MP Niki Ashton tells Paul Jay that Canadian government policy in Indigenous communities must be premised on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, including the principle of respect for free, prior, and informed consent in cases of land development

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By elboriyorker


35 thoughts on “Canada’s Barbaric Policies Toward Native Peoples (2/2)”
  1. The same thing is happening in Australia and all through the Anglosphere where settler colonialism wiped out the native way of life…….ie, "history is written by the winners"

  2. Where's the part 1? The way you guys break up videos makes them really hard to follow. Is there any way for paid donors to access whole interviews? Many times they're broken up into small pieces and spread out over days and I end up only seeing part of the content.

  3. a big part of the problem is that the system that exists is almost impossible to reform. how exactly do you create an equitable funding model for a reserve that has no economy, and no economic prospects, and that was created for exactly that reason? as mentioned, they were shipped into these isolated enclaves, and essentially left to die there. but, when you talk to native peoples about their reserves, they've almost developed some kind of stockholm syndrome about it, as it's the last thing they have to hold on to regarding some concept of sovereignty, as absurd as it may be on it's face.

    there's some reparative justice in the idea of just shipping money into the reserves, perhaps, but there's no long term logic in it. and, that's the answer to paul's question: this doesn't get fixed because there isn't a lot of sense in building a hospital or a high school to service 300 people on shifting permafrost, 800 km from the closest airport.

    in order to seriously address the root cause of this, a lot of these reserves are going to need to be abandoned, and the people are going to need to be resettled somewhere that can actually support a population – and nobody really wants to have that discussion, least of all the indigenous people, themselves.

  4. ah, liberals! Your policies have done jack squat to help the poor. In fact, all the evidence points to welfare making things worse. “Systemic racism in Canada”? Is there another Canada, for which I’m unaware?

  5. It's so frustrating listening to this report. This is not real news, it's news with an agenda and it's not telling the whole truth. I have to vent here because there is no other news outlet in Canada where we're allowed to comment on this subject. There is no intentional exploitation on behalf of the Canadian government or the public to marginalize indigenous people. The truth that's not being told here is that indigenous people themselves are often the ones creating the separateness and isolation that they experience.

    Canada is home to people with many different origins. We're one of the most diverse societies in the world yet attempts at integrating indigenous people into society, despite the best of intentions at times, have gone very badly. The problem is multifaceted and complicated and can be seen by simple minded people as systemic racism. Don't believe it. It's not true. How can Canada deal with a group of people that often live in very remote locations, that consider themselves to be their own nations, separate from Canada, that spurn any interference in their affairs yet fully expect to be financially supported by the Canadian government because Canada has a "fiduciary" responsibility to indigenous people?

    Either declare and become your own nations with all of the responsibility that entails for your own care and growth or accept the fact that we are all one people and we need to share responsibility for each others care and well being and that entails indigenous contributions to Canadian society (in the form of resources and taxes). But to declare that you are separate nations unto yourselves but yet want others to pay for your education, services, healthcare, roads etc while keeping the land and resources for yourselves is to rob Canadians and yourselves of the richness of each others cultures, experiences and resources. It has to go both ways. And that's the real news!

  6. Native Americans and First Nations never knew poverty before the white man introduced capitalism. This is proof that capitalism is a failure and toxic. They should be funded to set up a free-energy, off-grid sustainable zone where their land is. Solar, wind, clean water, free internet, organic greenhouses. Forcing them to live in our toxic, failed way is cruel and arrogant.

  7. Unlivable reserves ? you're wrong on that point ,many reserves have the nicest lakes and hunting grounds . You like to do some sensationalism. They have the money and monthly check to do something with their life but they simply don't. Stop crying for nothing.

  8. 70% of Indians are always drunk and stone out of their minds. They have plenty of territory to go hunt and fish like they did before. They are mostly all rich with all those government checks. Not all reserves are bad but too many of them are. I've live on a so called dry reserve for 1 year (No alcohol ) but they were all stone out of their mind. Their houses which were given by the government look like dumpsters. They should stop whining and get their life together. Sorry but this is the truth. But don't forget that I've said that they are not all like this, some are hard working people and some reserves are flourishing.

  9. The leftist, Marxist agenda is fairly easy to see coming from this woman. Government must swoop in to help the poverty stricken indigenous people, provide for K-12 education (indoctrination) and to help steer them into a more westernized style of living. Yes Jay, the indigenous people are under assault, both from the left and the right.

  10. The government wants the aboriginal genetic pool to disappear so that it does'nt have to deal with land claims, treaties, special status re federal taxes. All these debates about immigration, it's laughable… We are all immigrants in Canada except for the native aboriginals…! Why are they not treated like 1st class citizens?

  11. Conservatives and Neoliberals are adamant about THEIR OWN property rights, but will enthusiastically endorse corporate and military intrusions anywhere on the planet they see something they can steal from the rightful owners.

  12. The more self-righteous, the more wilfully blind, e.g,, all that commitment blah blah blah woof woof and nothing happens. Something's radically wrong with this picture. That is 'the real news'.

  13. i've said this on a few sites and i believe it more and more THE HUNGER GAMES is THEIR final goal watch it because thats what's in store for us

  14. Canada's aboriginal people are on the verge of extinction – Inuit : 59,000 First nation : 850,000 – source Stats Can. 2011

  15. Terrible situations facing these people including the corruption within the First Nations such as "the millionaires club" and saleries of chiefs nearing 1 million. It's very disheartening when you see just how bad the poverty is, some not even having drinkable water in their homes.

  16. This is a very important topic. One of my pet peeves is when people go on a talk show and don't know how to speak in public. Their message is much harder to hear and take in when every other sound they make is "uh" and their voice is stuck in their throat. Please people, if you're going to speak in public and go on talk shows, learn how to speak and use your voice! Join Toastmasters or do something.

  17. hey Real News team. the first part has a different name from the second. this was hard to find. i like the talking here. maybe fix the title disparity so that other people can tune in quicker. peace.

  18. Unless the NDP are willing to fight to grant First Nations their full title rights, all the talk about honouring UNDRIP is just more empty rhetoric. First Nations must be given third order status, otherwise the Provincial and Federal governments will continue to rape and pillage their resources and steal their patrimony.

  19. Canada does not care about the Native people. They are allowing fish farming that destroy the wild salmon and the livelihood of the Native people. Canada has lost their core values, now it is money, money, and money. Canada does not care about people health and sell gene modified salmon. Farmed salmon is NOT healthy. Norwegian farmed salmon is the most toxic food in the world. Here is a documentary who proves it;

    In Chile the local fishermen has taken out a class action lawsuit against Marine Harvest for destroying the environment. Marine Harvest is also operating in Canada and Norway and is seen as the worst environmental criminals.

  20. People in Canada are the most smug stuck up people you will ever meet little Justin their PM is a spoiled brat born with a silver spoon . they will never admit that the north of canada is a 3rd world place but they love to bring in people from outside Canada from another 3rd world to put before native people . White liberals are neo imperialists

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