Brexit Vote: Will the EU Throw UK PM Theresa May a Lifeline?

Brexit Vote: Will the EU Throw UK PM Theresa May a Lifeline?

In spite of the deep splits among the Tories, Prof. John Weeks says that a Brexit agreement will be made when the EU bails out Theresa May in the lead-up to the EU parliamentary elections

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8 thoughts on “Brexit Vote: Will the EU Throw UK PM Theresa May a Lifeline?

  1. Politrix:
    Proposition: "Everythign the vicar's daughter has "worked on" for two years so far is utter rubbish ": Parliament Vote: 400+ agree 200+ against,

    BUT Proposition: "the vicar's daughter HERSELF is a wonderful PM and continues as PM" Parliament vote 320+ agree ~300 against. Whatever dude. The UK is rubbished.

  2. May I suggest picking someone who at least studies EU politics to examine this issue. A No Deal brexit is the only brexit and it is looking more likely everyday. There was never a deal that involved leaving the union while getting the benefits of the single market and customs union, that still gave you say and was cheaper than being in the union. That is Corbin's position and to various degrees, that's what brexiters want. They should have been working on deals with the understanding they would crash out two years ago, but all sides are playing politics and it will likely end bad, specifically if they cancel brexit or try a new referendum with less than 3 months till they are to leave the union

  3. If Brussels is to stand by its own word, it won't throw Theresa May (or the UK for that matter) ANYTHING other than a block of led. Still, one wonders where the UK Parliament thinks IT is going with yesterday's vote. Maybe throwing Theresa May a block of led as well?? It might prove to be a very expensive one for the UK to pay. :-

  4. The Germans are laughing their asses off. The English are tearing the UK apart while German firms are picking up British business and consolidating the EU under German leadership. Brexit is a disaster for the UK.

  5. I would suggest a book by Dr William Mitchell reclaiming the state a Progressive Vision of Sovereignty for a Post-Neoliberal World

    A 267 page book that has facts and truth about WHY WE ARE HERE

  6. The EU serves globalists, corporate agendas, & unelected bureaucrats in Brussels; get out of that trap, U.K. ! Best wishes from Canada ( our " leader" here is a globalist apprentice)

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