Sen. Sanders joins Paul Jay to discuss his Senate resolution to end US support for the Saudi war in Yemen

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By elboriyorker


28 thoughts on “Bernie Sanders: End U.S. Arms Sales to Saudis and Support for its Yemen War”
  1. B Sanders a voice in the wilderness WHY.The technical and engineering brains in the US and the people cant seem to see straight,but in Ireland we were blinded too with GJ Haughy.

  2. Pretty juvenile not to mention Henry Kissinger and the creation of the petrodollar cycle. Everyone being forced to buy Saudi oil in $$$ and then Saudis buy arms AND treasury bills. Probably the biggest deal in modern history. Here's an opportunity for someone to come up with an alternative strategy to support our economy. Don't blame trump.

  3. The only reason the demoncratic party and liberals are opposing this war now is to undermine the trump administration they need .anything to make trump look bad.hypocrites

  4. Yemen is getting destroyed by Saudi Arabia!!!! I agree by cutting off the arm sales. But the Russians will start selling arms to Saudi Arabia!!!!

  5. your channel is amazing…. Good video report here. Nice interview with Senator Sanders. Regarding Saudi Arabia and Yemen. A very delicate, disgusting, and dicey matter there. Anyway….. To let you know. My channel "RealFactNews" is very new (and modest), and being developed. In my spare time. Four videos so far (one from over a year ago and three over the last couple of days and weeks). Check it out. Some good stuff.

  6. Saudi's attacked our country on with 9-11, there is proof that the hijackers were funded by the Saudi Royal family. Why the F are we selling them weapons? Oh yeah, $$$$$$$.

  7. How many years into this genocide did Sanders suddenly decide it was not acceptable?
    When will he speak up for the Palestinians and call for ending support for Israel?
    Does he have a bill to end the US occupation of Okinawa?
    What is he doing to end US imperialistic meddling around the world?
    Has he ever talked about the US demanding immunity – or should I say impunity – for its troops?
    How about ending the US crime of hiring mercenaries for fun and profit?

  8. Have Bernie elaborate on Iran. Sounds like a BS propaganda/zionist narrative. What has Iran done exactly. What about Israel?!
    Great work Paul. I genuinely rely on this channel for the truth.

  9. What about the 20'000 deaths from "liberating Mossul from ISIS" that turned a whole city. thousands of years of age, into rubble?
    And I got to say, Western media really got some nerves, going after MBS for the Kashoggi murder, the very same networks and newspapers that praise the 100% NATO instructed and funded "White Helmets" aka "Civil Syrian Defense", who murder children on camera and use their dead bodies for the production of their fake propaganda pieces, honouring their killers with an Oscar and the Alternative Nobel Price!
    TheRealNews did some good work exposing stuff like that, why not ask Bernie about it? Or the Israeli border fence murders of children, unarmed amputees in wheelchairs, medical personnel and journalists, all executed in cold blood. Let's hear some strong words on that, Mr. Sanders, I got no use for another US politician pointing at Iran or harping about "human rights"!
    Or let's go US domestics, Why is it that in California, a true blue State with solid Democrat majorities in every branch of government, they can't implement "Medicare for all" or a publicly funded alternative that offers general health insurance?
    Or, let's hear Bernies views on the electoral system that decided over the fate of his Presidential candidacy in 2016 and will also decide the course of the next in 2020! Did I hear someone say Florida? Tim Canova, Debbie F-ing Wassermann Schulz? Let loose, Mr. Revolutionary Firebrand!

    Goddamn fluff pieces wasting my effing time!

  10. Bernie Sanders is illegitimate. He's controlled opposition, an oligarch puppet.
    Why no call for defunding Israel and their Holocaust on Palestinians?
    Why no contest of a blatantly and documented corruption of democracy during a presidential election ("because he didn't want Trump to win? 😂).
    Fuck Barny Sanders

  11. I am glad he wants to end the war in Yemen but the MIC wont take it laying down, I hope he is ready to fight the MIC like JFK did. I would place sanctions on Ukraine and Saudi Arabia not Russia and Iran.

  12. Can you imagine a western axis lead by Sanders and Corbyn. The world and people everywhere could heal and progress would flourish. Let's hope the Democratic Party doesn't screw him again.

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