California Lawmakers Passed a Bill Banning Private Prisons – Everything Law and Order Blog

Activist Amani Sawari talks about what the impact on people in private prisons and immigration detention centers will be if Governor Gavin Newsom signs AB32, which would phase out private prisons by 2028.

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By phillyfinest369


50 thoughts on “California Lawmakers Passed a Bill Banning Private Prisons”
  1. Governor newsom is the best. He takes what would normally be a wonky pinhead idea and makes it sound like you're an idiot if you opposed this common sense.
    Having jail/ prison be a place of rehabilitation/education is an excellent idea and truly the right thing to do.
    I'm wondering how many young adults are having a terrible time with student loans and thinking if I just commit a crime I could get an education. The answer is the same number of people who used to think committing a crime to have health care needs treated.
    Somehow I can hear compassionate conservatives and Fox news Republicans saying; No, we have to riddle their body with bullets and if they survive then we have to lock them up and throw away the key while we step on their face until they see Jesus.

  2. About time!! Prison for profit is unquestionably immoral, unethical, and because it’s in the best interest of the prisons to retain their “clients” aka inmates it’s not just unjust but violates human rights on sooo many grounds. These private prisons encourage Recidivism and the revolving door of inmates to early release parole and probation to violate their probation or parole due to the fact that inmates are not empowered at all in prisons for profit and counter intuitively furth disenfranchised due to stigma and countless losses of right even though their sentence was served thus are at that moment in goodstanding with the state. That’s why they get released when they complete their sentence. Just having to check that box on employment applications saying you have you ever been convicted of a felony, which directly violates ex convicts’ 5th amendment right not to incriminate themselves – in this form from being oppressed by biased employers (if your qualified for the job your qualified by the job. It should be merit based not the employer’s opinion on ex convicts who mostly just want to get on with life that they have lost years of due to often times over incarceration due to mandatory minimums (not taking into the circumstances of each case which all are different . That’s why blanket laws our purposely vaguely written laws that gives judges no options which again is a civil rights violation because your being punished based upon a legislations writing draconian laws to be able to say their tough on crim even though the law is basically saying everyone who commits a create an crime is exactly the same as everyone else that allegedly commits that crime. It forces da’s to prosecute the harshest possibilities and are given the harshest penalties. This is very much illumsted by the federal mandatory minimums on cocaine vs crack. Powder you got probation but crack POSESSION would get th as much time as some serving a murder sentence. And way more time than sexual predators, even pedophiles!) I live in Northern California and it seems like when California sets a president or passes progressive laws, like the cannabis laws. , first the 1996 prop 215 and Ca house/senate bill 420 giving legal access of cannabis to approved patients and then the push for full legalization which (circa 2012. NORML being instrumental in the push for legalization knowing once one state legalized the rest of the west coast would follow) began years before Colorado and Washington passed the legislation making cannabis legal to people over 21 then Cali and Oregon, Nevada-and the dominos continue to fall with medical cannabis or full legalization being achieved in over 30 states now. Just a few more are needed for the pressure on the federal government to cause the house and senate to begin writing a bi partisan bill legalizing cannabis a publicly recognizing the immense, numerous, and powerful medicinal, healing properties of cannabis. Remember the feds still say it has no medical properties even though they issue cannabis to the remaining federal cannabis patients proving they had evidence proving its benefits. None the less it remains a schedule 1 narcotic which is worse than heroin, meth, cocaine/crack, and every other extremely addictive and horribly unhealthy black market drugs. Cannabis has zero recorded overdoes (you’d fall asleep trying long before anything negative happened let alone death. You may have to cough because you irritated your esophagus from smoking to much but as anyone who does smoke cannabis will tell you you reach a ceiling where you cannot get any higher. This is because your blood has reached it thc saturation point.until metabolized your blood /serum canning hold any more thc thus not allowing one to put more thc into their blood stream via the lungs or any other method of input into one’s system even if you keep smoking. This is unlike other drugs because of their bio availability and being water soluble.. drugs like meth and heroin continue to increase in your bloodstream crossing the blood brain barrier. In meth, cocaine and stimulants in general, one can reach psychosis, hallucinations “shadow people watching them” and severe paranoia causing one to become dangerous to themselves and those around them aka 51/50 due to over use and/or insomnia caused by the drug., heart failure, severe dehydration due to increase in body temp and inability to stop moving around, and insomnia for days or even weeks at a time depending on the users intake may occur. heron and depressents slow your breathing down sometimes completely (the latter being an “overdose” and they will most like die if their breathing is not restarted via cor , narcan or both. Professional addicts often use both stimulants and heroin/depressants (benzodiazepines) to even them selves out but counter intuitively, heroin potentates cocaine/meth. And when people to both at once aka speed balls risk of I’d is far higher because they potentiate eachother.

