Bolivia’s Evo Morales Forced to Resign in Coup d’État – Everything Law and Order Blog

Even though Morales agreed to the OAS’s push for new elections, the country’s opposition and military forced him out.

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By phillyfinest369


29 thoughts on “Bolivia’s Evo Morales Forced to Resign in Coup d’État”
  1. Bullshit, the translation is not proper and biased. They army sugested and didn't ask for the resign of the ex president Morales. And the army suggested so in order to avoid the violence which was happening at the time.

  2. How is this POS better when he tried to allow NO TERM LIMITS and thus like President Xi the position of a lifetime dictator. You are all idiots to believe this crap and yes the other side is also Western backed – they are all owned by the same puppeteer!!!

  3. This is very sad, and why does the OAS have anything to do with the Bolivians having chosen Evo Morales again for leader, I wonder. Quote, " The Organization of American States (Spanish: …) or the OAS or OEA, is a continental organization that was founded on 30 April 1948, for the purposes of solidarity and cooperation among its member states within the Western Hemisphere. During the Cold War, this meant opposing leftism as a European influence; since the 1990s, the organization has focused on election monitoring. Headquartered in the United States' capital Washington, D.C., the OAS's members are the 35 independent states of the Americas ", THIS IS NOT GOOD, imo. What the heck is the US, i.e., DC, used as base for in this, esp. when Washington has long been hellbent criminal against or vis-à-vis South America, plus Mexico; why on Earth do this, I wonder. Why not, instead, make the OAS only for the southern part of the western hemisphere, given that the US as well as Canada are both very criminal in those countries, against those populations?! I hadn'r previously heard of good about the OAS and now think to be able to guess why; having previously thought it was only for the southern hemisphere of the West. Washington's the key location, so I think to have found the answers to my prior questioning; after finally looking up OAS at Wikipedia. Washington, cooperating , now that's a SICK joke. SINCE WHEN does Washington, DC, COOPERATE with GOOD, rather than being top or a top criminal of this world, here; heh, since when?! I'm from the US and am still a born citizen but am damn " fed up " with the so-called " leaderships ". I DON'T see why this US-corrupted OAS should have anything to do with Evo Morales's evidently legit. election; except that it's not surprising of Washington/DC. IT SEEMS Evo Mora«les was legitimately elected, but the OAS evidently is US-corrupted and when is the last time the US federal govt can be arguably said to have had a truly legitimate democratic election for the leadership, when …, well, I don't know, Maybe President JFK. I don't really know of more examples since then and I was too young, just a toddler, when JFK was elected; only having learned, over many years now, that as US President, he came to make some very good decisions.

  4. The far right will never win a fair election in Bolivia, as that would bring austerity and turn over their natural resources to transnational corporations.

  5. how much "training" do the military and police in not only Bolivia, but all south and latin american countrys, get in the terrorist states of usa? What did the leaked audio recordings tell us? They tried a classic move, just like in 9/11 1973. This time thou, the democratic elected leader managed to escape the asasination. His fellow native Bolivians mean while are getting attacked, by the CIA useful goons.

  6. The United States of America Are No Angels but Evo Morales he did not respect the constitution of Bolivia and became rich president

  7. Anyone that commits fraud and does everything to stay in power shouldn t be trusted. The people took to the streets demanding a re election because of fraud and he was more worried about not being able to watch soccer games. So people got pissed and want him in jail now. Again why not ask some Bolivians from both sides what is happening, not the gringa. Doesn't matter Right or Left you can't mess with the Bolivian people. We have a tradition of kicking out corrupt politicians, last one to go went to USA and now Evo is in Mexico. Viva Bolivia !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Same tactics being used in Venezuela. Any offer of a fair election is ignored and no opposition member steps up they just declare that the president (maduro and now evo) must step down.

  9. This is a military coup, showing a few ecstatic protesters on corporate media news does NOT make this the will of the people.
    Bolivia is heading towards a Pinochet style dictatorship, but I presume the Western governments prefer that as long as sovereign countries are unable to nationalize their natural resources and industries.
    The Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) has concluded: No Evidence That Bolivian Election Results Were Affected by Irregularities or Fraud, Statistical Analysis Shows

  10. Thank you Evo Morales for enacting the Law of the Rights of Mother Earth (Ley de Derechos de la Madre Tierra) and Thank You for advocating for Regenerative alternatives to unsustainable capitalism and for advocating for Indigenous Peoples everywhere.
    Honor, Reverence and Sacred Gratitude

  11. So… The U.S.' wholly owned whore, the OAS, declared the Bolivian election "could not be audited"… Precious: the U.S. should try to audit elections in their hopelessly corrupt abomi-Nation… Fundamentally, the U.S. Government always counts on the predominant, critical-mass of abject imbecile, at home, to promote the story… Always successful…

  12. That Bolivian Military Commander and all those men sitting with him should be arrested for Treason and exiled. Peace be with the Indegenous folks and all of the beings on the ground there.
    Prayers up.

  13. Breaking News. the Bolivian people are heading to La Paz to protest and defeat the US-backed racist anti-democratic coup d'etat. RNN isn't there to report It and couldn"t even find a Bolivian democrat to talk about it. By not reporting on US regime change plans in Bolivia, you are complicit in the crimes of the coup plotters.

  14. All you have to do is watch the video of that Indigenous Female Mayor getting tortured in public by a bunch of masked right wing facists to know that the opposition is NOT a "Pro Democracy" movement.

  15. Why is Greg Wilpert reporting from Arlington, VA? The hotbed of the US Intelligence Community? And why is he consulting with a guest, also based in the US, regarding this issue? Has it even occurred to REAL NEWS, that the Andean Information Network, may itself be deeply involved as an intel asset, since it consists solely of foreigners now living in Bolivia?
    Why not have the supporters of Morales and the indigenous speak for themselves, simply translate, instead of having other western organizations 'speak' for them?

    The Real News Network is becoming more and more like NPR…which itself has lost all credibility.

  16. The coup in Bolivia ia a follow-up to the failure of the overthrow of Maduro in Venezuela. It is a struggle to restrain governments which support indigenous people's versus corporatist White supremacists elites. Imperialist capitalism= neocolonialism

  17. Bolivia has gone from one of the poorest Nations to one of the fastest growing Nations in Latin America in the past few years directly with EVO coming of power. This is the US government's answer to overthrow a successful socialist government.

  18. Incredible that neither Wilpert, who creepily displays no sign of empathy or human emotion, nor his guest said anything about the central role of the US government in this coup or its use of the OAS as a tool for meddling in South and Central América, particularly in progressive anti-imperialist nations attempting to reduce poverty and to implement a sovereign domestic and foreign policy. This turning a blind eye to the elephant in the room may have something to do with changes in the RNN board of management and new funding post Paul Jay. Revelatións by a whistleblower privy to RNN machinations behind the scenes would be fascinating, as transparency now appears to be a dirty word.

  19. And now police forces and far right paramilitaries are threatening genocide and arresting, shooting and disappearing indigenous people and morales supporters in the cities. Doesn’t sound like democracy to me, something Bolivia had under morales along with many other benefits. Love how western media is calling a police/military fascist coup a pro democracy movement.

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