Bayer-Monsanto Merger: Endangering Our Health, Food, Farms & Planet

Bayer-Monsanto Merger: Endangering Our Health, Food, Farms & Planet

The US Department of Justice finalized its approval of the Bayer and Monsanto merger. A new monopoly will be created over agricultural pesticides and industrial seed production, with farmers locked into industrial farming and of our health endangered

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41 thoughts on “Bayer-Monsanto Merger: Endangering Our Health, Food, Farms & Planet

  1. It get worse for the rest of the world when you think of China in it too and you don't know what the hell is in your food and where it's coming from. How much of this stuff has been dumped on the food or the soils it's grown in and how much you're being poisoned yourself. China doesn't seem to have any set rates and no one seems to care over there how much poison they use on anything.

  2. Entire board of this company past and present all need to be rounded up and publicly executed. These traitors must pay the ultimate price for their KNOWN betrayal and crimes against humanity. Bayer Monsanto must be wiped from face of this world.

  3. This is a sick circular profiteering game. Biosolids invented by a nazi scientists, to fertilizer and pesticides which only test for a small amount of toxins. Those toxins in fertilizer and pesticides are then spread across crops, land, water and animal access. Wheat, grains which also have gluten absorb those toxins. Bayer- Monsanto and all others are making us sick, with Biosolids!! ( causes celiac disease, brain fog, inflammation and skin issues)

  4. Can't believe genocide is legal under USA… Supposedly the land of freedom
    More like the land of continuous hierarchical oppression and (Detrimental) educational stupidity…
    🚗 automatic self destruction mode

  5. The problem is that customers don't want to pay more for their food and the share in the budget for food gets smaller every year.
    The killing of the bee populations and the GMO crops contaminating regular crops isn't even prosecuted. The EPA and FDA under Trump aren't going to do anything about it. It's going to be brutal

  6. A dozen french farmers affected by cancer sue Monsanto for lack of precaucionnary measures when using their chemicals. Watch-out when drinking wine, huge usage of pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, etc…

  7. 2 jew companies "merging." Who cares? Paul Jay isn't worried that his tribe dominates absolutely everything. He himself refuses to hire White ppl….just jews & other nonwhites all the way.

  8. Wouldn't it be nice if public schools taught the abc's of capitalism, so that the general public would understand the impact that these mergers have, on the economy and, more importantly, on our political institutions? Such knowledge is as relevant, to the life of a citizen, as anything asked about, on the state-wide, Common Core type, examinations. Race to the Top, my ass.

  9. I was sunbathing here in Spain last summer shortly after one of the farmers had been spraying and bees kept literally falling out of the sky and dying around me. I counted 20 before I went and hid indoors. It's something I will never forget – far more frightening than watching Alien.

  10. While there are many concerns from such mergers any policies that might mitigate the damage are a day late and a dollar short. The toxins these firms have sold all around the world have destroyed our pollinators, the organisms in the soil, our rivers and our oceans including plankton whos biomass is now down by 50%. Our primary oxygen machine is broken and our backup oxygen machine the Amazon is being mowed flat by Brazil's Bolsonaro. By the time any legislation gets through Congress and takes effect and begins to affect the environment the runaway chemical reaction of global warming, methane release, a blue ocean event in the Arctic and billions of humans dying of starvation, war global riots, pandemics, increasing UV exposure due to the loss of ozone and 1,600 nuclear facilities failing catastrophically and spewing radioactive ionizing gas because skilled labor stopped maintaining them along with thousands of other toxic facilities already leaking and destroying habitats all around the world. These impacts will likely ensure all life on earth including humans will be extinct in well under a decade. You better set your sights much higher if you wish to avoid the future already unfolding as you read this now. An ice-free Arctic in 2019 or 2020 means it's game over and the runaway chemical reaction will accelerate far beyond our ability to reverse it. We we might start by banning all pesticides and toxins from being sprayed within 100 miles of any river, stream or ocean. We won't.

  11. Capitalism needs strict regulation. But, it’s too late, now. Now, the only way to stop this “train” is to derail it. That means destroying the tracks on which it rolls.

  12. Monopolies are good for the country! They help insure that the majority of the people will be crushed while the rich get richer and richer. Sleep on Americans , it's too late anyway.

  13. So what are we going to do to see that soils are healthy that all kinds of micro organisms are in a teaspoon of rich soils..Or has Monsanto already killed everything off? I have chicken poop to help by

  14. So now even fewer but larger International Corporate Monopolies controlling the majority of global food production, nothing to worry about here at all, think your all overreacting its only food ffs.

  15. As long as you allow "The Authorities" to run your life and formulate your reality, you contribute to the continuing cataclysm. Of course we must continue our efforts, but nothing will change until the people awaken.

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