Billions From Deutsche Bank Despite Trump’s Bankruptcies, Defaults, and Financial Malfeasance – Everything Law and Order Blog

The latest developments about Trump’s relationship to Deutsche Bank could be the unraveling with Deutsche Bank and Trump facing a serious legal probe on bank fraud by the House Financial Services Committee chaired by Rep. Maxine Waters

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By phillyfinest369


38 thoughts on “Billions From Deutsche Bank Despite Trump’s Bankruptcies, Defaults, and Financial Malfeasance”
  1. That's because he's a SERIAL BANK ROBBER! His favorite CRIME! How? Massive Loans followed by DEFAULT! Nothing new, he's being doing this for decades to MANY BANKS not just DB! Same thing with the Casinos he built in Atlantic City, i.e. massive loans, followed by DEFAULT pocketing most of it! Most people would be serving lengthy prison terms for doing this, but yet he has walked away scott free every time.

  2. The reason he was allowed to borrow with his credit is because he was president and connected to Putin. If the investigations were not on going, trump might have been killed by now. The position provided huge amounts of money. He was doing everything he could to remain in the 😂position. MAGAs used trump. Trump used MAGAs. Trump is going to pay and MAGAs are going to pay, no matter how many MAGAs there are. The majority will not be a traitor and is demanding accountability.

  3. The very same bank was closed by the Singapore Government for money laundering got the Former Prime Minister Najib of Malaysia withe the 1MDB debacle. He just was Sentenced to 12 years while still going to court for more charges.

  4. There is none perfect for criminal records expungements better then fixcreditsolutions He removed all my 6 inquiries i had. Everything was dismissed and i have a better score now I learnt about this service from the Website

  5. The Clintons and Obama have been paid millions by banks. Bankers have a fiduciary duty to their shareholders to expect a profit on their expenditures. Giving money to politicians has been demonstrated to be the most profitable of all spends. The Citizens need to take our elections back from the corporations and crooks who take their bribes.

  6. Here  is  a  report  from  the  famous  ( or  notorious  if  you  are  Republican )  Mr.  MUELLER :  The  former  convicted  Russian  gangster  Mr.  Evily  Devilzky , born  in  a  cozy  village  in  Denmark , told  the  President  that  he  could  easily  transfer  a  hundred  million  dollars  from  his  foreign  secret  Russian  bank  account   to  an  anonymous  account  in  the  secret  subsidiary  on  Bermuda  of  Deutsche  Bank  since  this  bank  allegedly  has  expertise  in  administering  whitewash  of  huge  foreign  amounts.  And  here  is  the  REDACTED  version  from  Mr.  Who  ( full  name:  You-Know  Who ) :  – – – Mr.  E – – – D  born  in  a  cozy  village  in  Denmark , told  the  President  that  he  could  easily  transfer  a  hundred  – – -  dollars  from  his  foreign  – – – bank  account  to  an   – – – account  in  the  – – – Deutsche  Bank  since  this  bank  allegedly  has  expertise  in  administering  – – -   foreign  amounts.  THIS  is  the  way  newspapers   and  letters  were  "redacted"  in  Denmark  from  1940  to  1945  , when  we  were  occupied  by  the  German's.  I  still  have  letters  which  my   parents  received  from  family  with  black  BAR's  in  them.   It  was  the  illegal   Danish  HiPo  (Hilfs  Polizei)  who  assisted  the  German's  with  this  censorship.

  7. Say you want to build a house. So you get a bunch of bids to build it. Plumber, electricians, etc. They total $200,000. You goes to the bank and borrow $200,000. Then, you either don't pay the contractors anything, or, pay them less then the contract calls for. Say you stiff them $50,000. That means you get $50,000 in spending money. Multiply that times MILLIONS and that's how Trump was able to live the high life. On working stiffs money. He's a cheating fuck who cheated, not only the banks but working people. The same people that voted for him

  8. Deutsche Bank After loaning Trump hundreds of millions and not getting paid back, decided to make one more loan to Trump, provided he signed a contract saying he was personally responsible for 40 million dollars of the money they loaned him. Then, he claimed that the 08' meltdown was a "act of god" and sued Deutsche Bank saying he didn't have to pay them back.

  9. Deutsche Bank. The bank that funded the building of concentration camps for the Nazi's. Deutsche Bank . Who had a CEO charged with war crimes during the Nuremburg trials.

  10. He kept borrowing money and never repaying the loans. Not only that but he wasn't paying sub-contractors. What happened to all that money? I think he used it to fund his life style. He'd borrow say.. 100 million and only pay ninety million for property. Then live off the excess money He did this for 30 years.

  11. is an npc channel? why did this come up for me? seems to clearly be a trump-bad-russia-deutdschebank mind worm… the whole video is just some random guys saying keywords nonstop. talk is cheap ppl

  12. These people are idiots have no idea about business or what they are talking about. This why Trump never wanted to release his bank records as they are too complicated.

  13. Bla Bla Bla…what would the left say if President Trump had deleted 33,000 emails, acid washed hard drives, bashed devices with hammers, etc., AFTER a congressional request to turn this information over?

    Let that sink in for a few minutes and look up the definition of "Obstruction" while you are at it.. Many of you have TDS so bad your brains are fried. I have read some of the 33,000 emails. You folks who hate Trump are in for a rude awakening when the Horowitz IG report comes out in next couple weeks! Open your eyes, listen to BOTH sides of the story and then use discernment and logical thinking. It will all become perfectly clear when you see the mile high view…

  14. Do you think you would get the same deal as Trump !! Do you think this is normal ?? I would not want my money in Deutsche Bank !! HOW ABOUT YOU ???

  15. I believe that #45 has done for his children as his father did for him, (started companies in their names in order to fraud the government/not pay taxes and not report funds gptten. WOW WHAT A WAY FOR A SMART GENUS . ETC. ECT…MAN TO MAKE HIS FAMILY FRAUDULENTLY RICH, TO THE TOP OF THE BILLIONAIRES CLUB.

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