    Point is harm reduction and access to rehab( for those who want to change their life’s but addiction is a disease that is orogressince and ends in death if left untreated and continued abuse excavated increasingly) should be the governments first priority to help promote accountability and empowering those with addiction problems.jail is not the place for drug users. If your selling it to kids , yeah throw the book at them but if they’re selling 2 grams out of an 8 ball to their user friend who is over 21 and wanting it I think some attention should be paid to why their selling a small amount to support there habit. They wouldn’t be selling it if they weren’t addicts. That’s a health issue not a criminal one.

  3. The state of California is a for profit private corporation. So state of states are not organic states. State of state prisons are private prisons!

  4. As everyone now has cause to fully grasp, there are two corporate "groups" standing under umbrellas as the Territorial United States Government and the Municipal United States Government.  They are both ultimately under the control of the Pope, so any idea that they are actually different or truly separate should be disallowed from the get-go. 

    Now you know why no matter how you vote in their corporate elections, you get the same result.  This is why it doesn't matter if you vote for the mainstream Republican Party candidate or the Chosen One of the Democratic Party, either.  This is why it is always a choice between raspberry-flavored feces or chocolate-flavored feces. 

    It's all the same overall course and affect in these corporate elections because both of the governmental services corporations are in the end being operated by the same puppeteers: the Roman Curia and their property managers at the Vatican.

    The only difference is that the Territorial United States Government is run on a second-hand basis by the British Monarch for the Pope.  So the Pope governs the Territorial United States Government indirectly and the Municpal United States Government directly. 

    Since 1976, the Municipal United States Government has tried to slough off its responsibility toward us by "releasing" the trusteeship they owe us to the United Nations via the International Organization Immunities Act; however, the Municipal Congress has no ability to do any such thing "for" us.

    As part of this false initiative undertaken "for" us by the Pope's governmental services organization, there has been continued movement toward "regional government" — a consolidation of power within "regions" again defined by the interlocking trust directorate established by the Holy See.

    This is most visible in a series of treaties and trade initiatives undertaken during the Bush Administrations, which if successful, would totally undermine the national character and sovereignty of Mexico, The United States of America, and Canada. 

    Britain is facing its own version of this with the Brexit Crisis.  The Svengalis working for the Pope in Bern are attempting to use similar "regionalization" treaties to hold Britain captive to the European Union — their version of Regional Government.

    It's time we all stopped deluding ourselves about the nature and intent of the Papacy.  The Great Good of the Church has been more than counterbalanced by The Great Evil of the Pontificate. 

    There is no reason for us all to waste our time fighting and arguing with each other as nations nor as interest groups nor as ethnic minorities within nations.

    What we all need to give our attention to are the 147 corporations that have thus far been identified as part of the interlocking trust directorate implementing these "programs" and manipulating currencies and commodities, and the illegal and immoral patents and trademarks giving life and profit to these schemes.

    Most of all we all need to realize that we are responsible as nations for self-governance.  We did not agree to let nameless, faceless, foreign corporations control us, our economies, our currencies, our access to food, water, electricity, or anything else.  They have usurped these positions in Breach of Trust and commercial contract, and have no basis for their existence. They are crime syndicates.

    Pope Francis and the Roman Curia are required to take action against all corporations that function in an "unlawful" fashion.  Please notice, I said: "unlawful" —not "illegal", and please also note that all of the 147 corporations involved in the global interlocking trust directorate have indeed functioned in a grossly "unlawful" manner. 

    That is their responsibility — to clean up the mess they have created, to pull the plug on these colluding crime syndicates, and to honor the debts and obligations they have. 

    What is our responsibility in turn?  To self-govern.  We cannot complain about what they plan and do to maintain normal public services and provide a system of law however foreign to us, so long as we fail to exercise our right to self-govern. 

    To self-govern requires that we declare our identity and our political status and then to "populate" and operate our government made of flesh and blood. 

    This is why you must correct your political status records and reclaim your birthright political status as a State National and, if you are of age (21)  and mentally and physically able, you are needed as a member of your State Assembly.  There are a few States that have still not assembled. They need to be organized as quickly as possible. 

