapturing the same cities again and again for 20 years. We are at a breaking point. We have no money for health care, roads and schools. Our country is breaking down around us and we can see that either we leave these countries or we will break down ourselves.

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