The latest revelation about Brazil’s slow motion coup, designed to ensure that the center-left remains out of power and the far-right takes control, involves a general who admitted that he threatened the Supreme Court so it would imprison presidential front-runner Lula da Silva. We discuss the development with Brian Mier

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By elboriyorker


33 thoughts on “Brazil’s ‘Slow Motion Coup’ – General Admits Intimidating Court into Imprisoning Lula da Silva”
  1. As the corporatist take control of the world, they seem to control the citizen's rights. Time for the citizen's rights of a quality of life to surpass the extraction of the corporatist.

  2. I'm brazilian and Brian Mier is absolutely, brilliantly spot on. It is so important to have voices like him exposing to the american public what is happening to our country.

  3. Many true fake news from the leftist press. Here in Brazil we do not want Communists. Lula is the head of a criminal organization. The new president-elect is an honorable and democratically elected man. He is a conservative. That's all. Dear merican citizens, forget about socialism. Make America Great Again

  4. Nice to see the Brazilian fascists logging in on this thread, insisting there was never a military dictatorship and that the country's problems (largely caused by them) are attributable to "COMMUNISTS!!!!"

  5. The last developments on Brazilian politics are better understood if we accept that we have a judiciary system engaged with politics, whose major "super star" judge Moro does nothing but persecute Lula and the Labour Party, PT. Moro historical connections has moved from the right wing party PSDB to the far right Bolsonaro's party PSL. Moro's political views and political jurisdiction is well known, especially after his acceptance as Minister of Justice of Bolsonaro's new government, as it has widely been published on the news. The judge, who is supposed to fight corruption, has himself close pals and families involved with corruption scandals. Moro was also one of the judges working with the Banestado case, the EVER biggest corruption scheme in Brazil, which investigation led to nowhere.

    On the other hand, the corporate media in Brazil has historically carried out with its propaganda machine to misguide Brazilian society to false realities in order to protect the interests of the richest and the most powerful. Although most of the misinformation spread by the mainstream media could easily be dismissed with a simple google search, the reality is that Brazilians are mostly illiterates, with only about 20% being able to read and properly interpret a text. This phenomenon is observed from across all sort of backgrounds, but surprisingly from those with higher education and occupying professional positions in the labour market, as Reinaldo Azevedo has recently made the point in his article entitled "A Elite do Pensamento Magico" in English "The Elite of Magical Thinking. These people have as main information source the memes and social media posts written by someone else than themselves. Tragically, they keep repeating fake news and misinterpreted information again and again until that becomes a "truth"

    In this chaotic scenario, people believe whatever appears in the mainstream media or social media, as for instance Lula is the biggest world's thieve, PT is the most corrupt Brazilian party, Brazil was much better during the dictatorship, and so on.

    Finally, regarding the PT left wing ideology, it is interesting to see people believe that Bolsonaro and the right wings have no ideology. That begs the question: which name name can be given to the believe that USA' way of life is the best one? Wow, Foro de São Paulo, a gathering of the lefties to draw an Action Plan is a plot against a free society, blá, blá, blá! In which sense, the Foro de São Paulo is any different of the many "American think tanks" infiltrating politics in Brazil and putting down Dilma Rousseff legit government? – – Let alone American radical evangelicals' ideology predominating institutions, politics and economy under Bolsonaro government.

  6. The average Brazilian has absolutely no idea of the forces (economic, political, military) that are going to be unleashed on them. The most insane, corrupt and maniacal capitalists are taking over. The (non-existent) communists that you feared will be a golden memory when this bunch is through with you.

  7. This video CAN make a bad image of militar oficials in positions of power or government. I want to say some things about this kind of actions here in Brazil. I was born during militar regim here and I know that here we didn't have a dictatorship!!! We had a regim put in place by popular claim, against comunist revolutionaires, including terrorists…. You have to know that during the Military Governments from 1964 to 1985, here in Brazil, we had about 300 deaths of militants and/or terrorists and 200 deaths of militars or policemen…..NOW, citing data even from the ultra leftist journal "folha de são paulo" : comparing south american Dictatorships (comunist CUBA… 65.000 DEATHS) (right wing ARGENTINA… 31.000 DEATHS) (right wing CHILE… 23.000 deaths) (right wing PARAGUAY …10.400 deaths) (RIGHT WING BRAZIL………… 300 DEATHS) … Brazil didn't had a Military Dictatorship – we HAD a MILITARY REGIM – we HAD FIVE MILITARY PRESIDENTS, other institutions working well too, a period of HUGE economic development (HUGE!!!!) , a lot of respect among society and a REAL sensation of SECURITY – extremely low rates of crimes , drugs etc … NOT this VIETNAM WAR that we live today (60 thousands Homicides per year !!!) thanks to left wing Agendas. Brazilians don't want LEFT WING rulers anymore. Don't like it? OK, give Bolsonaro Government some support and i'm SURE in some years you will change your heart.

