Canada’s Trudeau Attacks BDS, Joins Trump & Israel Blaming ‘Both Sides’ for Anti-Semitism – Everything Law and Order Blog

While apologizing for Canada’s shameful betrayal of Jewish refugees fleeing the Nazi Holocaust, Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau attacked the Palestinian rights movement BDS. Ali Abunimah discusses with TRNN’s Ben Norton how his “both sides” rhetoric echoes the false equivalence made by Donald Trump and Israel’s far-right government

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By phillyfinest369


30 thoughts on “Canada’s Trudeau Attacks BDS, Joins Trump & Israel Blaming ‘Both Sides’ for Anti-Semitism”
  1. Congratulations to Justin Trudeau for condemning the anti-Semitic BDS movement even though it will cost him votes within Canada's increasingly anti-Semitic left. His principled stance will not be forgotten by other voters.

  2. thry blame communsits and muslims all used
    80% of soviet gov were jews so exposing there control over communism and mass muslim migrations after obama openned the borders thats weakenning the world as israel gets stronger

  3. Trudeau says a lot but produces no facts what do u expect from a ski bum drama teacher, this guy couldn'"t run a 7 11 and the next guy the bald one who puts down Canada and uses all the SJW words and says Nazi and white supremacist over and over again but not one mention of Communism lol 100 million dead mostly white European Christains and some others, wheres even one Mueseum in the world for these victims that's right there isn't one if the bald guy hates Canada's past just leave get the fuck out

  4. Great work! Refreshing to see that someone is awake and truly understands the verbal diarrhea that Canadian politicians are blurting out to protect the illegal state of Israel. Many Jews are actually fighting Zionism has the greatest threat to them and certainly not for their security, never was, and history proves it. There is a very present, strong resurgence of right-wing, Nationalist, fascist, Nazi even such as in Ukraine, movement across the globe and most Western leaders are backing the fascist Nazi terrorists "leaders" which most certainly includes Israel and in my opinion, this hate is driven by Israel and the commonwealth minions…I believe the "New World Order" is being installed while again, blaming the Palestinians. How long will this immorality from our leaders last? Until they have secured a one global government for Israel and then the game will change dramatically for the worst.

  5. Ethical spending is not anti semitism…but really in our bs world you can say you dislike the israeli uniforms and they will call that anti semitism..

  6. Trudeau has changed his tune again, I thought after Israel murdered lots of palestinians and maimed Canadian medics in Gaza a few months ago he was calling for investigations – now he seems to be scared of the pro-Israel lobby by repeating their propaganda that BSD is anti semitic. Trudeau, Obama and Trump are all empty vessels just making noise without any real substance behind them.

  7. Turns away Jewish refugees, unilaterally dumps them on somebody else's backyard (not in Europe of course), scolds those from that backyard for antisemitism. Bitches about the "browning" of America and the changing of their culture on a land not theirs to begin with, and yet somehow expects Palestinians to be cool with the same issue.

  8. It's OK for them to massacre Palestinians. Totally unbelievable how biased they are with their double standard policies and views towards fairness of the rights and lives of the Palestinian people. Evil politicians is an understatement.

  9. This host is a fool. The so called white supremacist movement is led by the left . Richard Spencer was a leader in Op Wall Street.
    This is all Soros backed political
    theatre .

  10. This Globalist advocates open borders and the destruction of European sovereignty . No one mentions the 16.5 million Russian Christians and peasantry of the 3 Holodomors by 1925 in Russia . 10 million in Ukraine alone.

  11. Trudeau is another Zionist stooge.
    The old worn out excuses for their
    behaviors is working less and less all the time.
    We need independence here in North America too.

  12. Liberal ? Why is he selling weapons to Saudi Arabia ? At the same time he's shouting"Wolf Wolf" in the case of Badawi ? Corrupt Hypocrites !!!

  13. claiming ANYONE is a "Nazi" in 2018 is outrageous claim, requiring multiple pieces of concise evidence as well as a definition/qualification in order for any reasonably intelligent person to believe what you are saying is the truth, and not simply ad hominem

  14. The argument the other side has i don't think you've considered is that "hey theres lots of violent anti-semitism" is an argument for the existence of Israel, i mean we cant just leave them all in Egypt or Germany

    To be clear; if an economic sanction or boycott on Israel is severe enough it would KILL Jewish people

    And if you disbanded the nation-state of israel. Jews would Probably Die as the result of that too

    something to consider

  15. Doing America's bidding is what the Liberal Party of Canada has always done best. Even better than the Progressive Conservative party. US State Department says jump and Trudeau asks how high. Then apologizes for asking the question.

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