Canada’s Anti-Venezuela Policy: A Result of Material Interests and US Subordination

Canada’s Anti-Venezuela Policy: A Result of Material Interests and US Subordination

Canada has followed the Trump administration’s lead on Venezuela, but it’s charting a very different path with regard to Cuba. Yves Engler explains that while there are material reasons for the difference, Canada has followed the U.S. lead for a long time

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28 thoughts on “Canada’s Anti-Venezuela Policy: A Result of Material Interests and US Subordination

  1. They will get a cut of the largest oil deposit in the world, second largest deposit of gold in the world, and rare earths. Everyone will get rich except the Venezuelans, again.

  2. Why do they always call Venezuela a regime? What Freeland needs to do is to stand in her country and take a deep breath and there she SHOULD smell the regime right there underneath her nose… (Don't think I have to read and spell for her)!

  3. Pitiable Freeland, pathetic Trudeau. Canada’s government are making fools of themselves and they show to the whole world that they have given up any national pride and turned the country into a vassal of the US. Canada’s reputation as a strong, independent and principled nation is definitely ruined.

  4. Canada is another Zionist Occupied Country. Shame on all the politicians turning on Venezuela. Canada is just further down the list. The U.S. will get to them soon enough.

  5. Somebody should launch a coup against the Trudeau regime for corruption and incompetence. I'm not the least surprised that they are doing this for their corporate masters and don't give a damn about the lives of Venezuelans. Venezuela already has a democratically elected government.

  6. Christia "Freeland" like Victoria "Nuland". Beware! A commie by any other name is still a commie. Nothing true in Trudeau and Trump is a trump card. Zionists everywhere.

  7. This journalist needs to stop letting his political beliefs interfere with his work. I've been watching him for a while. I wonder if he is getting paid by someone that supports Maduro. It doesn't take that much research to realize the plight of Maduro's goverment in Venezuela's society and economy. I wonder, as a Jornalist and as a Venezuelan. Please, report the truth. Go to Venezuela an talk to the real people, not only with the officials. Watch the full reports that the BBC and other sources have published since the eraly 2000's on the venezuelan crisis. Look up the corruption of the goverment and their support to the narcoeconomy. Research on the Colectivos movement. Look up what the SEBIN is doing. That would be real journalism. Stop theorizing with the opinions of people that have never even been to Venezuela, and get the real facts.

  8. 6+ million people voted for Nicolas Maduro…so what "people" are these racist White politicians referring to ? The vas majority are Chavista brown Indeginous people!

  9. Without the immigrants population gasoline is 43 cents a gallon, milk is half price, a house cost 60 percent less, tomatoes 32 % less, Beef 39 % less, overpopulation makes you poor, NO more immigrants.

  10. what has Canada got to do with Venezuela isn't Canada a country becoming to Britain so it's not actually a free country is it ? Don't u think maybe their better to fight to leave the Commonwealth for their own democracy.who do those ordinary people think they are their voted in to look after their own country not get involved in others

  11. What are you doing Freeland? spreading false information its bloody sickening how the U.S controls you, are you an CIA asset or a student of the NED, stop this bullshit interference in Venezuelans business.

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