Brazil’s Women Rise Against Possible Far-Right Presidency

Brazil’s Women Rise Against Possible Far-Right Presidency

Women in Brazil took to the streets across the country, to declare their opposition to far-right presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro, ahead of Sunday’s presidential vote

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18 thoughts on “Brazil’s Women Rise Against Possible Far-Right Presidency

  1. I agree with the women, but I think the slogan is wrong. Telling people to not vote for a person could backfire, it would be better to tell people to vote for the candidate that you like. Remember how Hillary Clinton ran part of her campaign on the idea that she is 'not Donald Trump'.

  2. It's amazing how many right-wing trolls constantly show up in the comments section of a small news outlet. What's the matter? Is Fox News letting you guys down? You addicts can't get enough of your hate fix from MSM so you troll progressive channels.

  3. It should be illegal for these parasites to get enough votes to force other people to pay into socialist programs that only benefit the parasites.
    People think that democracy is the ultimate solution but we still think it is wrong when everybody votes something and that we oppose and then we can never remove it and we are forced into participation but nobody ever talks about Solutions to fix it

  4. Incrdeible is that i have black woman family that wants voto bolsonario. Because hes christian etc . I see that in Brasil is working very good the nazi propaganda.

  5. Feminists, not real women, working women who are conservative and Christian, were in support of the Bolsonaro who had more than 1 million supporters on the streets.

    And after all this "movement" of the Feminist Left, Bolsonaro grew more than 4% in the polls reaching 32%.

  6. Why is anyone on the Right " an extremist " and anyone on the Left " progressive " . ?
    I like Paul Jay , he's objective . When he's not around the Real News transforms into the Real Leftist .

  7. How come an internet news outlet can present so many lies, distortions, half thruths, partial opinions in just one small video without bringing a dissent view from the " other side"?
    Dont you feel shame ?
    I suggest you should change the name of your channel from Real News to Really Nudes – nudity of honesty, accuracy, professionalism

  8. Brazil very racist country with a two faced constitution of 'equality' and a caste system of people according to color. Everything will get prioritize before they tackle their deep-seated racism and social issues. Just like everywhere with countries who have history or slavery, the fight of blacks has been hijacked by women rights, LGBT etc.

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