    Go to:

  5. Took for them to start locking up illegal immigrants to realize privatizing prisons is fucked up smh… Sigh, progress is progress 🤷🏾‍♂️

  6. Very ok, I think, but I'm left a little confused about all of this. I understand that there's some wrong with this prison system,. Well, can't say much more than that, but I definitely hope that people aren't wrongly, unjustly, convicted, …, and sentenced to absurd prison sentences, or to any wrong prison sentences. And this definitely should NOT be in the hands of the PIC, the Prison Industrial Complex, The country needs to get the PIC out of this altogether. Etc. EDIT, October 17th : But why so much delay, 2023 and 2028, instead of ending this imprisonment system within the next year, say? The sooner the better, imo.

  7. In the State of California, private prisons are known to contain a substance that causes cancer to society, corrupt police, district attorneys, and Judges.

  8. I thought this was the Real News Network. WHERE ARE THE HARD QUESTIONS? This is a softball interview. No different than the mainstream, anti-conservative ABC, CBS, and NBC.

  9. And you think "corruption" will be resolved by eliminating privately run prisons?? Good God, government's middle name is corruption!!!

  10. It is a good thing, but why in 2028???? Are they planningfor a right wing governor to repeal it and put back the private prisons? Don't wait seal it in concrete do it NOW!!!!

  11. 🤞 It would be a good start if the governor signs the bill to phase out private prisons and a big
    👍😊 to doing away with punitive punishment of juveniles. It will go a long way in wanting them to be
    better human beings if they are not stripped of their dignity while incarcerated and the dehuminazation they experience on a daily bases while there.

  12. They also need to ban private companies from handling money transfers by individuals to corrections departments (for commissary support, parole & probation fees, court costs).
    They often charge fees of 10% for sending money electronically, which makes zero sense!

  13. 2028?! Giving themselves plenty o' time to maintain the status quo while the captains rearrange the rows of chairs on the great slaveship. After 45 years watching the rampant growth of prisons and the incarceration industry, it's hard for me to be optimistic that good outcomes will unfold now.

  14. A lot can happen in 9 years. New Governor can reverse laws. For Profit Prisons have big lobbies and don’t mind buying politicians. The law should go into effect immediately!

  15. So this only became a concern when it hits "ILLEGAL" aka, breaking the law immigrants? Hmm. Your focus strictly only on illegal immigrants = Trump 2020.

  16. California government has for once done something good for a change, banning private prisons that are Nazi Auschwitz style criminalization of innocent people.

  17. Perhaps the worst aspect of private prison industry is that they use their proceeds to lobby for further criminalization of the general public in order to increase their "occupancy" and therefore profits.

  18. 👮👮This is an outstanding event…no American citizen or citizens should get rich off of another American tax paying citizen before they became an inmate of a private monetization of suffering from citizens of America..nor any foreign money to profit from Americans in America..these prisons should be maintained by the state andor government of America..each prisoner that goes to a private prison cost tax payers about $100,000 plus per year as this corporation makes millions off of the war on drugs that targets minority Americans the most and these same individuals (minorities) can't even make $25,000 per year as a free citizen.minorities must go to prison as their worth in America is $100,000 plus dollars per year and maybe a quarter of that price as a free american minority citizen in America.

  19. Faze out by 2028 🤣🤣 ok come 2025 they will be full on private prison you think they are doing this for the American people 🤣🤣 they are doing this cause they want to help the illegal immigrants while your ass locked up

  20. California is the expert state on ground moving and breaking. Banning private prison is a ground breaking move. And California is the state in the federation that is best suited and qualified for such a pioneering move. Life was made for living not for making profits. Make it happen California. Never let profiteers and private prisons destroy the legacy of "Hotel California". World over people still enjoy the fact they are, "welcome to the hotel California". #noprivateprisonsforprofits.

  21. 2028? That's too long of a wait, to put the "professionals" in these private prisons and detention centers, on the unemployment line…

  22. I'm proud to live in California!
    2028 phase out? Damn that is so slow.
    I didn't know that 8000 Californian prisoners are housed in Arizona. Looking at the weather page of my newspaper, that would be downright inhumane for anyone who is housed south of the Grand Canyon, where daytime high temperatures exceeded 110°F daily and low temperatures are often over 90°F. It is nightmarish contemplating the victims of Sheriff Joe Arpaijo and of ICE who have outdoor tent cities in the southwest deserts!

  23. If you pay attention this is all about helping white and white like immigrants…..but black people are talking so it looks inclusive

  24. Pharmaceutical drug companies and private prisons wants to make marijuana usage illegal with very draconian punitive consequences that makes those two industries profitable and sustainable.

  25. What’s amazing is how California responds to illegal immigrants being locked up but, when Calif was massively incarcerating Black people everybody was on board.

    Also, California State Goverment cannot close down those facilities because they are Fediral facilities that’s funded by the United States Goverment. Immigration enforcement protected by the Constitution.

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