RCMP officers were instructed to use as much violence as they wanted at the blockade of the Coastal Gaslink Pipeline. Kanahus Manuel, an indigenous activist in British Columbia, said it’s part of Canada’s long colonial legacy.

Director/Video Editor: Taylor Hebden
Audio Engineer: Adam Coley
Chase Producer: Genevieve Montinar

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By elboriyorker


40 thoughts on “Canada’s Cops Were Ready to Shoot Indigenous Anti-Pipeline Activists”
  1. See the photo of the police State police? All you have to do is pay them and they'll be evil. (Money systems have to disappear. They aren't natural. But right now, they are even more perverse for they are married to people and organizations that are corrupt to the hilt.) How many of those fools, I wonder, mouth "God" and celebrate Christmas (which is 'using' God)?

  2. Kanahus Manuel tells a very, very different story about the origin of the RCMP (formerly NWMP) than John Ralston Saul. Her story lines with Todd Gordon's ("Imperialist Canada"). Saul's book is titled "A Fair Country" and if I hadn't read real history by people like Todd Gordon, I would not have known that the famous John Ralston Saul's account was establishment garbarge. Which is so discouraging because I found much of John's writing to be interesting and good (or maybe 'good' is what I think, not what is factual).

  3. what indigenous pipeline protesters? A bunch of white people built the protests, under the guise of the Wet'Suwet'en first nations, whom ALL 20 elected chiefs, and over 80% of the band members voted in support of the pipelines, and 5 hereditary chiefs (whom have no requirement to even be first nations) oppose it as per the funding their incorporated organization receives from Tides to oppose the pipeline.

    The police weren't doing anything, and have been protecting the ILLEGAL protesters, whom the indigenous people OPPOSE.

  4. they all want liquor money but only one chief got it. lol….. these stupid blockades over the years, giving them way to much slack. just think guys, after the pipeline goes in there will be a beauty grass trail for you to run your game down in your steel horse.

  5. The freedom fighters of Hong Kong stand with the "peaceful protesters". Come on Canada. You supported us. Now, lets all support the democratic rights of these "peaceful protesters".

  6. As a sociologist rejected by the state and ignored by the people that makes me part of the intelligentsia, along with teachers without schools, lawyers without practice, graduates without benefits, chemists without laboratories, technicians, engineers, without industry. So where and how do we an intelligentsia fit into this struggle? Where are all the gentle dreamers, reformers and humanitarians constantly punished for their dreaming that have not, in spite of themselves, been driven into open rebelliousness? There is no mood general enough that the very word, "student" is not synonymous with revolutionist. Thought and feelings are accumulated potential like a dammed-up stream has not broken the dam yet, or ever will. What the inteligentsia feel is patriotic defeatism. This energy of dammed-up thought, prevents the overflowing into action. The First Amendment auditors with their cameras, Extinction Rebellion chaining theselves to the pipeline, the 2nd Amendment gun right protesters that marched in Virginia against the governor Northram are not there? This is the State, the injunction area, the flashpoint of the war. The region is ideal for stopping an invading army, Natives have on their side three Generals, Mud, Winter, Ranges but the indigenous are not armed not organized as an army to draw them in and attack with Scythian tactics.

  7. I support your cause. I don’t want to see our fresh water polluted. As the holder of the majority of the worlds fresh water Canada has a responsibility to protect our most valuable resources. We can’t risk it for short term economic gains.

  8. I saw an indegenious boy on the bus in London Ontario drinking a bottle of mouthwash. I had to hold back my tears. The European mindset has to go! The earth has no place for it!

  9. Wet'suwet'en people were not just "blocking a pipeline," but defending their own land from forceful invasion by trespassers. This is Native land they are talking about.

  10. Unfortunately that is just the typical mentality of all police of today. They believe that it is their obsessive right to have a comply or die ego that somehow makes them better than the average citizen. How they treat and disrespect everyone is a problem but how they go out of their way to harass and abuse the indigenous communities is out right criminal. It is the power of the elite that rules the politicians of this Earth and they determine what anybody can or can not do in today's world. It is this fiat money system that dictates who listens and the elite know this all to well. Sadly it has become quite obvious that it is greed and ego that typically win.

  11. People who think its smart to hold a protest unarmed need to look at the reality that you make yerself sitting ducks for violence. Police will not attack a well armed protest. Because they are truely cowards

  12. It's just good to know the problems with LEO's are everywhere. It sucks, but at least we're not alone.
    Wonder how many of them are responsible for some number of the disappearing Native American and First Nations women. Violence against ALL women needs to end.

  13. So the UN has started stepping up there take over. If I see UN hats rolling down my road, I will take that as a Threat to me and my Family. These Terrorists / UN must be stopped.

  14. I have an advice for this native indians. Make a referendum and join your territories to Russia. Exactly as Crimea did. Believe me, the Canadian government,or corporate fascists, or USA fascists will not shoot you ever again.

  15. One thing for sure is that indigenous people will never be finished with the colonizers. They do the same thing in the USA and the colonizers will never change. They destroy everything they touch.

  16. You guy should join Steemit.com, I would like to donate some Bitcoin to support your cause. Please let me know if you have a wallet on Steemit so i can donate some Crypto … .god bless @ The Real News Network

  17. So, when Trudeau told New York Times Magazine that Canada could be the "first postnational state" because "there is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada," maybe, he meant what the Canadian government had in mind to do to the nations of Canada.

  18. Is anyone aware of where all the money comes from to run all this Anti Oil Activism? Why is it that the 5% of bands who don't like development and prosperity for Native people get a voice and the 95% of the Elected band members who support prosperity, get no voice. This is not Real News…Where is both sides of the story. Canada…wake up. Billions are being spent to suppress the Canadian oil business from other oil producing countries(via these Foreign Funded Special Interests). Native people are being used. The Activists come in, create Kaos, achieve their goals, and leave. Mean while, 95% of Natives remain in poverty, and the 5% get richer from the Foreign Funded money. Do your own research…..it's real. God Bless..pray for native prosperity.


  20. I really hope they are arming themselves if the govorment is already going to shoot. I'm armed in ontario. They have support in Ontario and we are armed to the teeth to. Look up canada native rangers. The home land defenders are natives. And if the military needed sharpshooters they will be asking the rangers here in ontario

  21. White supremacist corporations continue to oppress and subjugate indigenous peoples worldwide. Indigenous peoples have been so marginalized that the indoctrinated citizenry may have some sympathy but have no will to act. Genocide against indigenous people is a globally accepted practice. Spirituality is our only weapon. If we can collectively utilize this powerful force we can activate the rusty wheel and save the earth.

  22. If the Canadian media is as bad as it is in the US, they'll start calling the indigenous people "environmental terrorists" thereby allowing the government to circumvent their constitutional rights to a trial and just lock them up extra-judicially in Guantanamo.

  23. So tax dollar go to the cops to defend the citizens but they are actually used by the rich to defend the rich? What a surprise! /s

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