Vale mine workers at dam among the missing washed into the valley, says Journalist Mike Fox
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Brasil killed JFK because of he's automotive recycling scheme iron being the main source of income of brasil at the time and now
Not surprising, Spanish have never been able to manage themselves and their activities.
Until these greedy bastards are FORCED to LIVE around and in the areas where all this mining is done, they will never ever get the Safety Regulations needed to prevent disasters like this! MAKE THEM LIVE WHERE THEY MINE! People, get off your butts and DEMAND these requirements! Wherever CEO's are making money, they MUST LIVE CLOSE BY their businesses!
I live in Brazil,really next to what happened, it's so sad to hear all of the helicopters going to Brumadinho, I can't even believe that it's all happening again
These are HUGE catastrophes! They don't just kill people, but they CONTAMINATE the water and the land! We had a serious mine dam overflow in Finland which caused a huge nature catastrophe. Those dams need to be secured or the mining stopped until they are!
This is what happens when you put profit over life and let corporations run the show.
This Mike Fox guy and his Bolsonaro smearing campaign again.
And government took the opportunity to call in the israelians, their army and their ineffective technology, while prevented brazilian army to start the search and rescue about 24 hrs earlier. Now, thats an intriguing decision, ain't It?
dam filled with sludge!
holy shit!
Just think, this is what the US wants for all countries. Ooops, where there regulations to protect workers? Noooo? Why not… go ask your favorite right winger/neo lib.
Can over 8 billion humans quickly die off and go extinct in less than two hundred years ? I think it's much harder to save people from dying than to carpet bomb and poison every living thing on the planet. Dead people don't cry out loud or make better plans. The worst of us will always win the pen that rewrites history. How dare I say human primates aren't wonderful at all times for this planet. Isn't it sad that just thinking about birth control is a sin against Gawwwwds plan and hurts his almighty feelings ?
This video's title is tone deaf RNN! Very insensitive to the people who lost lives in this disaster. You can't talk about Vale being metaphorically neck deep in sludge when hundreds of Vale employees and other people have literally lost their lives!
This is exactly what the people voted for.You watching the future of the US as Agent Orange lowers or removes entirely US Safety and Environmental standards and Laws.
Mining company privatizing in 1990 . Well , this is how capitalists take care of their workers , ( people ) .
In the Brazilian apartheid, the families of those poor, brown and dark people who has died, will never see the light of justice. The government (more corrupted and authoritarian than ever right now), the Brazilian amoral justice, from its judges to its prosecutors, and the private companies do not care about of the life of anyone, apart from their relatives. They live and work in a mafia system. A country proud of its colonial and enslaving mentality will never appreciate the value of life, only the value of "gold".
Once again thank you Real News for covering this important story.
This will happen again and again because mining companies simply do not care neither about the environment or who they kill, they are protected by the establishment and the system. whatever costs they incur will be written off their tax. If the legislation will not allow them to do so and force them to pay it off their profits then they will be worried about their shareholders, but it's not going to happen.
terrible! when are people going to wake up?
Adios to the brazillian Amazon rain forest….and so it goes
Of course this is the responsibility of the government, it is they who set conditions for operation and licences and so on.