Bill McKibben: Environmental Justice Must Take Center Stage In Maryland – Everything Law and Order Blog

Bill McKibben talks to Dharna Noor about the actions Ben Jealous would take to fight climate change and protect the Chesapeake Bay if he beats the odds and defeats incumbent Larry Hogan in the Maryland governor’s race

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By phillyfinest369


9 thoughts on “Bill McKibben: Environmental Justice Must Take Center Stage In Maryland”
  1. Environmental justice what a worthless talking point. What needs to be center stage is community involvement. I read a newspaper article today headlined "Sorensen takes heat for Nazi comment" the most important information in the whole damn article was the very last paragraph "Friday evening. Sorensen said she tried to contract Troy to apologize to her directly, but hadn't been able to reach her. She left a voice message in case Nilsson Troy wants to discuss the issue." This is "our" government! Completely unresponsive candidates and incumbents who will not answer the voters Everyone should call the people they are intent on voting for and see if you can get a response. If you can't don't vote for them they don't care what your concerns are and aren't interested in representing you.

  2. Why doesn't someone tell Bill to have a look at what is happening in Germany right now? Energiewende. The world's leader in "green" solutions is having totally predictable results coming home to roost.

    Why doesn't somebody tell him to have a look at what is happening in Australia? Another bumbling "green solutions" embracing government. They have huge coal reserves and the worlds largest uranium deposits, but it is illegal to build a nuclear power plant there! They have dynamited their perfectly good coal-fired power plants! Almost unbelievably stupid moves. I say "almost" because many greens are real pieces of work that I wouldn't put anything past. So now they've got blackouts and soaring electricity bills so people are installing FF based backup generators.

    Meanwhile, the CO2 targets become increasingly impossible to attain in both countries.

    So I guess there is no time to waste. We need to take "center stage" in following them down the toilet. Brilliant!

  3. Disgusting. It is an oxymoron for this fool to suggest politics as being an answer. One; it's to late. Two; the "exact reason it so, is because politics." The world has become a world of body's in which to act with…just thinking and talking. The next beutiful peice of nature you see, say goodbye.

  4. Bill McKibben Is Not Who You Think He Is This won't change opinion at The UnReal News either. Bill is funded by the Rockefellers says the Financial Post. If you want to know why the Rockefellers fund him, just read the next paragraph.

    James Hansen wanted 100% private carbon taxes, meaning 0% for government. So right after Bill took a photo of himself with Hansen on the front lawn of the White House, he turned around and supported a Bernie Sanders and Barbara Boxer bill that would take 40% of those dividends from taxpayers and allow them to disperse it amongst Rockefeller's friends.

  5. I've been saying that we Americans are so brainwashed that we really believe we have freedom of choice! Go to a restaurant and look at the menu. Vegetables and salads are an afterthought, a garnish which will be left on the plate after the mostly breaded and fried meats are consumed.My friends complain about the price of kale, but they continue to stock their fridges with kale and other vegetables and every two weeks or so, they scoop the rotted vegetables into the garbage, and order some takeout or delivery! I grew up eating a little meat and thinking that if I was ever successful, I could get more meat! I still eat meat and fish, but mostly I eat turkey. I weigh it out, of course, because I always think I need more on my salad. But when I toss it up, a little meat is plenty!. Same with every manufactured product. Everyone on my block has a house that looks just like all the others and is built from exactly the same materials. Because that is what's available, but we think we are choosing that, that we are driving that market! I just hope everyone has granite counter tops now!

  6. Yeah… there's no environmental "justice" in a world where we continue to mass factory farm animals for their flesh and byproducts. It's the #1 cause of environmental destruction and climate change. Green energy is only the start. Curious why he would totally skip over that, and in fact mention fishing as a positive thing to be preserved. This is as odd a belief structure as the flat earth.

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