  8. "Leaked damaging information"? Youre beginning to sound like Hillary and the democrats blaming wikileaks and Russia. If the information is real then the public should of heard it anyway. Another thing, your claiming theres a whole city that are 100% nazis? You also throw the "fascist" word around quite a bit. The strategy of calling all your opposition racists or fascists then blaming real facts being known for your loss is never going to help. The left pretty much has the populist policies on their side; the answer is to become populist left, not to use the identity politics of the establishment.

  9. You don't live here, if you want to see the real Brazil, go to Rio de Janeiro, I bet you will have a different opinion. Bolsonaro is the best now.

  10. Hello. I am brazilian and I live in Rio. I could write tons of pages against the "data" from this ultra leftist bias brazilian "reporter" but I will only say some important things to the unbias viewer think about: 1) some days before the election of Bolsonaro, even the ultra leftist journal "folha de são paulo" published that 59% (FIFTY NINE) of brazilians want ex president LULA remain IN prision (51%) or in Home Prision (8%) – so, this narrative of LULA as a "Hero" and that he was almost certain to be re-elected is TOTTALLY FRAUDULENT…. 2) The ex-President Dilma Roussef, Lula's sucessor, tryied to be elected to SENATE last month and was SHAMED with a BAD 4th place (only 2 is elected in each state) – so, the NARRATIVE of we must had a coup in 2016 is COMPLETELY FALSE, NOBODY want to see her face anymore in any place of power !!!….. 3) 80% of the population of Brazil has a "Conservative – in costumes – HEART" – … and, to our desgrace, we had 30 years of left wing agendas, with PSDB (soft left) and PT (Workers Party – HARD LEFT) – Left wing agendas in economy _ BIG STATE – Bureocracy – Big taxations – Statizations (with BILLIONAIRES CORRUPTION SCANDALS) etc etc and in Costumes – Gender Fluid agendas – Divisions between black and white, man and woman, gay and hetero – dictatorship of politically correct …. in RESUME : the MAJORITY of brasilians are tottally against PT and want to try a REAL right wing way of rulling with a Free Market Economy (liberalism) and CONSERVATIVE in costumes. Simple like that. Cheers !!!

  11. Wilpert"s face at 12:32 is the face you see the moment before greg shanks you and throws you over the railing on the third floor of the prison he was sent to just so he could get close enough to you and enact his sweet sweet revenge. priceless. i love mr. wilpert. long may he reign.

  12. Chuckling at the possibility of conspiracy theory, remember what this day in age is, or, the fact Trump=Clinton (see Bill Still). Really excellent interview, so excellent!

    Do you watch Florida Maquis, particularly around the time of the inauguration, the days leading up to?

  13. I'm brazilian, I live here and I can say the situation was bad then and going worse with PT government. Lula and Dilma both were involved in bribery with Petrobrás, and Dilma even signed the buying of that old worthless Pasadena refinary, with lots of bribery in it. Lula was the founder of the" Foro de São Paulo ", along with Fidel Castro, clearly intended to consummate a Communist Dictatorship in joining all Latin America, calling it "Pátria Grande ", and this idea frightened all brazilian citizens, all people were against it, and against the marxist liberal agenda , freedom of gender, the liberal education, and lots of laws withdrawing our civilian rights. We fell relieved when Lula went to jail, because he is an evil and machiavellian person. He was involved in dirty business with George Soros. As I've said, there are NO good guys, neither then nor now. Today, the problem is that Bolsonaro is in favor of Zionist Israel , and we are afraid of what will come next. We are afraid, awaiting the next steps of our new government. In advance, Bolsonaro is moderate, but if he is involved with USA and Israel , this will be not good for Brazil. There is a long road ahead. We'll see what happens.

  14. So General Villa Boas wiped his ass with the Brazilian Constitution and so did Judge Sergio Moro. I guess now they go to jail and the rigged elections are nullified, Lula is freed and Dilma compensated for being dragged through the mud and illegally impeached. And the villain US profiteers and coup plotters are reviled as they should. New and clean Brazilian presidential elections are announced and take place… Wait a sec..

  15. Shame. I travelled to Brazil a few years ago and had a great time. It's sad to see people haven't learned from their mistakes and jumped in the bed with the monsters who destroyed Brazil under the military dictatorship. Made a few rich while the entire country suffered. Unfortunately people who don't learn from history bound to make the same mistakes.

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