California Defies Trump Policies by Giving Medicaid to Some Undocumented Young Adults

California Defies Trump Policies by Giving Medicaid to Some Undocumented Young Adults

California’s act to cover healthcare for undocumented people sets up national debate on the politics of immigration and healthcare

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20 thoughts on “California Defies Trump Policies by Giving Medicaid to Some Undocumented Young Adults

  1. So why is Canada not paying for poor Americans with no health care, i know there not Canadians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So why should an american pay for someone from latin american

  2. This is a political stunt because California refused to pass Med4All, which would have made this bill pointless. All this does is set California citizens against immigrants.

  3. The legit american working middle class stop going to work or at least stop paying on mortgages, creditors, utilities, car payments. Loot grocery stores. This would have to be an all hands on deck from west coast to east coast

  4. As a working class Californian who fastidiously takes care of my health and fitness because I can't afford medical insurance, I find it egregious that California will soon be fining me to pay for health insurance for undocumented immigrants. Young central Americans can now come here, find a job working for cash (which many do where I live, in the industry I work in) and have poor people like me foot their bills for medical insurance when it doesn't make sense for me to get it for myself. Meanwhile, I live in an area where there are more billionaires per capita than any other place in the world.

    A majority of Californians wanted single payer healthcare. And the California legislature wouldn't consider it because they're in the pockets of the insurance companies.

    And now they do this. California is the epitome of neoliberalism. In many ways, it is one of the least progressive states in the U.S.

  5. Reality is this,
    Predatory Capitalism Keeps Americans in Perpetual Debt Hidden in this strange tale of us here in America is how capitalism has come to wreck and devastate American life. America is the kind of society which can’t provide the most basic of basics to its people anymore. Hence, it’s destabilizing, collapsing, turning on itself. When society can’t provide the basics of life to people anymore, affordable, at least, its days are numbered. Yes, I mean that. People will turn to all kinds of alternatives, usually violent ones, usually regressive, toxic ones ,  like fascism and authoritarianism and theocracy, all of which are rising in America by the day. It’s not a coincidence America’s collapsing into theocracy, fascism, and authoritarianism at the precise moment it can’t provide the basics of life to people anymore: it’s an abusive relationship. But I do know that the textbook definition of predatory capitalism is this: making the majority of people in society pay fake, artificial, perpetual, never-ending debts for literally everything in society…first healthcare, then retirement, then education…and now school lunches, for Pete’s sake…for no other reason than ever higher profits for a tiny few. Shades of Rome   or Weimar Germany. And unless a society riven by those fake, perpetual, endless debts gets how badly capitalism is preying on it, it’s probably not going to make it. ~PEACE! (Have more info like this one on my YT channel)

  6. Answer to the issue have all undocumented immigrants take out EIN numbers pay taxes and pay monthly for health care but a small fee they can afford that will help with the cost. When they file taxes have them pay a penalty for being. Illegal that will also help with the cost

  7. When we tried to get single payer for CA, the CA Dem establishment undemocratically blocked it. The CA "progressive policy makers" continue to prioritize the undocumented over citizens, and we continue being fucked over by the dreamy-eyed idealism of the well off. The cost of living is back breaking throughout the state, and we receive nothing for our high taxes, but money is easily available when undocumented immigrants are the beneficiaries. This legislation also brings back the mandate for citizens, but the mandate does not apply to illegal immigrants.

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